Chapter 10

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Hunter's POV

When I returned home everyone was talking about Jack and Alexandra. How she was in the hospital fighting for her life. The accident had caused internal bleeding when one of her broken ribs punctured her lung. The pack doctor said that she fainted because her body was in tremendous pain. Good, this is what she deserves. My wolf was crying for his mate. He wanted to be close to her, to give her comfort, help her recover. She was hospitalized for two months. One month in medical induced coma and one month in recovery.

I only visited her once when she was in a coma. As I looked at her pale face, I blamed her for everything. You see, I asked around in the pub and they told me that Jack left my party because she wasn't feeling well. So in my mind everything made sense. She was the only one to blame. After my visit I never went inside her room again. One night my wolf took control of my body and we went to the hospital. I gained control seconds before I could enter her room. As I turned to leave I heard one of the monitors make a loud sound and an army of doctors run inside her room.

Her heart stopped beating and for a moment I thought that she was gone. That I lost her. With great effort the doctors managed to save her life. Alec was relieved that our mate survived. Someone must have alerted her family, because they came in a hurry. Her mother was crying for her little girl, if only she knew that this rouge was the reason she lost her son. After that night she made a miraculous recovery. She was on her feet soon after that. But she had changed even I could tell. The happy, carefree girl was gone leaving a girl void of emotions behind.      

End of flashback 

Alexandra's POV

After I left the Alpha's office I went straight to the graveyard to visit my brother. I sat beside his grave and a sigh left me. "Hey brother. I'm back. It's my birthday today, I was supposed to wake up and see your smiley face. You were supposed to be with me. You know, I have some news to share with you, I was accepted to med school. I will make our dream come true, I promise you. Also I learned the truth about my heritage today. I just wanted to let you know that no matter what the Alpha says you'll always be my brother. I will make you proud you'll see. I have to leave you now Jack, I won't be able to visit you for a long time. But don't worry I'll try to be strong for you". I slowly got my feet moving. But I could feel that something was wrong. "we're shifting" my wolf informed me.

At that moment I started to scream for someone to help me. For Hunter to come and be beside me. But deep down I knew that he wasn't coming. He rejected me after all. I could only count on myself to make it. Bones started to break and my screams got louder. It's better this way, no one in this area can see my wolf. I have to be careful. I tried to convince my self that I was strong enough. "Come on Alexandra you can make it. Say it with me. I'm Alpha Alexandra Amelia Masters of the Full Moon Pack and I will change. This pain is nothing". My parents told me that when a wolf shifts for the first time the process it quite painfull. For an Alpha the pain was almost unbearable.

In one of our classes our teacher told us that there are some breathing exercises that can help ease the pain. I felt weak like my energy was leaving me at a much quicker pace that I anticipated. "We're weak because our mate rejected us before our first shift"  Alexia told me. Now I was afraid that I wasn't going to complete the change. "Alexandra let me take control, and finish the change. We don't have much time" I drifted in the back of my mind and prayed for this ordeal to be over.  After a little while I stood on four paws. I have to see my wolf and make sure that Alpha Smith told me the truth.   

Hunter's POV

I followed her again. She left my father's office, only to visit Jack's grave. It was her routine for the last two years. She would visit him, talk for a little while and then go for a walk in the woods. She was crying again.

I saw her move and hide behind a tree. Then I heard her scream and instantly knew what was happening, she was shifting. I thought that I should help her. Alec wanted to see his mate change. I on the other hand wanted to leave. So we decided to watch from a distance.

Her screams got louder and for a moment was afraid she wouldn't make it. I've seen mateless pack members shift for the first time in the past but her shift reminded me of my own. Time passed slowly and minutes seamed to be hours before a silver wolf stood in her place. Silver? I remember my father mentioned something about silver wolves in the past but I couldn't recall the memory. She was magnificent and emitting a powerful Alpha aura.

Before I could finish my thought she darted for the woods. Goddess she was fast. Alec wanted to follow her and chase her, claim her. He was fighting me for control again and I had to remind him once again that I rejected her this very morning.

I was heading home when I heard the growls. Immediately knew we were under attack. I saw my father and some of our warriors run towards the part pf the woods that Alexandra was running and I followed them. We almost reached the lake when a sharp pain pierced my shoulder. What was going on?

As we moved closer to the lake I saw her. She was back in her human form covered in blood. My father run towards her and covered her naked body with his jacket. Four rouges laid dead on the ground and a little boy was crying on the tree above her. She was still alive I could feel it, but she fainted due to the blood loss. The warriors looked around for more rouges and came back empty handed.

"She truly is amazing. She took down four of them alone. My little princess." my father said pride shining through his eyes. I got irritated, he never praised me this way. If she wasn't my mate I would think she was his daughter from all the attention she got from him. He then ordered one of the warriors to take her to the hospital. As he took her in his arms I growled possessively. Damn you Alec, now everyone will find out she was my mate.

She opened her eyes and looked around. She turns to my father and asked him about the little boy. "Relax Alexandra, you saved him he's just a little scared. You did good. Now let us take you to the hospital and have that shoulder checked " my father praised her. "Yeah, sure. I'll walk though. I thing I can manage" she said and left the warriors arms.

I was standing behind them, observing the scene. Voices interrupted my thoughts. "Did you see that? Our future beta is strong. Did she find her mate? Maybe if she didn't she'll give me a chance" "Yeah, she grew up nicely, I wouldn't mind tapping that" "Get in line man, I saw her first" I wanted them to shut up. I wanted to scream that I saw her first. I wanted to cover her body so they would stop checking her out. Alec was furious in my mind. Instead of claiming what was mine I only made things worse. I turned to the warriors "As if I would accept a rouge as my beta" and looked at her with a smirk.

She froze as my words left my mouth. She turned her whole body to face me. Her face was red from anger, before I could blink she closed the distance between us and slapped me. As I moved forward to grab her arm my father stopped me and with his head held low told me "Oh, Hunter, I wish you never said that"  

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