Chapter 23

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Alexandra's Pov 

After a week on the road I finally reached my destination undetected. There were no words to describe what I was feeling the moment I heard the click of the door unlocking. My home, I was finally back. Looking at the unfamiliar place tears run down my face. I should have been able to grow up here, with my parents, my family. But I was robbed of this chance because of the greed of one man. I let my bag touch the ground and navigated myself through the huge mansion. My father was a rich man making me a rich woman, but nothing came close to the reality of how rich he was. 

I was not looking at a few numbers on an account anymore. No, I was looking at the real deal. I tried to imagine the place full of wolves going about their day but my imagination failed me. Disappointed I went further into the house cautious about  any movement. I was alone at the moment but for how long? How long would it take them to realize that someone was using the mansion? If what Alpha Smith told me is true, the mansion is under constant surveillance. I have to move quickly. I follow a corridor and by pure luck I locate my father's office. Dust was covering the surfaces but everything seemed untouched. 

Thank you Goddess, I prayed silently. After searching for a while I found a safe hidden behind a bookcase. The lock was rusty from all the years it was unopened and at this moment I wished I knew more about my parents. Maybe then I would have a good guess about the code. But I had to try. I was prepared to break the whole thing from the wall if I had to. Imagine my surprise when it opened after the third try. My birthday, the code was my birthday. They loved me, they had to. Inside I found some bank statements, their marriage license and my birth certificate. A picture with a young couple holding a baby in their arms both of them having huge smiles. 

I really looked like him, my father. I had the same hair and eyes but at the same time I was built like my mother. Amalia Masters was a beautiful woman, delicate and fierce at the same time. In the back of the safe a journal caught my attention. It was old, leatherbound something a man would use. As I picked it up a yellow envelope fell down at my feet. I picked it up and saw that it was addressed to me. Another letter, giving me pieces of the story. 

I sat in my father's chair, looking at the view he used to look when he was alive. With heavy breaths I slowly teared the envelope open and took the pages out. 

My dear daughter Alexandra, 

If you are reading this letter it means that your mother and I are no longer in this world with you and  I'm so sorry for that. There are no words to describe how sorry we are that we had to leave you alone, but you had to survive. I know that the rouge king is planning something but at the moment his plans are not known to us. It is possible that we could avoid this whole situation If only I had accepted his request but I could not sacrifice you for my wellbeing my daughter. 

But first I need to take you back to the beginning, when this whole story started. As you are aware by now we come from a very special bloodline blessed by the Moon Goddess herself. We are descendants of the first rejected wolf Alisha. We hold her Blessings and the color of our wolf is pure silver. After Alisha got rejected by her mate she was brokenhearted but the Goddess visited her in her dreams and told her not to give up, that her second chance was close and that she had to accept him no matter what. 

Her second chance was a lone wolf who had been gravely injured in one battle and as a result had lost his eyesight as well as one of his limps. Once a proud and strong Alpha he was unable to accept his shortcomings. He was banished by the pack he gave himself to protect. He was a laughingstock , a joke amongst packs, the wolf who could not heal. When she met him she just knew that he was her chance at happiness but he pushed her away. He was not ready to accept that a perfect wolf like Alisha was his mate. As the time passed and Alisha wouldn't give up , she wore him down and he finally accepted her as his mate. 

After he was marked his eyesight returned and after he shifted for the first time after his injury, he noticed that he was whole again. You see one of her gifts was the gift of healing. He was whole again and it was all thanks to Alisha. But what was his miracle was coveted by other wolves who saw what happened and wanted to have her for themselves. The Goddess once again visited her and gave her, her guidance. Create a pack she said where you can rule fairly and with justice as your guide. 

This is how the Full Moon Pack was created, when one night while the moon was at its fullest the first wolf joined the pack Alisha and her mate created. Confused they witnessed the wolf change color and from deep brown he became light grey, a sign that he was part of their pack. As the pack grew bigger in numbers, the wolves that coveted Alisha multiplied and tried to kidnap her many times. But her mate along with her pack were always there to fight them and keep them safe. 

They lived a full life and had tree boys to continue their bloodline as rulers of the Full Moon Pack. We lived and prospered for years until one of the rouge lords came to my land with a proposition for me. As I was already twenty five years old and mateless he said that I could  take his daughter as a mate and join our packs together. I refused of course as I was not about to betray my bond with my mate before I even found her. He got rejected on the spot and left in anger. 

A few months later I learned that rouges attacked a small pack near my own. Not as close as Smiths pack but close enough for me to be concerned. Only a few survivors remained most of them women and children as most of the warriors were killed in the attack. I went  there and  I was not prepared for what was waiting for me. Your mother was on the brink of death fighting for her life hooked on machines in a cold hospital room. 

My mate was here, the one I was waiting for all these years and I was about to loose her without even meeting her. That's when I remembered the stories my grandmother used to tell me about Alisha and her lineage. I took a chance, marked your mother on the spot and prayed to the Goddess for a miracle. And she answered when your mother opened her beautiful eyes. She was the late Alpha's daughter but even if she wasn't I would still value her as my most precious gift. 

We returned together from her pack, leaving her brother, who was not with the pack at the time of the attack, behind to rebuilt everything that was lost. I even spared some of my members to help my mates old pack. For three years we lived happily together, until she started to lose her spark as she felt she was unable to give  me an heir. Kids are important in our lines, but you have to trust me Alexandra I never put any pressure on her. I was happy to live the rest of my life with just her by my side.  And then a miracle happened again. 

I almost lost both of you one night when the rouge lord, his daughter I had rejected attacked your mother. Thankfully Smith was there to save you both. I owe him for saving my everything, my breath, my life. 

For nine hundred years, the Masters line only had boys. You are the first girl to be born in our line and to tell you the truth it scares me. This past month with you was the best of my life, seeing you move your hands towards me, your big trusting eyes are my undoing. But there are many things about your birth that trouble me my dear Alexandra. Hours after you were born you shifted sweet girl into your wolf whose color was pure silver. I'm considered a pureblood but your mother was from another pack, so your color was supposed to be light grey. And your aura, oh Goddess, a month old baby with an Alpha aura stronger than mine. 

This leads me to believe that there is trouble ahead and I feel like I won't be next to you. For the past week I feel weak, my wolf is telling me that someone is doing something to us, to the whole pack. Your mother is worse than I am and the healer can't find what is wrong with us. I'm afraid for what the future holds. Soon after you were born the rouge lord came by our land again with another proposal. This time it was about you, the princess that was promised and his son, a boy a few years older than you. I refused again for the same reason, no one can rob you the chance to meet your mate and live your life with him the way the Goddess indented. 

My sweet Alexandra there is a room hidden in the mansion where you can find all the history of our bloodline and the special abilities each of us has. Almost everyone in the pack is blessed but my gut tells me you have all the blessings with you. I really wish I could be there with you and guide you the way my father guided me. The best I can do is leave this letter for you and the key to our history. The rest you have to figure out on your own. 

I will always be by your side even if I'm not next to you. 

with unconditional love, your father, 


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