Chapter 22

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Xander's Pov

I was eighteen years old when I first met my mate. She was a beta from a neighboring pack and our mating was written in the stars. A fierce warrior was my mate and a true Luna. We took our positions together and we got to rule our pack for a blissful year before she died saving one of my pack members. That day, was the day that my life ended. In a span of a few hours I lost my mate and the future she was not even aware she was carrying. 

I was lost,  almost driven to madness. If not for the support of my beta and my family I would follow her in death for sure. I gave up on everything that mattered and drank myself into oblivion every night. In one of those drunken nights I had a dream, one that for years thought it was just a joke my imagination made. Our Goddess came to my dreams telling me that it was all her plan, to love and lose that love, so when the second time came along I would be ready to appreciate the worth of having a mate. 

I was wandering confused for months after, barely making anything really. My father had to assume his place as Alpha until I got myself together at last. In my twenty seven years being in this earth never had I thought that my dream was not my imagination but real, until the moment I saw her. She was broken like I was and keeping everyone at a distance. The night of her initiation to the pack ,when I touched her for the first time and felt the sparks I was overwhelmed. She was looking at me like I was a stranger to her and I was afraid to acknowledge who she really was to me. 

I ran scared from my office and for the next two years I avoided her like crazy. At least where she was concerned I was uninterested in her life. But I knew her every move. Some nights that my loneliness got the better of me I tried to find her. I knew she was running alone deep in the forest but the only wolf I ever saw was this enigmatic silver one. The wolf emitting so much Alpha aura  that I could only admire from afar. 

Dreams of this silver wolf soon flooded my nights and that is when the Goddess visited me again. It is almost time, prepare yourself  she told me one night a few days before Alex disappeared from my pack. An angry yell woke me from my daydream and I looked at Alpha Smith beside me. He was as much of a mess as I was. He just found out that another lead we were following was a dead end. It was very difficult to find a wolf who was a trained warrior and doctor. She could mask her scent easily and so far she had outsmarted us at every turn. 

Her name was not in any flight itinerary, leaving us with a needle in a haystack. How are we supposed to find her if we have to search every bus and train station close to my territory. Don't forget she could have rented a car I thought to myself. "What about her credit cards? " Alpha Smith asked again. I knew she came form money but now that I really knew who she really was I knew we were in deep trouble. "I know that when she changed her name she moved some funds under her new accounts. But as these are private information I never knew the account numbers" 

After my fight with Alpha Smith in my office the day she disappeared we had a serious talk about her. He told me how he worked hard all of these years to keep her father's legacy alive. How every profit he made from his company would go to a separate account  on her name that only she could access. In her father's will he was her guardian along with my father, only my father knew she was dead. He hid her from everyone even her own family. When my father learned that she was alive and hidden even from him he was livid. 

Alpha Smith's reasoning was that he had to keep her safe with any means necessary and it was a huge risk to let anyone know that she was alive. It was a huge weight to shoulder all of these years if you ask me. What made things trickier was the fact that only the two of us were searching for her at the moment. If only he would let me invite my trackers, or his for that matter. He refused every time saying that it was an unnecessary risk. Deep down I knew that he wanted to avoid having to deal with his son for a little longer. 

I mean imagine raising a daughter and protecting her from every harm only to find that the heaviest blow was delt to her from none other than your own son. I never told him of my suspicions that maybe she is my second chance at happiness. She will be the first to find out if the Goddess made us for each other. Casper, my wolf growled in my mind when he sensed my doubts. What more do you want as proof you stupid human? You only had to touch her once more in order to find out.  

As a new day came and another one passed we were nowhere near finding her. With a heavy heart I made a hard decision. She clearly doesn't want to be found, she will be back when the time is right. Alpha Smith was lost in his thoughts but deep down I knew if he had a clear mind he would agree with me. Without him noticing I ended our two week search and drove towards my territory. He was so worn out that he fell asleep and woke up a day later when we were almost at the border of my pack. When he recognized where we were he barely kept it together. "What have you done? Why are we back here? We have to find her"  he shouted at me. I still drove without paying attention to his words. 

As we reached the packhouse a commotion draw my attention. Alex was back. She was standing in front of my car her aura unleased making my pack members trembling scared.  I took a moment to study her appearance. Torn clothes ,bloodied at some places. Her hair cut and dyed blond making it impossible to find her when we were looking for a black haired woman. But her anger was not directed at me, no. It was directed towards Alpha Smith. 

He opened the door and got out of the car ready to hug her. She took a step back and you could see the hurt in his face. "Thank Goddess you are safe Alexandra, I was so worried" She laughed at him, her whole demeanor strange. "Are sure about this Alpha Black?" Alpha Black? Why was she so formal with him? "Princess what are you talking about? Why are you"  before he could finish his words a loud growl was heard. Her eyes changed color and her wolf was talking with a voice earthly and unearthly at the same time. 

But what made my blood run cold were her next words "I know the truth Alpha Black, about that night. You never answered their call. They put their faith in you and you never answered." "Alexandra wait, what are you talking about? " She growled again and the remaining of my pack members run from the scene.. I never saw an Alpha kneel to the ground without being forced first but I guess there is a first time for everything. She stood tall like a deity from another realm. "It is Alpha Masters to you Alpha Black. We are done here. Leave" 

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