Chapter 36

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Alexandra's Pov 

No, it can't be real... But then again when he rejected me even I didn't know my real name... This means that I have to see him again and correct our mistake once and for all.  Deep down I knew that I had to see him again one day and after years dreading this reunion now with Xander by my side I have nothing to fear. 

Alexia was growling in my mind for being unable to connect with her mate because of Hunter and was all for a visit in my old pack. But first things first. I had to grovel for forgiveness to Alpha Smith. I picked up the phone and dialed a number I knew by heart. The familiar ringing sound vibrated in my ear as thoughts of what to say plagged my mind. What if he doesn't answer my call? I was very rude to him. 

"Princess?" I heard his voice after almost a year of hating him and somehow I forgot how to breathe. This was the man who was always by my side and I couldn't give him the time of day to explain what I was sure was the truth. Tears started to run and I took a heavy breath "Alpha Smith? It's me Alexandra. I just... just wanted to tell you how sorry I am" and... a waterfall of tears followed my statement. 

He just waited until I got myself under control before saying anything. " Alexandra are you feeling better? Princess I would never do something to hurt your family, and at the time it hurt too much knowing that you did. "  

"I know now that I was wrong that day and I should have listened to you. I should have. I'm so so sorry. What can I do to make it right? Tell me and I will do it. Anything you want." 

"Alexandra, I would never put conditions in order to forgive you for a misunderstanding , for anything really. Consider yourself forgiven from the first moment. I missed my little princess that is all. We can make up for the lost time if you want. I can arrange a visit so you can let me know what led you to this conclusion and we can see who really betrayed your father. " 

It was like the piece of my heart that was breaking over a year finally stopped aching. He was not mad at me, he had a heart big enough to forgive me and my rush actions without a second thought. This was who he always was though, the man who stood by my side through everything. 

"Alpha Smith, I have something else to tell you. I'm very happy and you're the first to know. I found my mate at last, he was in front of me for years but I couldn't feel him. He is the best Alpha, Xander is a dream that came true."  Silence followed my statement and for a second I was scared that something happened to him. I heard commotion from his side and then he growled "Hunter get out of my office right now" 

He was there... But then again why shouldn't he be? It was his house, his pack. I expected to feel something as this was the first time that I heard his voice in years, but nothing. Not ever a missed bit for my former mate. Only anger from Alexia.  Her feelings were running wild and I felt suffocated. There was a knock at my door and Xander appeared next to me. He saw me on the phone and came to  sit beside me on the bed. From my epression he figured out who I was talking to and remained silent. 

The argument on the side side of the line kept on going between Hunter and Alpha Smith and for a moment I felt like I was intruding their conversation. After a few minutes Alpha Smith talked to me again. 

"Dr. Masters I will arrange my visit shortly. You can expect me in the beginning of the next month. I will take care some errands and as soon as I find someone to handle my pack I will visit. I don't want any interruptions  we have a lot to figure out" Without waiting an answer from me the line died and the dialing tone greeted me. 

Xander  looked at me and a smile lighted his face. I moved closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.  I felt his hands moving up and down on my back soothing me. When I was calm once again, we talked about my phonecall with Alpha Smith, his future visit and how that made me feel. 

For a few days I was happy, really happy. My parents greeted my news with enthusiasm and requested a visit to meet Xander formally as my mate.

I talked to one of my old professors who specialized in mates and searched for days in the library just to confirm my first hypothesis. I had to go through the rejection again. This time I had Xander by my side to help me deal with the pain and I was sure it was going to be alright.

My talks with Alpha Smith over the phone were more frequent and I could hear his relief and happiness in his voice. Together with Xander we announced to the pack that we are mates and organized a small engagement party to celebrate in a few days.

Alpha Smith is going to visit us for the engagement and I couldn't be happier. Everything was working out.

Xander is amazing to say the least. He helped in my study in the hospital by allowing me to work with more patients and I had another breakthrough. My paper was published again and my name was gaining a lot of respect in the werewolf medical community.

He never failed to tell me how proud he was for everything that I had accomplished and how lucky he was to be my mate. Also he never failed to show me. Day after day I found him irresistible. I could spend all of eternity in his arms.

Don't get me wrong I was in his arms every spare moment we had. Even if I was busy at the hospital and he was drowned in paperwork and training we made it a point to spend every night together since we returned from my "trip".

When the day of our engagement party arrived I was not nervous I was ecstatic to announce him as mine and me as his in front of the world. But you know what they say, when we make plans the Goddess laughs.

The call to pick Alpha Smith from the airport never came. I was thinking of postponing the celebration until he was available but fate made other plans.

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