Chapter 33

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Alexandra's POV

Alexia growled loud enough to shake the whole warehouse. In a blink of an eye I untied my self breaking the chair while the three men tried to subdue me. I laughed bitterly as I realised one part of her speech was true, desperation gives you power and Alexia was desperate to avenge her brother. The young wolf who loved and protectd her, us all of our life. Grief took the better of me and I gave her part of my body's control. She was the fighter, the cold-blooded killer, I was the healer but together we were unstopable. Fused together one mind and one body we moved like water. The men went down quickly, they were all musle and zero training.

My guess was they were rouges. They were young, in their late twenties, maybe some of the children she spoke of earlier? Who knows. What I know is that, the only one walking out of here tonight is going to be me. Not because of my revenge, no. Because of all these people who gave their lives for mine, I had to live for them. She was running towards the exit but I caught her in no time. She was still wearing her heels from her speech for Goddess sake.

She hadn't planned this, the whole kidnapping was her reaction to seeing me up close for the first time. She was shaking with fear, her eyes wide form terror. We spoke as one, seconds before we ended her life. "Taking a life is never easy as a doctor yourself should know this, but I'm glad to end yours. As an Alpha I have the right to be both judge and excecutioner and I find you guilty for treason of the Full Moon Pack that led to a pack to being extinct. For the murder of my dear brother and for all ther murders you and your actions led to all these years. May you find forgiveness with our mother, the Goddess"

Her neck broke like a twig. I kept looking at her lifeless body wondering if I'm the same kind of monster she was. I looked at my handywork around the warehouse, we were brutal sometimes. Alexia snorted in my mind "We are not monsters Alexandra, we are Alpha. It is time we act like it"

After I made sure that noone could tie me to these killings I left the warehouse and tried to find were I was. It was already early morning by the time I made it out and it made it easier to ask for directions back to the hotel. I kept walking, at some point lost to all sence of direction with her speech going over and over on my mind. Someone wanted to have me and my abilities so much that in her mind it was justified to end my life.

She was also feeling guilty for some of her actions I'm sure, but my uderstanding is that she was not forced. She chose to betray my pack and all the attacks she set in motion. Now I understand more than ever how important is to find that man and end this story once and for all. I have to go back and tell everything to Xander and his father. If someone knows more about this rouge its propably his father. A man close to my father who holds some of his personal research.

As I reached the entrance of my hotel I found Xander barking orders to some of his warriors along with Dr. Sanders following him looking worried. I know what I looked like, torn clothes, blooded and my hair all mesed up. The warriors halted their steps when they noticed me by the entrance, relief was all over their faces when they realised I was ok. Xander saw that they stopped moving and was ready for another set of commands, but the moment he saw me a smile broke on his beautiful face. I run into his arms and felt like the world was right again.

"Where were you? Alexandra I thought that I lost you now that I finally found you. I checked the security footage you were taken" he said all in one breath. I took his hand and led him to the front office. "May I have a key for the room 305 please?" The front desk lady looked me up and down and before handing me the key she asked for my name. After we entered my room I went straight into the bathroom for a much needed shower. I needed to feel like me again before I tell him the events of last night.

Now that I think about it how did he come here so early, he must have left the pack last night after our call, or with the first flight this morning. The water in the shower runs stained with shades of red and brown as I scrub myself clean. I let the hot water relax my musles and move closer to the wall to keep me standing. I think about Jack and tears start running from my eyes. More minutes pass and a fog is formed in the bathroom. I heard a light knock at the door which means that Xander is propably worried about me.

I pull myself together and exit the bathroom wrapped in a towel. Xander is pacing the room and the moment his eyes land on me I'm enveloped in a tight hug. I rest my head on his chest and try to find the words. He moves us to the couch to be more confortable and I find solace in his scent. His hand moves slowly on my back soothing me as he listens to me talking. His movements still when he hears the part about the rouge and his son, about their plan for me.

At some point I must have fallen asleep because I feel him move and then I'm placed on the bed. He slips beside me under the covers and pulls me closer to him. I dream of us together, happy growing old.

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