Chapter 32

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Alexandra's POV

Water was running down my body and I tried hard not to shiver from the cold. Not a bad tactic if you ask me, it can make you unconfortable in a matter of seconds giving your oponent the chance to unnerve you. In this situation though I was the one waiting. She was standing in front of me with a smile on her face. Odly she looked unfazed, like she had all the time in the word to mess with me. 

What she hadn't taken under consideration was the fact that in a few hours, Xander will try to call me and all hell will break loose if he is not able to reach me. And in this moment a switch lights in my mind. I was taken without my will from my hotel room in the middle of the night, which means that I no longer need an alibi for my future actions. Everything I do will be seen by law as self defence. 

A smile breaks on my face after my realization. She must be thinking that she has me exactly were she wants me and I have to admit that I desperately need answers, that I have to get, one way or the other. So until I have them I have to play the role of a weak female. Ok not that weak, they propably know by now that I was raised as a beta wolf. 

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" I ask as I let my self feel the cold and shiver. I have to play the part well, be as genuine as possible.  I cast my eyes to the side franticaly seeking the location of the other men. Her team is covering the exits and I have to wonder, are they pack members or rouges? I can feel her gaze as she tries to measure me. 

"You look familiar, have we met before? I have no idea what I did wrong. Why are you targeting me? Is it for money?" She just stares at me for a few excrutiating moments and then a shrill laugh fills the silence.  "You are good Alexandra, I have to give you that. Very good indeed. You know, I knew you were alive and in Blak Water Pack. But that dammed Alpha kept you well protected. Why did you have to survive that night? 

So many lives wasted and for what? a little girl driving him crazy. When your father said no to his proposal the first time he kept it together you know. But at the same time his mind started to prepare for the future. Who could possibly expect a girl to be born? When he learned that your father met his mate he started to assault all the shewolves under him.Consent was an foreign concept. For the cause he said. He was sure one of the children under his command would be your mate in case his plan to murder your parents failed.

Plan after plan all failed. I guess that you know by now about your lineage, you were at the mansion a year ago weren't you?" I just looked at her trying to understand her words. No,  she was just baiting me. I kept my face emotionless and remained silent. It was too easy, she was talking, sharing her side of the story but for what end? She started pacing in front of me trying to read me. I have to believe I gave nothing away. 

"The woman who was tasked with your protection back at the Full Moon gave her life to deliver you to safety. We almost lost, you know. Even poisoned the pack was strong, so strong. Desparation can do that to a person, you find strengh within you in order to survive. You were supposed to die that night to save us all from this madness but you couldn't even do that right, could you? We thought that my brother's cover was blown when the Black Water Luna  started to suspect him after that night. We had to cover our tracks with another attack and then another and another. 

He attacked your new pack viciously without knowing you were alive, imagine what he will do If he finds out that you are still breathing. I have to end this quickly before he finds out. It's a shame really another life lost to the desire of one man but I have to protect my own you know. I have a family now. He or his son can never know. Your parents were good people, it was very difficult to betray them. They gave me a chance at a better life but at the same time my loyalty layed elsewere.  All the lies, all the times that I had to conceal the truth form them, especially your father. I came to care for the man, but I had a job to do. 

We are all passing from this world anyway. I'm sure you came all this way for answers in your quest for revenge, right? Who would have thought that you would personaly deliver Alpha Smith to us? After leaving you a year ago he started to fade. I'm glad I kept tabs in all of you Alexandra. Everything I did was for this moment. The moment your death would finally set us free. Without you, there will be no special bloodline, no blessed wolves, we will all be equal, or as equals we can be. " 

At this point she was just rumbling trying to justify her actions all these years. I still had one question in need for an answer. With a steady voise I looked her dead in the eye. "Where you behing the attack that killed my brother?" She stopped pacing for a moment lost in thought. She turned her back on me, she must be feeling safe because I'm tied to the chair. I was shaking, moments away from tearing  her and her team apart. 


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