Chapter 28

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Alexandra's Pov

It took me three days after I woke up to fully heal from my injuries. While I was in the hospital I did a lot of thinking about my next movements. The first day I was consumed by thoughts of revenge, so much that I drove Alexia insane. Her input was that we had to find the truth yes, but never forget that my parents gave their lives so I could live, a suicide mission was out of the question. We had to find the truth but we had to make sure that we are ready first. It took a lot of courage to ask Alpha Xander to train me and I was pleasantly surprised that he agreed to my request. 

The second day an idea was born from my own experience. I saw how long it took me to heal and I wondered If I could use my abilities to help other wolves in need. I had to find a way to heal all of these unmated wolves out there. If I had all of the power Alisha held, as my late father suspected, I could do a lot of good. What amused my though was Alpha Xander's behavior. He was by my side most of the day trying to make me feel better. He even told me to call him Xander as he felt weird for me to address him as Alpha. Whatever. Every time he came for a visit I felt Alexia being pulled closer to him. 

I mean sure he was an impressive man with beautiful features, but still I held firm in my place. I had no need for a man in my life at the moment and I wasn't sure when or if ever I would be open to try again. Only time would tell. But this was me, Alexia had other thoughts and she was driving me crazy.  Every time he walked into the room she would take the time to count all of the things she liked about him. Like now for instance she was drooling over his chest. And what a sight it was, the way his black shirt hugged his muscles. Alex snap out of it! He is just your Alpha. 

He had an easy smile on his face that revealed a level of confidence that made you jealous of him. What would be like to have a man like this dedicated to you? My thoughts again run wild while he was looking at me with a knowing look. "How is the patient doing?" "Good, I think that I'm ready to go home"  I told him truthfully. "There is something I need to talk to you about your living situation. I think that for the time being it would be best if you stayed at the packhouse. The amount of research we have to do, all the training plus your internship will leave you no time to spare, in back and forth to your apartment" 

At first I was ready to argue with him but then I thought the issues he raised. He was right my time already was spread thin without having to drive one hour to my apartment. He saw  the reluctance in my eyes and added "I mean you can keep your apartment if you want but make sure to spend most of your time in the packhouse. I prepared a room for you in my floor so no one will bother you there." Wow, just wow. He gave some thought to his suggestion from the looks of it. Well then, the packhouse it is. 

During the first months after my injury Xander was following me like my shadow. Not that I had a lot of free time as the training sessions were hard leaving me feeling exhausted every day, but also my internship was giving me a run for my money. So many people, in cold hospital rooms alone, trying to recover from various illnesses that a typical werewolf would have no problem dealing with at home. Many matings just for  sake of one's health and not a breakthrough in my theory on the horizon. 

After a year I started to give up, until one day instinct took over and I bit one of my patients. I was ashamed of my actions but Alexia told me to wait and see. The next day the patient showed signs of improvement and by the end of the week he had regained his senses. I was so excited that I had to share the news with someone. Without sparing a second thought I run into Xander's office and into his arms. "I did it, Xander! It worked! I healed him!" He had no idea what I was talking about but my enthusiasm seemed to be contagious. Still in his arms, I looked into his eyes and got lost in the forest green. 

He tightened his hold on me and soon his lips touched mine. It was a gentle kiss, like he was holding himself to avoid scaring me, but at the same time it felt like he was savoring the feeling of our lips caressing one another. I was so lost in his kiss until I felt them, sparks. I froze on the spot and he noticed that something was wrong. Alexia was purring in my mind one moment shouting angrily at me the next. 

I left his embrace and turned my back on him. He was breathing heavily and tried to touch me again. He couldn't be my mate could he? But it was not the first time we touched, he had touched me countless times during practice and I never felt sparks before. Yes, because you closed yourself Alexandra. You healed this past year and now you are ready for him. I looked at him and hated what I saw. He was afraid of my reaction. "Did you feel them too? Don't even think about lying to me"

"Yes I did, you felt them at last" Wait a minute what did he mean at last? How long ago did he found out? Why would he hide it from me? "I can see that you have a lot of questions Alex and if you give me a chance I will tell you everything you need to know" Give him a chance Alexandra, please hear him out. I want my mate  said Alexia. 

"Ok I'm ready to listen. I can't tell you that I will accept what you have to say but I will listen" 

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