Chapter 8

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Alexandra's Pov 

A loud voice brought me back to reality. I whipped the tears from my eyes and noticed the time. I was late for my meeting with Alpha Smith. I slowly walked to his office and knocked the door. "Come in Alexandra" Alpha Smith said. "Sit down. I would like to wish you Happy Birthday Princess" he said smiling. " Did you by any chance find your mate today?" he asked me with concern all over his face. "No Alpha, sadly I did not"

"Mmm, I always had a feeling that your mate was in this pack, maybe i was wrong" he said scratching his head. "Well Alpha, thank you for your concern but you said that you will answer my questions today." he looked at me with pain in his eyes. "I see you want to skip the pleasantries and go straight to business. In that case let me tell you a story.

Two decades ago when my father stepped down as Alpha, our pack was the smallest one in the area. Rouges were roaming the territory unchecked. We were loosing members all the time. Things were really bad. Next to us was one of the strongest packs in the country, the Full Moon Pack. You would think that being next to them would keep us somewhat protected right? Sadly that was not the case. Alpha of the Full Moon Pack was Jason Masters. He was a strong Alpha., powerful. He was kind to his allies and ruthless to his enemies. 

But the rouges started to gather and formed a pack. They wanted to claim my territory and they were determined to kill all of us in order to succeed. So I joined forces with Alpha Jason in order to beat them and eradicate the problem once and for all. "Alpha, I'm sorry to interrupt, but what is this story have to do with me?"

"Be patient Alexandra and hear me out. When I finish my story i promise that you'll understand. So, where was I? Oh, yes. So, we joined forces and manages to beat them. Or so we thought. Five years passed peacefully. The late Luna and I had Hunter and Alpha Jason found his Luna, Amalia. Life was good. My pack was still small but we grew stronger with Alpha Jason's help. One night I was driving home from the city when i noticed a car crashed on the side of the road near Full Moon's territory. Three rouges were circling the car and a young woman was unconscious inside. 

I stopped and fought the rouges and after i managed to kill them all I went straight to the car. The woman was gaining her senses and hugged her stomach to protect it. Before i could say a word to reassure her that i meant no harm i heard a loud growl behind me and wolves came at me from the woods. And then i saw him. Alpha Jason running towards the car. He recognized me and after he made sure that the woman was unharmed, took her in his arms and walked towards me. That's when i noticed her small bump. 

They were smiling at me and it hit me. She was Luna Amalia and she was pregnant with the next Full Moon Alpha. "Smith thank you. Thank the Goddess that you were here to protect both of them. I don't know what i would have done if I lost my queen and my princess." I was glad that i could help but my mind was with Hunter and Grace. What if they were attacked when I was away? " I will never forget what you did for me today Smith, I'll always be in your debt". He then left with the Luna in his arms. I run back home to make sure that everything was alright.

I thought that was the end of my worries but i was wrong. You see one of the rouges I killed was the son of their current leader and they followed my scent back to my pack. Three months later they attacked my pack with everything they got. We were strong but still not a match for their numbers. We were loosing warriors and pack members by the minute, I thought that was the end. Grace was fighting next to me barely keeping it together. In that moment i vowed, that if we somehow survived i would make sure to expand my pack so i can avoid another attack like this one. As i made up my mind i heard it. 

That growl that would change my life forever. Alpha Jason was standing on top of the hill above the pack house. His whole army was with him, the Full Moon Pack came to our rescue again. After their arrival the battlefield was filled with bodies. I had lost many members but somehow we survived, we made it. That was the night that you were born princess". I felt tears sting my eyes, this was a sad story for sure but lost in my thoughts I still couldn't make the connection between these events and me. I saw Alpha Smith move towards his safe trembling by emotions. 

"I knew this day would come" he continued "and even though I had eighteen years to prepare myself I still refuse to accept the way things ended back then". He pulls a small chest out of the safe and hands it to me. "A month after the attack on my pack I was called late at night to the border. An injured woman asked to speak with me. She was on the brink of death when i arrived. I noticed the uniform she was wearing. The Full Moon's head warrior was in front of me with a baby. She begged me to protect the baby with her last breath." I open the chest and glance inside. 

There was a white silk baby cover with the Full Moon's insignia and two letters. One addressed to Alpha Smith and one addressed to Alexandra Amalia Masters.

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