Chapter 9

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Alpha Smith's Pov 

I sat behind my desk and watched Alexandra read her letter. Tears were running free from her eyes as realization hits her. "My parents were the Alpha and Luna of the Full Moon Pack? What happened? If they were so strong how could they leave me alone?" I looked at her silent. How could I tell her that she was still in danger? "I don't know Alexandra. Really i don't know. One theory is that they targeted your mother as she was not as strong as your father and killed her first. After the loss of your mate your wolf loses power, add the pain to the mix and you have a temporarily weak Alpha." She still wasn't sure. Her next question got me off guard. 

"Why would Hunter say that I'm a rouge?" I just looked at her and my anger for Hunter's words grew. How could he say such a thing. And then I remembered the night we lost Jack, the rouge called her the rouge princess. But that means that they know who she is or they had suspicions and they were testing me. I had to do something. "Alpha?" she said when I never gave her my answer. "That couldn't be further from the truth " I answer her "Alexandra you have to understand that everything I did was for your protection. Grace wanted to raise you as our own pup, but being raised by the Alpha family would put a target on your back. So the next best option was the beta family. 

You would be close and protected. I'm sorry that I kept it a secret for so long, but I had to make sure that you would be able to take care of yourself before I told you the truth. When you shift for the first time you'll see that your wolf is bigger than a normal beta's. That's because you're an Alpha Alexandra, powerful like your father from what I can tell. You may be stronger than me for all i know. But you must be careful. The rouges are still looking for you. They know that you're a female but not that you're here. They are looking for a silver wolf, not grey, silver, it runs in your family." 

I watched her as she stood and hugged the chest tightly to her. "Who else knows?" she asked me. "Only my late mate and me, not even your adopted parents know" she raised her head in understanding and before she exits my office says "let's keep it that way".

Hunter's pov

"Not even your parents know" I heard my father say. What don't they know? Why don't I know? "Let's keep it that way" she replied and I ran away from the office before I got caught. I watch her leave my father's office carrying a chest. I decide to follow her from a distance. The instance I found out she was my mate I became her stalker. I know right? I'm pathetic that way. I maybe hate her but my instinct to protect her is still strong. I thought that after the rejection I would feel liberated, but no, I still feel the same. Maybe I was wrong to reject her but after that night, I can't be with her.


She was looking at me with those blue eyes and I wanted to drown in them. Alec was bitching in my head, that I should hold my mate in my arms and not the shewolf I was currently holding. But she doesn't feel that way. Every time I look at her direction she averts her eyes. My ego was taking hit after hit with her actions.  How could she not feel the pull? Was our bond so weak that I was the only one affected? 

I was so angry that I took the shewolf at the back of the pub. The first time I had sex was out of anger, in a filthy corner with a nameless shewolf. I felt empty, dead inside. When it was over I lingered for a little. I needed to think my actions. As I staired at the starless night I felt ashamed. What had I done? Then suddenly I felt scared, fear for my life. That can't be right I thought, I'm safe here. "These are not your feelings, our mate is in trouble" Alec growled. "What?" I run inside the pub and I looked for her. She must have left. I grabbed my keys and drove towards the packhouse. 

Something was wrong. After five minutes on the road I saw their car, it was upside down and Jack was lying on the ground. A wolf came at me out of nowhere and I immediately linked my father for help. The rouge growled at me and for a second my whole life passed before my eyes. I fought the wolf with everything I had but I could not shift. I had only shifted once and it would require time that was a luxury I was lacking. So I tried to stall him until my father arrived. Beta Steven was with him and when he shifted to his human a loud scream left him as he hugged Jack. 

Jack was not moving and that is when I saw it. The bite in his neck. No, no, no. As one of the warriors beat the rouge, my father commanded him to shift. The rouge had an evil smile when he said "You were too late this time Alpha. I got to them first. Your rouge princess is dead". With a precise move my father ripped his heart from his torso. He then looked at me, "Check Alexandra, she's still in the car". Steven was still crying over Jack's dead body but I was still frozen. I refused to accept I lost my best friend, my brother. 

As I failed to move, my father walked towards the car and pulled an unconscious Alexandra out of the wreck. "Thank Goddess she's alive. Come on, we have to take her to the hospital" "What are you doing protecting a rouge? Jack lost his life because of her. JACK" I was screaming now, my grief making me hate her more with each passing second. And there she was, in my father's arms her life hanging by a thread. "You don't know what you're talking about boy. Everyone hear me out. She will never learn what really happened here tonight. It will break her. What the pack needs to know is that they were in a car accident and Jack died on impact. No one will tell her and that is an order" my father said.

"You can't order me, I'm an Alpha don't forget" I was livid. But his next words made me reach my breaking point. "Listen to me Hunter, you maybe my son and have Alpha genes, but your behavior suggests that you are not an Alpha". He then walked away. My father carried Alexandra and Steven carried his son. I got in my car and drove aimlessly for hours. 

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