Chapter 16

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Hunter's Pov

The way my talk with her parents finished left me very, very upset. I used to sleep, eat, hell I almost lived with them before we lost Jack. I considered that house my second home, my second family. After loosing my mother theirs was the closest mother figure I could cling on. What bothered me the most was the way they treated me, sending me away like I was unwanted. Had she told them about the rejection? No, she wouldn't. She kept it a secret. No one knew that we were mates. She even refused having a mate. At this thought Alec growled. " she is mine, no one else can have you stupid human, you cost me my beautiful mate. I only saw her once."

I was outside my father's office when I heard him scream at someone on the phone "It was supposed to be temporary. NO this is unacceptable. What ties? NO. NO. Have her call me as soon as possible I need to get to the bottom of this. No Steven, what do you mean she is not ready to talk to us? No she is my daughter as she is yours. No dammit she has to come back. Where is she? You don't know? She is barely eighteen and you let her leave? She cut her ties to the pack Steven, to me. What do you mean she left me a letter? to explain? the time to explain was when she was here. What was she thinking acting so irrationally, she is not like that. She thinks before she acts.

No Steven, there is no way I'm sitting still while she's god knows where. She is not safe Steven, you don't understand. Hold on, I have another line. WHERE ARE YOU? Alexandra why? Did I do something wrong? Why would you take so drastic measures to separate yourself from us? What letter? No, I haven't read it yet. What do you mean it is easier this way? We'll talk about this again. Call me tomorrow first thing in the morning. I'm sorry but you don't have a choice. No, you have to tell me where you are. Alexandra please, if you don't tell me where you are the least that you can do is give me regular updates. I can't protect you if you don't. Travel? alone? with the rouges running around?

OK, OK I will let it slide for now. If you don't keep your promise I'll have someone track you down. Don't mess with me princess, you can't possibly imagine the lengths I'm willing to reach in order to keep you safe. Get some rest now. Don't shift out in the open, beware of your surroundings, take care princess. I heard him reaching for the door and run away like a scared little boy afraid to be found. She left the pack, she was the one that broke her ties. Alec was pushing me to take control so I went for a run before he could force to shift inside the packhouse.

As soon as he was set free he darted for the hill above the packhouse and let one of the most heartbreaking howls I've ever heard. He was in pain, hell I was in pain. She chose to leave and at the moment I selfishly thought it was for the best. Many of our pack members came outside to see what was wrong. Standing under the sun I watched them feel our pain. Mine and my father's.

The very same night the first rouge sighting occurred. There was a note with some place marked on a map. Before I could get my hands on it to see it clearly my father had snatched it from my hands. I only remember the phrase The heir is alive. For how long Alpha? I could not understand the meaning behind it but my father froze in his position when he read it.

Alexandra's Pov

The first days in the new pack were a handful to say the least. As soon as I left the Alpha's office beta Carl led me to a room that would be my temporary home until I found one closer to the university. I was happy with this arrangement because I needed time alone to figure things out and being in the packhouse surrounded by people was not a valid option. Alpha Xander was quite irritated with me when I refused to attend the monthly run with the rest of the pack but quickly dismissed me.

He gave me the cold treatment after that until the day of the initiation trials came. After I aced all of the human compact maneuvers and managed to beat his head warrior in human form while he was in his wolf form, the Alpha called me into his office again. He then took a knife from one of his desk drawers ready to perform my initiation ritual. That's when a thought came to mind. I love my adoptive parents to death, but at the same time I wished to honor my birthparents as well.

I quickly stood and paced around the office. "Did you change your mind? It's not too late you know. Alpha Smith will take you back in a heartbeat" he told me while mocking me. I looked him right in the eye to show him how sincere I was about my choice. "No Alpha. I just wish to be initiated using my real name. The name my birthparents gave me" he kept starring at me like I was a riddle that he wanted to solve but really not cared enough to do so. He nodded his head and finally said "This option is possible. You will have to fill some paperwork later with the administration office of the pack and your school. What would that name be?" he asked me in a calmer tone. "Alexandra Amalia Masters Alpha"

He held the knife with his left hand and sliced his right palm with it before doing the same with mine. As our hands touched I felt a course of power run through me and looked at him wearing the same expression as mine. "Welcome to the Blood Moon Pack Alexandra Amalia Masters" he said with his deep voice before he left the office leaving me still in a daze. Suddenly countless voices filled my head giving the familiar felling of belonging in a pack. Everything would alright from now on. Or so I thought.

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