Chapter 18

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Hunter's Pov 

They say that time heals all wounds. I guess this applies to all physical wounds, because mine? not healed at all. My life changed drastically in a few moments. The moment I realized that Alexandra left the pack I also felt Alec withdraw in the depths of my mind. For two whole years this wolf was nagging daily in my mind and then... silence. He blames me for loosing his mate, for not having the chance to meet her, for not giving her a chance. 

Some of the pack members blame me for the loss of their beta. But worst of all is my father. He may not know the whole truth behind her departure but he knows something is amiss. The first months after she left he was like a shell of his former self. Grief said the doctor was hitting him hard. Was she so important to him? And if she was, why?  

As for me? I was not doing good. I missed her like crazy. My stalker tendencies got the best of me and I broke into her house one night. Imagine Steven's surprise when he caught me in her room, sleeping in her bed hugging her pillow. How I managed to escape the wrath of the former beta still amazes me. The funny thing is that my father never mentioned this incident to me, or the next ones. 

A year after she left, things took another turn. The rouge attacks increased in number but not in casualties. Its like they were looking for someone, or more specifically, the heir. Who was the heir? Heir to what? Whoever they were looking for was not here, so their attacks slowly decreased and after another year stopped. And if that wasn't strange, I started to notice other strange things. Like all these secret meetings between my father and that young doctor, Dr. Mattheus. 

They would talk for hours behind closed doors and no one was allowed to disturb them. One day after one of their so called meetings I snuck inside his office and tried to break into his safe. I must have tried hundreds of combinations until  it hit me. Her birthday. When I heard the familiar click indicating the safe was successfully opened my anger flared once again. Of course he would use her birthday as his code. 

The content of the safe though had my blood run cold. Pictures of grey wolves, members of our pack and marks indicating that whoever they were looking for was not one of them. And then a picture taken two years ago of a silver wolf marked. This was her wolf, Alexandra's. It was taken the day of her first shift, when she took down these rouges. She must have missed someone and he had taken her picture. 

My doubts once again got the best of me, but before I closed the safe I saw another picture with a young couple next to my mother and father. All except my father had X marked on their faces showing what? My mother was dead, was I to believe that the other couple was also dead? They looked familiar for some reason like I knew them but I was sure I never saw them before. The man's eyes through. Vibrant blue, almost like her eyes. I was confused for a few seconds until I heard the alarm ring. Another trespassing? I quickly closed the safe and run towards the border only to find my father holding another note. 

Alexandra's Pov 

"Alpha what are you doing here?"  I left his strong embrace and looked at him. Two years had taken its toll on his appearance, the strong man that helped my parents raise me was loosing his edge. He took a step back and studied me. A warm smile curved on his lips and he took me in his arms again.  "You have grown so much Alexandra, you look more like your father. Oh, I missed you princess." He gave me another crushing hug and led me to his car. We drove back to the packhouse and I saw Alpha Xander waiting for us. 

"What is going on?"  I asked confused. My interactions with Alpha Xander over the two past years were minimum to say the least. I would go as far as to say that he was avoiding me. So imagine my surprise when they both led me to his office and told me to have a seat. I was getting worried about this meeting. I looked at  Alpha Smith and asked again "what is going on? why are we here?"  I got my answer from Alpha Xander instead. 

"Your former Alpha requested this meeting when he asked permission to enter my territory. I'm as clueless as you seem to be." Ok, so something must be wrong. "Are... are my parents ok?"  I asked, afraid of the answer. He looked at me and took my hand in his. Like this little contact gave him the strength to say what he came here to inform us about. 

"How much does Alpha Xander know about you Alexandra?" Stunned, I got up from my chair and started pacing the room.  Then I slowly turned to look at Alpha Xander, who was looking at me like he knew that something with me was amiss. "Only that I was adopted into your pack after I was left in your border. I only shift when I'm alone deep in the forest. " Alpha Smith got up and led me back to my chair before he started pacing the room again. Then he turned to look at Alpha Xander. 

"What do you know about the Full Moon Pack Alpha?"  His question took him by surprise I could tell. He pondered for a few seconds before he said "The Full Moon Pack was one of the oldest and strongest packs of the continent. Although strong it got to its highest position under the leadership of Alpha Jason. In the young age of eighteen he got the Alpha position after rouges killed his parents in a tragic accident. Ten years later he met his mate and Luna of the pack and had a child with her before the whole pack was mercilessly massacred one night.  

Rumors say that they poisoned the water supply with wolfsbane over the course of a whole week so it would go undetected until the night they decided to attack. There was nothing they could do to save themselves. Even the few pack members that survived the attack were tracked down and killed like animals. The rouges were determined to wipe out this majestic line. If what was said is true the Full Moon Pack were the descendants of Alisha, the first rejected wolf."  I was stunned with all this new information. Alpha Smith stood behind me and put his hands on my shoulders to relieve some of my tension. 

"In that case Alpha let me introduce to you Alexandra Amalia Masters, heir to the Full Moon Pack"

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