Chapter 31

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Alexandra's POV

Maria Fernandez or should I say Maria Suarez? The woman in front of me looked right in her element as she finished her very interesting lecture on her study all these years and the results she got back. I have to say as a fellow doctor I could see the value in her work. As I hid in the back of the hall, my eyes followed her everywhere. She took her time to talk to all of the students and professors in attendance with equal enthousiasm.  I have to give her credit though. Just by looking at her no one could possibly think that this calm face, hid a traitor. 

What really confuzed me though was her age. She was young, in her mid forties. She must have been my age when she first came to my father's pack. My investigation still fresh in my mind, had given me many answers. Maria and Juan Fernantez, siblings born and raised rouges. Maria was younger and always followed her brother's command, as he inherited his father's gamma blood. She was weaker though, even in pack standards she was barely higher than an omega. This was going to be easy. As my mind was running a mile an hour, I still kept tabs on her. 

My professor at some point managed to get my attention and I lost her temporarily. Let her be, these are her last days before I get my hands on her.  Back at the hotel, I tried to enjoy spending time with my peers. I had to act normal in ordeer to avoid suspition for my plan to work. But first things first. I had to convince my professor that I had to leave on my own. For my plan to work I had to have a strong alibi. My adoptive parents could always provide one for me but that was too risky, as I had to return to my old pack in order to back my claim. No, it had to be something else. 

The answer came in the form of an invitation to join another pack for a few days. The funny thing was that it was from the exact pack that my father's frenemy ruled, Maria's pack.  Torn between the invitation being a trap and my curiosity I quickly send a message to Xander about my current location and my future plans of visiting the White Fang Pack. Moments after I heard my phone ringing and as I picked the call his voice came. 

"You do realize that this invitation could be a trap right? You are alone without any form of back up. I think you should find a reason and decline. We can visit them later now that you know where she is, she has a life there it is not easy for her to leave them behind and dissapear again" I have to say that he had a valid point but my gut told me that this was not the case. If this trip was indeed her trap, she would soon find out that I'm not that easy to scare. 

"Xander I know, I can see your point of view but something tells me that I should go over there now. If this is indeed a trap, then she must know who I am right? Alpha Smith may had betrayed my father but has kept me safe for all these years. He put his pack in danger for my safety Xander. The least I can do is find the truth, what if he never betrayed him? What if I misunderstood something? I have to find what happened, it's eating me alive not knowing, he was a father figure to me growing up. I know that I overeacted when I last saw him but I want to change things. " 

"Alexandra, wait for me. Give me a day to make arrangements and I will join you. We can go together, no one will dare to hurt you while I'm there. You are my mate Alexandra, I can't risk your well being. Never. "

"You know what? I can compromise with you. Make your arrangements and visit the pack on your own, find a reason but don't mention me. You are right, I will feel safer with you there. We both know that I am capable of handling her myself, you trained me after all, but at the same time I will be at ease knowing that you are close in case I need you." 

After talking a little bit more,  we hung up , took a quick shower and I let sleep claim me. I was in the middle of a very painfull nightmare when I smelled someone in my hotel room. With my eyes still closed I tried to figure out how many wolves were in my room. There was a mixture of scents but something was dulling my sences. 

She came to me intead of waiting for my move, interesting. I had to make a quick choice. Let myself be taken and give them a false sence of security or fight my way out of this kidnapping? Alexia was unresponsive which led me to believe that they laced the air with somekind of sedative. Well then, let them kidnap me.  

I tried to hide my smile as I pretended to loose my sences and let them carry me to a car. Pretending to be unconcious? not an easy task but I had to make them believe I was out cold. Three men were tasked to bring me to some kind of warehouse. I let them tie me to a chair and waited patiently for them to come up with a plan to wake me. Only the men were present at the moment and for a second I was worried that she may not be the mastermind behind this night's events. 

 Cold water drenched me from top to bottom and the moment I opened my eyes I wanted to laugh. She was standing in front of me. 

"Hello Alexandra, long time no see" 

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