Chapter 17

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Alexandra's Pov 

Monday morning comes and I'm getting ready for my first day in my new school. Werewolf Medicine, is one of the most difficult majors one can choose and I couldn't be happier I was accepted. As I walk through the crowded campus I notice my fellow students run about their day. Finally, everything starts to work out, I feel like I belong. As I take my seat in the front of the classroom I pull my notebook out of my bag and get ready for the lecture. A boy my age comes to sit next to me flashing me a big smile. 

"Hello, you must be new here, my name is Mark." "Hello Mark, I'm Alex". It is at this moment that the professor waltzes in taking his place behind his desk and starts his lecture. As he is guiding us through our syllabus I hear a groan beside me. Mark looks exactly how I feel, overwhelmed with all the work that waits us for the semester. 

As the time goes by and my workload is getting bigger I slowly settle in my new routine. Wake up, get ready for school, attend lectures, study at the library, run alone in the forest, go back to sleep. I feel good with myself, almost happy. What puts a dumper in my good mood every time I call my parents  or Alpha Smith is the fact that I miss them too much. I can hear it in their voices, the hurt about the fact that I changed my name, the pain that I'm away, the fear that I'm not coming back. 

Going back. I can't say that is a possibility anymore. I like my life here. Here I'm Alex, med student and pack member, someone well liked and involved. In my old pack I will always be poor little Alexandra, Jack's sister, Hunter's reject even if nobody knows at the moment. They will find out eventually and when they do everything will change once again. Call me a coward but I like the fact that nobody is interested in my past here. They know only what I allow them to know and it works just fine. 

Two years go by without a hitch, until one morning when our professor announces that its time to study mates. My blood run cold when he says about the damage a rejection can cause the wolf counterpart along with the human. "In the early years of our existence mates were a gift from our protector, our Goddess. Wolfs are supposed to live in packs and prosper alongside their mates, their other half of their soul. And it worked for thousands of years until the human part of us became too selfish for the wolf part to handle. Reasons like power, rank, looks and greed make wolfs turn down their gift. Rejection, an act so harsh  that can drive a lesser wolf mad. 

The first rejection happened 900 years ago, when an Alpha deemed his destined mate unworthy of him because of her heritage and rank.  Joke was on him though, because his rejected mate was blessed by the Goddess with power beyond imagination. Strength, speed and amazing healing capabilities were some of her gifts. She managed to survive his rejection without any problems because of that strength and keep on living. Her descendants held some of her capabilities until they were all murdered twenty years ago. 

Its a shame how one of the most valuable bloodlines was lost because of one man's greed.  But, let this be a lesson for you. With every choice you make you also have to face the consequences. A huge part of our healing capabilities comes from our mate. When they are close to us our survival rate rises. You may wonder what happens when a wolf who lost their mate gets gravely injured, survives. How? Well this is where we as doctors come in and take the reigns. Being a doctor is a huge honor as you will soon realize. In a few months time all of you will start your internships and after a year you'll be able to help save lives. 

Silence is filling the classroom. I have questions, things that bother me ever since hunter chose to reject me. Slowly I raise my hand hoping to get answers to my questions. "Is it possible for a rejection to go wrong? For the bond not to break? "  the professors looks at me, his smart eyes full of wonder. "That's an interesting question Alex, as you probably read the rejection process needs to be followed to the letter. A simple mistake in the wording can leave you open to unimaginable pain. For example a mistake in the name, or missing parts of the name." 

Now I'm pale. It explains so much, the way Alexia is distant some days and full of life the others. How sometimes she is in so much pain that she forces me to shift so she can run from it. His rejection wasn't done right because of my name. He used the wrong name. "In case that a mistake was made, can we make it right? Lets say that a wrong name was used, you have to go through the whole process again?" The professor really looks at me now, questions filling his eyes. He knows that I'm unmated, he is part of my new pack. If I press more in this matter he will understand that I'm asking about me, so I decide to let it go for now. But soon I will find out all the answers I need and then I'm making things right. 

"Yes the whole process needs to be done again. Meet the other person and go through the rejection again. It is my understanding that the parts of the bond that remain will set the wolves free. These cases are very rare though, in order a bond to survive a rejection even one that is not whole, it means that the bond is strong. That the pair was close growing up given the bond a chance to grow with them." 

I leave the room in a daze. I have many things to think of, like the fact that I have to see Hunter again. Can I go through that again? Can I hurt Alexia again? My wolf growls when I think of Hunter, she may hate him more than I do. Lost in my thoughts I miss a step and a person grabs my arm to steady me, the familiar voice brings warmth all over me "Alexandra" I drop my bag to the ground and hug him tightly. Two years, I haven't seen him in two years. "Alpha Smith" 

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