Chapter 1

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"Are you mad? How could you possibly believe that I would accept you as my mate?" I heard him shout at me. I just stood there frozen, trying to comprehend the words that flew out of his mouth. Why Goddess, why? What have I ever done to deserve such harsh words from my mate?

Alpha Smith's Pov

The weather tonight was terrible. Wind and rain mixed together were a deadly combination. Trees dancing in the crazy rhythm set by the wind, while the rain added to the ominous feeling that I had. Something big was coming but I had no idea what. I turned to look at my mate sitting in our living room with our son in her hands.

She gave me a reassuring smile. I relaxed a little bit as I felt the warmth of her smile. Boy was I lucky to have her in my life. And as if this happiness wasn't enough, she gave me the most precious treasure two years ago, our son Hunter. Hunter was sleeping peacefully in her arms, unaware of the world. As Grace stood, he let out a cry of distress and returned to his sleep.

"What are you thinking about? "Grace asked me, a frown covering her beautiful face. "Just how lucky I am" I answered. As my thoughts run wild I was sure about one thing. I never want her to worry about anything. "My love I'm glad that you still feel lucky, but you can't fool me. Remember I know you like the back of my hand by now. Something else is on your mind".

As she moved next to me, her eyes drifted to the darkness outside the window. "You know you have to relax a little. Ever since the rouge attack last month you're on edge. Everything is going to be ok. We are alive, the Full Moon Pack helped us. We survived my love" Grace said hugging Hunter closer to her. I looked at her admiring once again the strength in her eyes.


The rouge attack was something out of a nightmare. Our pack was not very large or very strong. We were somewhere in the middle if one cared to list the packs in our area. So one can imagine my angst when the first rouge sightings began. Day by day they had us on our toes until the time came and they decided to attack. Our small number of warriors were not able to protect the pack and we were losing life after life.

And then a miracle happened. Loud growls filled the forest and the Alpha of the Full Moon pack stood proud on the hill above the packhouse as he observed the battlefield. Behind him stood his warriors ready to join the fight on his command. Don't get me wrong, I'm an alpha myself and his aura had me almost ready to submit. As soon as he gave the command his warriors joined the fight and the tables turned drastically.

One by one the surviving rouges left the battlefield running for their lives. We carried the injured pack members to the infirmary and the surviving rouges to the dungeons for questioning. "Alpha" I heard someone call me and I immediately turned to face the Alpha of the Full Moon Pack. "Thank you for your help Alpha Jason. I cannot begin to describe how thankful I am for your help. We would be dead without you." At that moment Grace stepped out form the bunker with Hunter in her arms.

The instance se saw me, she run into my arms crying and thanking the Goddess that I made it. Alpha Jason just stood patiently beside us, letting us have our moment. He then noticed Hunter. "Oh my, what a strong warrior you have over here. Luna Grace it is nice to see you again. How is little Hunter doing?" Wow, this guy was really something. Deadly one minute, polite and caring the next. "Alpha Smith I will leave you now to the capable hands of your mate. If you ever need any assistance do not hesitate to contact me. Tonight, during our patrols came across some rouges heading your way and before we put them out of their misery, they informed us of the attack on your pack. Next time you may not be so lucky".

At that moment I noticed the change in his eyes, a sign that someone mindlinked him. With a huge smile on his face he said "I have to go. I have to run. My Luna, my mate just went into labor! Finally, I will meet my little princess! Good luck Alpha, Luna. Be safe"

End of Flashback

"Yeah, I know" I started to say when my words were interrupted by one of my patrol warriors. "Alpha, we have a wounded woman ay the border who needs to speak to you. "I'll be right there" I said as I left my mates warmth. Shifting into my wolf I run as fast as the wind heading for the border and the mystery woman. Who was she and what could I possibly help her with?

After a few minutes I stood in front of the strange woman. I have never meet her before but somehow, she seemed familiar. And then I started to take in the details of her appearance. And then it struck me, she was dressed in the Full Moon Pack's warrior attire. She kneeled on the ground and looked at me with eyes filled with sorrow. "Alpha Smith can we speak alone please?" she begged.

I dismissed my guards and they immediately moved a little further so we can have privacy. She slowly opened her tightly closed coat revealing a baby strapped to her torso. "Please Alpha, you have to protect her". As she spoke the little bundle moved and opened her eyes. As I reached for the baby, the woman left her last breath and fell to the ground. I took the baby form her lifeless body and that is when I noticed her wounds. She was on the brink of death before she talked to me and with her last bits of her strength urged me to protect her baby. The baby was wrapped in white silk and as I moved her in my arms two letters fell from her.    

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