Chapter 7

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Alexandra's Pov

Standing in front of the window gazing outside, I was lost in my memories again. As i think about it more I'm certain that he knew we were mates. But if he knew how could he act like this? I tried to remember the day of his 18th birthday and then it hit me. The way he acted that day was not because he was my brother's best friend.
I tried very hard to forget the events of that day. As my therapist said it was not my fault that my brother lost control of the car. What was my fault, was the fact that we left the party early and for that I will never forgive myself.


Hunter's birthday party is tonight and after our encounter at the backyard I really wanted to avoid the party. But jack wasn't having it  and practically forced me to go with him. "Come on sis let us get you ready" he said and opened my closet." Today is a big day, if Hunter finds his mate we will meet our new Luna. Do you think that she's from this pack?" he asked me. I knew wat he was really asking. His birthday was in a few days and he was anxious to find his mate. "Jack you will find her just be patient" I told him, "what's left anyway only a few days, I'm sure she's going to be amazing like you are".  "Thank you sis now put on the clothes I picked for you and don't be late" he said and left my room smiling.

I took my time to get ready. As I grabbed the clothes that he picked for me I thought of Hunter. Why was he acting that way? Why couldn't I date like a normal girl my age? How could he have double standards? He could date any girl he wanted but I had to stay "pure" for my mate? Bullshit. I will do whatever I want.

The party was at the pub in the next town in neutral territory. I know what you probably think, how can we have a party in a pub? Well it is owned by werewolves so we are allowed to go. On the way to the pub, Jack was silent. Then he took his eyes from the road for a brief moment and looked at me. "Alexandra can I tell you a secret?" "Of course you can tell me dummy, you know that I'll never tell anyone" I reassured him with a smile.

"I got accepted to college. I want to be a doctor someday, I want to help people and before you mention my duties as a future beta let me tell you that I have in mind to do both. With a little help from you of course. Alexandra I know that we talked about being doctors when we grew up but now that I'm so close to live my dream I'm scared. I'm afraid that I'll fail. I still haven't told anyone, you're the first to know so please tell me what do you think?" I took a few moments to put my thoughts in order and told him. 

" First of all Congratulations! Being accepted to college pre-med is a very big deal. I'm so happy for you. I know that you're scared but I'm sure that you won't fail. You'll make a fantastic doctor and you'll save many lives, i know it. At the same time I'm also worried. It is one thing to attend college in our territory and a totally different situation being on the other side of the country. Have you given any thought attending college here?" i asked him. I was worried for him. We always stick together and this was going to be a very big move. 

"Yes i did actually. But I still choose the other one. It's a better school i hope you understand." I do, i do understand i wanted to tell him that. But at the same time i was worried. How would mum and dad react? "You have to find a pack close to your school and convince them to accept you temporarily, until you finish your studies. You'll be away for years, away from me." I said in one breath.

"Don't worry princess, i already found a pack and got permission from their Alpha.  All i have t do, is break the news to our family and Hunter. I'll be moving in a werewolf town bigger than ours. I'll even join the pack's hospital as an intern while I study. I'm thinking of telling them tomorrow. Will you be there for me?" "I wouldn't miss it for the world brother. I'll always have your back" I told him as we reached the pub. 

Loud music and the smell of sweat hit us both when we opened the door. Bodies were dancing in the middle of the room and we had to go through the crowd in order to reach the birthday boy. He was sitting in a big booth surrounded by she-wolves laughing. I don't know why the sight bothers me so much. After all it was not the first time. "Hey! there is my future beta!" he said as he stood to greet Jack. " Happy Birthday man!" Jack wished him as they hugged each other. His smile faded as he saw me. 

"What is she doing here?" he asked Jack. "we've talked about this man, she came here to celebrate with us. Can you be nice to her? Just for tonight?" Jack said with a smile. "This is not a place for a little girl Jack, anyway she can stay as long as she behaves." he said with a smirk. A little girl? How old does this guy thinks he is? He is just two years older than me for Goddess sake. 

As the evening progressed Hunter disappeared with a girl. I knew what he was up to and I didn't like it. Not one bit. I felt a tug in my heart as I realized  that maybe this girl is his mate. I was feeling ... sad? And then a sharp pain hit me in my abdomen. I fell to the ground and curled into a fetus position trying to ease the pain. Jack run to my side and picked me up in his arms.  "Don't worry princess, you'll be alright. I'm taking you home. " he tried to comfort me but another wave hit me. When we made it to his car i screamed. He placed me carefully in the car, "Jack what is happening to me? I'm afraid, it hurts to much" "I don't know princess, hung on we'll be home shortly". 

But we never made it home that night. 

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