Chapter 39

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Alexandra's Pov

"Dr. Mattheus what are you talking about? I'm not your next Alpha, Hunter is". He slowly stood and went behind his desk. He opened a safe and took a picture in his hand. He motioned for me to have a seat and I was curius enough to follow the instruction. He raised a hand to his face and took a deep breath. I guess something heavy was coming my way. 

"If you changed your name to Masters Alpha it means that you know about your true lineage and rank. We all thought that you died the night of the attack but by a miracle you stand before me alive and well. It give me such a relief to learn that you survived and my mother was able to save your life". He gave the photo and I was socked to see my parents with another couple and two toddlers. My mother was holding a small baby and my father was looking proudly at the camera. 

I was confused to say the least. Alpha Smith told me that my pack was hunted and killed, there were no survivors. I looked at him again and urged him to continue, to explain. He took a deep breath again and placed a glass of water infront of me. 

"Before... before the night that changed the course of our lives our families were close. My father was your father's gamma and my mother the Captain of his guard and second in line for the beta position. She was tasked with your protection in case there was an attack to our pack, your father left nothing to chance. During the attack my father was fighting beside your father and when he gave the order to my mother he knew deep inside that he had to survive for us and for you, for the packs future.  All of us were hidden safely in one of the bunkers buried deep inside the mountain with only a few pack members to guard us. My father was left for dead after he felt my mother's passing and for a few dark moments thought of giving up. But as I said earlier he fought hard to come back to us. 

We were always wondering about your fate as we still felt a link to the pack and we all hoped that you survived but at the same time news of your death reached us. After some time and in order to survive we came to this pack. It took us years to come to terms with our loses and move on but somehow we made it. My grandmother was one of the healers in our pack and since I had no way to claim my birthright as a gamma I decided to follow on her footsteps. It was because of her journals that I made the connection our lost heir and you. That and also the child who approached our father and said that a grey wolf had saved him. 

Alpha Smith ordered everyone to stay quiet but that made us even more curius to find out more. I have been working closesly with him these past years and he finally showed me the photo of the silver wolf that saved the child. I was amazed to say the least but It was a year ago that he finally told me some of the truth. You were alive and well, we lived for years in the same pack, walked the same streets and we never knew. My father was exstatic to learn that you were alive. My mother's last task was completed succesfully and once again we had hope. "

Happy and confused at the same time I felt a tear escaping my eyes and I looked at the photo once again. 

"Who knows that I'm alive besides you and your father? How many members are a part of this pack? Did Alpha Smith knew about you?" I was asking question after question, a warm feeling flooding my heart. I was not alone, no I had people who cared about me even when I never knew their existance. Twenty four years ago I lost my parents and my pack, or so I thought. I had to tell Xander, the sooner the better. 

"At the moment only the Alpha, my father, my brother and me. We kept your survival hidden for your safety. I tried to talk to you once you know, when I first met you. You made me feel familiar with you even if it was our first meeting. But before I had the chance you left the pack and cut your ties. We all felt it and many members felt lost for days like a big part of us vanished. But you are here now and that means the world to us. That being said I know that Alpha Smith knew the end was coming and made some preparations. Before his attack he stripped Hunter of his Alpha status and named you as the succesor to his will. It is not common knowledge but things were getting worse and worse between them. The last year was very hard for Alpha Smith and he trusted me enough to reveil his plans. 

You see now Alpha?"

Shocked to my core I looked at him.  Did he really do that? Strip him of his birthright? For me? A dizzy spell forced me to sit on one of the chairs opposite Dr. Mattheus. In an instant he was in front of me with his hand on my wrist counting my heartbeats. "Alpha, your heart beats too fast you need to calm down." 

Deep breaths, yes deep deep breaths. I should call Xander but something told me to wait. Alexia was silent on my mind so there shouldn't be anything wrong with me. "Alpha when was the last time you had bloodwork done? Can I run some tests for you? Just to be sure." 

Tests? Maybe. Then again it was just a dizzy spell nothing to worry about. "No, it was nothing just a reaction from the news. I will head back to the Alpha now. Please keep our conversation between us. We have to keep it a secret a little longer. " He looked at me with worried eyes but in the end he had to follow my words. 

Going back to the ward a million thoughts crossed my mind but for one thing I was sure. I will try with everything I have to save him. I could hear voices inside the room and I stood still when Hunter asked "So, I see that my mate marked you. Funny thing though you are not marked, are you? Why would that be?" 

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