Chapter 21

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Alexandra's Pov

It was my fault. Deep down I knew that something about the car accident wasn't adding up but in my grief I chose to ignore this part. The hole in my heart grew bigger by the second and invisible hands were downing me. Alexia was struggling with these news as well as she always had brotherly feelings towards this wolf that she never got the chance to know. I had to make it right somehow. But where do I start? Do I go back and ask for forgiveness form my brother once again? Do I beg my parents to give me another chance? But what am I thinking? my parents never blamed me once for his death. 

Alpha Smith's words hit me once again it was the rouges fault. Damn right it was. And they have to pay for their sins one way or another. They took everyone from me. They made me the person that I am today. No more running around scared. They want me? then I guess its time to meet me. But first I have to be ready to face them, I need to train my wolf along with my human part and get stronger. As a plan slowly formed in my mind, I made a decision. It was time I discovered what I am capable of and what my true history is. 

I went back in my room and prepared a bag with the essentials to take with me. Some cash, my cards and the keys to my father's packhouse. I left my phone to the nightstand because I needed some time alone to figure things out. Alpha Smith will be furious when he finds out my destination, so I have to keep it a secret. He told me once that he made sure the mansion was in good condition waiting for me to visit it one day. I guess the day has come. 

As my preparations are complete  I shift into my wolf and run through the territory but I'm spotted before I reach the border. The wolves snarling at me are my pack members and I don't want to cause them unnecessary harm. Its time to test my theory anyway, If I'm as strong as they say they will follow my command right? Alexia growls at them and with a voice I never heard before commands every wolf via mindlink.  Let me pass The wolves try to fight her command but are unable to do so. Like the wind she passes them and I vanish from their sight. After some moments and as I put more distance between us I sense them trying to follow me. 

When I came back I have to keep myself hidden for a little while but for now I unleased Alexia's power and made sure no one could follow me. I had a very long journey in front of me and it was important to travel under the radar. I slowly exited the werewolf territory and reached the human lands. I could stay hidden here for a little while. I could blend with the humans and stay out of sight for the time being.  

I had to change my appearance a little so I could confuse anyone following me, or the ones looking for a black-haired woman. Nothing I could do about my height but I could change my hairstyle and color. Its time to discover how I look as a blond.  Alexia laughs in my mind oh Alex, this I have got to see she snickers at me. As I stroll around the city trying to find a hotel for the night I come across a hair salon. Luck must be on my side because as soon as I walk inside a bubbly blond informs me that she has a last minute opening. 

Three hours later I feel like a different person. My hair that used to reach all the way to my hips are now cut in a short bob longer in the front of my face and shorter in the back. The girl gave them little waves to add a little flare to my style as she said, so I could get rid of the boring librarian look I was sporting. I laughed at her comment because I always paid little to no attention to my looks. Joke was on me though because after I changed my hair I felt like a totally different person. It was like I gave myself a boost of confidence. 

As I walked through the streets people were looking at me but not in a bad way. They are admiring us  Alexia said to me, walking like a peacock in my mind. Now I had to find a hotel, but what do I choose? A fancy one where everyone getting in and out would be captured on camera or a shabby one were not even an Id is required? Weighting my options I decided a fancy one was my best option. I looked for one and soon my search came to an end. The sign read Four Seasons Hotel. I guess it will have to do. I read once in an article that it was one of the best hotel chains in the world, we'll see then. 

After I reached my room I crashed in my bed and sleep took me without notice. I must have slept through the whole morning because it was late afternoon when I finally woke up. I was hungry and after some room service it was time to plan my next steps. I knew it was four days run in my wolf until I reached my late father's packhouse, but I decided not to run all the way. In my wolf form I was a sitting dock in this part of the country, It would be a waste of all the lives sacrificed for me to give myself away like this. 

No, I had to be smart about this, patience was my strength. I would take every back road and get lost in the background, I would become a ghost, someone who everyone sees but at the same time no one notices, I needed to blend. I paid for my room and went shopping. My best chance was to disguise my self like a tourist. Wearing a cap in my head and clothes two sizes bigger than my normal size I started my journey again. Soon, I promised my self. Soon I will be free after I deal with all the threats towards me.  

I reached the train station and after some thinking I decided to buy multiple tickets just in case someone was following me. I would bet my fortune that Alpha Smith was hot in my tail and I had to do my best to win some time against the inevitable. I knew that eventually someone would find me but at the moment I could not care less about their lectures. My path was clear in my mind and I would follow it to the end. 

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