Chapter 34

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Xander's POV 

Last night was a nightmare, I felt like all of my worst fears came to life all together. After our phonecall I knew that something was wrong. Sure she had changed her hair color after her "trip" last year, but if you knew to look for her one would be able to recognize her. I'm a grown man and I was feeling scared of her leaving my side. I knew that at some point I was overreacting when I was arranging to surprize her the next morning. 

After an early flight I arrived at her hotel with some of my warriors ready to hold her in my arms. Finally I would be able to claim her as my mate, let the world know that she is mine at last. After knocking on her door for a few minutes I started to worry and called her phone. No answer. I called her room. No answer. My gut told me that something was seriously wrong. I had to act carefully because she might me in danger. 

I run down at the reception and asked for the security footage. Even though I was in another pack, the front desk manager gave me access to the tapes without issue. As I watched the footage an errie feeling came over me and then I saw them. Three men carrying an unconscious woman. Noone stopped them because one of them told something to one of the security guards. I had to find him as soon as possible. 

Deep in my heart I knew that she was strong, that she was not an easy target but I had to find her. Fear drove me and I started to give directions to my warriors. First we had to find the guard from last night and then find out what he knows. I guess my voice alerted some of the guests that something was wrong and Dr. Sanders came running to my direction. He was also looking for Alex. 

"Alpha what are you doing here?" he asked me frowning. He had no idea that his Luna had been taken against her will. How could he? To him Alex was just his student. "One of our pack members was taken last night from this hotel. The footage we have in our possession show three men carry her outside to an unmarked black van with tinted windows. Alex was unconscious and unable to defend herself. " He was looking at me with worry all over his face, trying to put the pieces together. 

"Alpha, I have to inform you about something. Yesterday after one of the speakers, a doctor came to me and asked me about Alex. Nothing to make me suspect something just her name and her pack. A woman one of the speackers. I thought she was interested in hearing more about the breakthrough Alex had in her research that I kept talking about her." Interesting. So she took the bait and came looking for answers. So this woman is probably behing her kidnapper. Maria Fernandez.

So now I knew were to begin. I turned to change my orders and before I could stop my team from leaving I saw them keep still by the entrance. I looked at their direction and my heart lost a beat. There she was standing, blooded, with torn clothes and messy hair but alive, standing.  She run into my arms and everything felt alright in the world. We went into her room and I gave her some space to take a shower before our talk. 

She came out looking like my Alex again, and I sat next to her on the couch. I began to listen to her story how she was taken, what she learned about the past, the unknown man that wanted her. It was hard to listen that someone wanted to take her from me. I had not only Hunter to worry about but also someone else.   

She fell asleep in my arms and I moved us to the bed. Sleeping next ot her was heaven. I was lost in my dreams until a loud knock woke me up. I opened the door trying to be as quiet as possible, I would hate to wake her up, she needed to rest. Dr. Sanders was standing on the other side of the door and two warriors were guarding the door. 

"Alpha I hate to wake you but we need to leave in a few hours." I looked back at Alex still sleeping peacefully and I asked about their flight. Soon we will be home away from here, safe. As the day passed Alex remained silent. Something was bothering her and until she was ready to talk about I would give her space. It was late afternoon when we landed back to uor pack grounds and Alex was sleeping again. I gently picked her in my arms and moved her to my car without her noticing. 

Arriving in the pack house Alex woke up and tried to find her phone. "Xander can I talk to you for a second? " She seemed nervous and I led her to my room for privacy. "What's the matter? I can tell that something is bothering you but I wanted to give you the time you needed". She sat on my bed and looked me with tears in her eyes. Now I was beyond worried. 

"Xander I made a huge mistake, one that I don't know how to fix. I made a rush decision that seemed right at the time but after last night's events turns out I was wrong. So so wrong." Casper was nervous in my head worried that she would once again put distance between us. But she surprised me with her next words. 

"There's a detail I didn't mention earlier about Alpha Smith. Xander he did not betray my parents, he had no idea that a message was sent. He was betrayed as well. Maria's brother was in his pack and answered instead. The late Luna was suspicious of him and they attacked them too to avoid being found out. I cut him out of my life before checking all the facts. How can I ever ask for forgiveness Xander? "

"Alexandra sweetheart, I'm sure that Alpha Smith will forgive you as soon as you tell him everything. You just need to talk to him and be honest with all your discoveries and what led to your actions. It was a very emotional time for you then and to be honest even though I never understood where your conviction that he betrayed you came from, I stood by your choice. You know that we talk still, but I never shared private details about you for the last year. I only made sure that he knew you were ok. He still calls every day. "

"He was like a father to me Xander and I have deeply hurt him. I can see now that all he ever did was try to protect me and make my life feel as normal as possible. I need to see him Xander just to beg for his forgiveness. Can I go and see him? I need to talk to him face to face". 

"Of course you can sweetheart, give me some time and I will arrange for us to visit his pack properly. This way I can also meet your parents as your mate officially. " I have to say that the more I thought about it, I liked this visit more and more. She could also get rid of Hunter for good. She moved to stand in front of me and put her arms arround my neck. 

She lowered her head until her lips came a breath away from mine. She was looking at me with her eyes wide open hesitating for a second. I took a deep breath and closed the distance between us. This kiss was everything I ever wanted and more. 

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