Chapter 25

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Alexandra's Pov

After almost two hours I reached my old pack's border. Hidden on a tree I watched the patrol wolves as they searched for me. They could feel a presence but they could not smell me and that was confusing them. Familiar faces looking for an intruder, but was I really? I could walk through the front door and no one would give me a second glance. Still I stayed hidden until I saw Hunter arrive at the border with a shewolf beside him. I guess some things never change. Alexia growls in my mind I want to gut him for what he put us through  and I'm seconds away from attacking him. 

He then lifts his head and looks straight to the tree that I was hidden. He tries to sniff the air but comes empty. Of course he is the same as all the others. What did you expect genius, a hug and a declaration of undying love from him?  Alexia snickers. I cast a wider net to my conscience to search for another opening in the patrol and to my surprise I detect a few rouges a little further from where I'm hiding with torches in their hands. I focus my hearing and tremble when I hear their plan. My adoptive parents still live in this pack and I'm not about to loose them too. I leave my hiding place and like the wind move to their direction. 

I land in front of them and before they know what hit them I take them down still in my human form. They must have heard me because one of the pack warriors arrives after I kill the last of the rouges and puts the fire out before it got the chance to spread. I read the message they left on the ground and chills run through me. 

The heir is back, the princess who was promised

Someone followed me here, without me noticing. I'm well trained but not well enough it seems. The warrior looks at me and even though he looks familiar I can't put a name to the face. I turn to leave but he moves to grab my arm. Alexia unleashes some of her aura and he takes a step back. "Who are you?" he asks afraid to come close to me again. "For the time being a friend. Don't tell anyone you saw me" 

I run away form the warrior and return to my father's mansion. I pick my bag from the safe room and return to my nursery. I quickly pack the tape my parents made and the pictures of us, lock the house again and leave the mansion behind. I found what I came to find anyway. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll be able to return one day. 

My journey back to my pack continues without a hitch until I stop to the human city close to the territory. Tired of busses and trains I decide to rent a car and drive the rest of the way back. But this choice made my luck run out I guess as while I was driving, a little before I reached the border a group of rouges appeared in front of me. One played the role of the injured man by the side of the road while the others were hiding. And yes call me stupid but I stopped the car to see if I could help, sue me but I'm a doctor. 

In their little minds I must seem like a poor, weak female that fell right into their hands. Wrong. As I kneel to examine the one on the ground the other two come towards me but stop when they notice the dagger I held to their partners neck. One of the two laughs at me and reveals a dagger of his own similar to mine, silver. I have to be careful from now on. Slowly I rise and hold my hands in the air making them think that I surrender, I maybe young but Alpha Smith made sure I received Alpha training while I was part of his pack. At least he did some things right I have to give him that. I don't need a silver dagger to end them but it would make the job easier. 

"Let me go and you shall live" I tell them in an arrogant manor barely recognizing my voice as Alexia takes control of my body. I was exhausted from the trip so I let her take control. If she wanted to play with them who was I to say no to her? Another man appears from the trees on side of the road and claps his hands. "Feisty, I like that." "You would, wouldn't you rouge?" Alexia says before she takes the rouge closest to her by the neck. Time stands still as she breaks his neck with one move and then all hell breaks loose. 

They try to attack her from all sides but she guides my body like a well trained puppet. I watch the scene unfold like I'm watching a movie, only I'm the main character in this one. Soon there is only one rouge standing and the fight turns into a knife fight. With one more move Alexia stubs him in the chest but not before he stabs her, or rather me on the side a little above my kidney. I watch him fall to the ground and run for the packhouse. Seconds after my arrival Alpha Xander comes from another direction but he is not alone. 

Alexia sees him before he sees her and as he goes to hug her she unleashes all of her Alpha aura at once. This man who she treated as a father figure growing up is the same man who betrayed her parents. She no longer has any warm feelings towards him and she makes it known. I start to loose my conscience but not before I hear her say "It is Alpha Masters to you Alpha Black. We are done here. Now leave" 

I see him get inside the car and drive away. It is better this way. Until I get to the bottom of this I will keep my distance from this family. My blood runs to the ground and as my strength leaves my body, Alexia gives me control. I start to fall to the ground but before I collapse warm hands get a hold of me. I hear a voice telling me that it is going to be ok and I smile. 

I wake up later in a hospital room. One of my fellow students walks inside and I'm relieved to see Mark read my chart. "You gave us quite a scare Alex, you've slept for two days in a row. The Alpha barely left your side, we had to drag him from your room." The Alpha? What was going on? He was here for us  I hear Alexia purr in my mind. Strange, the man can tolerate my presence on a good day and he stayed by my side for two days?  "You could have healed sooner you know if you had your mate by your side. If you haven't found your fated maybe you could consider someone else you know. Someone smart, good looking, your study partner perhaps?" He says as he moves closer to my bed. 

And the door flies open nearly falling form its place as Alpha Xander grabs Mark from his neck lifting him in the air. He growls at him showing teeth and says "Stay away from her"

Strange doesn't begin to cover it. 

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