Chapter 30

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Alexandra's Pov 

My mind was a mess. I looked around and found myself deep in the forest, had I walked all this way without even noticing it? Good Goddess what was wrong with me? I should be ecstatic that the Goddess choose right for me this time, but I couldn't shake this ugly feeling from me. I wanted to tell him that I could understand his perspective but still it bugged me. How hard was this past year for him? 

Alexia was growling in my mind telling me once again that I was behaving like a fool, leaving him all alone when all he was craving was my attention. I looked around  to see if anyone followed  me and shifted into my wolf. I needed a run as much as I needed air. I was supposed to leave in a few hours for a trip that would probably destroy me, but all this new information made my mind a mess. 

After my run I went back to the packhouse to get ready. Packing for a hunting trip should be easy right? Maria Fernandez had changed her name after the downfall of my father's pack. She still works as a doctor in a pack close to Alpha Smith's, under the alias Maria Suarez. The last two decades where  good to her, she found her mate and had two pups. Her career took a turn for the best the last five years as she focused on treating young pups. How could anyone trust her with their young? 

Her mate was the Gamma of the pack and if my intel is correct,  she is supposed to attend a lecture about rare illnesses for wolves in two days. One of my professors is giving a speech and I had been invited to accompany him. I could meet her and use her research as an excuse to be alone with her. But then what? Do I expect her to tell me the truth without a fight? She would be confessing to a twenty year old crime and we all know that crimes in our world do not get forgotten. 

I look at her file in my bed again. I could always go to her Alpha and tell him the truth showing him the evidence he needs to believe my words. The Alpha of this pack was an old rival of my father's. In his journal his name is mentioned once after one of the rouge attacks in our pack, he wrote that he send us medical supplies with a note that if someone is going to take him down it would be him and not a sneaky, unworthy rouge. I laugh at the thought of a young Alpha being my father's frenemy. 

A knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts and his scent surrounds me. He came to see me. Xander slowly opens the door and looks at the mess on my bed. Smiling he sits on a chair "What is our game plan?". I look at him and smirk, now that I'm open to the bond I feel him more. I really want to go to him and touch him, feel the sparks again. As in a trance I move closer to him. He opens his arms inviting me but he doesn't take the initiative, he waits for me to make the first move. 

As I move closer to him I raise my hand and trace his eyebrow with my finger. I feel them, the sparks. A faint smile adorns his face and with his eyes closed I get to study him freely. As I continue to touch him he sucks in a breath and opens his eyes. Ice blue meets forest green and its like I see him for the first time. I feel his hand on my side as he moves me closer and this little move gives me the push I need to take the next step. I sit on his lap and rest my head on his shoulder. I breath in his scent and I'm instantly calmer. This is where I belong, with him. 

His hand is drawing patterns on my back and I close my eyes free to enjoy the sparks. He is my mate, I keep repeating willing my self to believe it. I don't know how long we stay like this but it feels like hours, days even. Sleep claims me sometime later and when I wake up after hours  I'm  laying on my bed and Xander sleeps beside me. I try to move but his hand keeps me in place as I hear his sleepy voice. "Go back to sleep Alexandra" I love the way my name rolled of his mouth, as he usually calls me Alex. I suddenly realize that I missed hearing my name, my full name. "I wish I could but I have to go".

Startled he sits on the bed and with his hand he pushes his hair back. I look at my alarm to see how much time I have before I need to leave and sadly it is not enough taking into account that I still need to pack. I start throwing clothes in my suitcase while Xander stares at me. "Dr. Sanders is expecting me in half an hour, I need to hurry. I wish I could stay more but I can't, life is calling" 

I feel hands hugging me from behind and I rest my head on his chest. I close my eyes once more and I let this feeling of safety fill me. He turns me around and hugs me once more keeping me still in his tight embrace. I raise my head and stare into his eyes getting lost in their depth. He slowly lowers his head and as his lips gently touch mine I unravel. His kiss is gentle yet passionate at the same time. His hand holds my head as he gets more and more into the kiss. Then he just stops and leaves me breathless and thirsty for more. 

"I know you asked for time and I'm prepared to give it to you. But this is something to think about when you are gone. Now go and be careful, I'll be here waiting for you" 

Alexia makes her presence knows as she purrs and throaty laugh leaves him. Mark him before he changes his mind  she yells at me and I laugh to my self. Greedy wolf.     

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