Chapter 14

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Alexandra's POV

I arrived with my parents and it was time for the hard goodbye. My mother was sobbing quietly and my father was holding her.

Mom, dad I just wanted to tell you that you are the most amazing parents I could ever wish for. I'm very lucky to have you by my side.

I gave them one last hug, picked my suitcase and left for the gate of my flight. After I boarded and finally was seated my wolf talked to me.

Alexandra, I know that you're hurting but are you sure? You shouldn't have cut the pack ties, Alpha Smith is going to be heartbroken. Your parents will be devastated when they'll find out what you did without telling them in advance. Why did you have to take such drastic measures?

Alexia, you'll see that time heals all wounds. I left them a letter where I explained what drove me to this decision. They will understand and I'll contact them when I'm ready. Now let's relax because we have a very long flight ahead of us.

It was late in the afternoon when we landed. I grabbed my suitcase and searched for the exit until I noticed a man with a sign. He was waiting for me.

Hello, I'm Alexandra. You're expecting me I guess.

Hello Alexandra, welcome to the Blood Water Pack. My name is Carl and I'll be your new beta if everything works out. I hope you had a pleasant flight. Follow me please.

Nice to meet you Carl. My flight was good thank you.

We need to move Alexandra, we have a safe territory but staying here in the open is a gamble. We better get going.

I gave him a faint smile and followed him to a black SUV. I had questions about where we are going. He gave a calming vibe but Alpha Smith's words were troubling me. Be careful, be aware of your surroundings, never forget you're in danger.

He gave me a puzzled look and stared at me like he was sizing me up. I sat in the passenger seat and made myself comfortable. It was going to be a long drive to my new packhouse, to my new life and hopefully everything would work out. 

Hunter's Pov

I was feeling restless. Something was wrong but I could not understand what. I was pacing inside my room waiting for the sun to rise in order to get answers. First of all I had to talk to Alexandra, what the doctor said had troubled me. She could sense me  being with another woman? How was that even possible? One thing was certain, she was not who she claimed to be. The Alpha aura I picked when she shifted was definitely hers, there's no mistake. 

My father was keeping secrets from me. Hell everyone was. My emotions run wild as the time slowly went by. Two hours felt like two days. When the clock finally struck seven in the morning I was out of my room heading straight to her house. I rang the doorbell like a man possessed and when no one came to answer the door, my anger flared. My shouts could be heard all over the place. 

"ALEXANDRA CAME OUT THIS INSTANT. THIS IS AN ORDER". Again no answer. I was going to wait here until she comes out. Goddess knows I had all the time in the world. Many of my pack members were starting the day and as they passed by her house were stealing glances toward me. No one dared come close to me though, the anger I was feeling was seeping through my pores, the expression on my face was screaming murder. 

My heart was still aching after the loss of that important member. Who left? another question I had to find the answer by myself. Two hours later a couple could be seen in the horizon, the woman was weeping and the man was holding her tight in order to keep her straight. As they came closer I recognized her parents. Her mother was barely holding on and her father was doing his best to keep it together. Has something happened? Where was she? 

When her mother saw me she started screaming "IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF HUNTER"  An instant feeling of dread run through my body and Alec was howling in my head. Their grief became mine as I could feel their emotions, pain and loss. Lost in my thoughts I barely registered Steven looking at me like he was going to kill me. "Are you here to enjoy your handiwork Hunter? Leave at once" 

"Where is she? I need to talk to her now"  I said in my Alpha tone leaving no room for argument. Steven held his wife tighter to his chest and kept walking toward his house not bothering to speak a word to me. "You will answer to your Alpha beta. Where is your daughter, where is Alexandra?"

"She is not here. And the only reason I'm telling you this is so you can get the hell out of here and leave us alone" Steven roared to my face hiding his wife behind him. She was still crying her sobs getting louder by the second. His word only managed to trigger my anger further. I was on his face seconds later reminding him who I was to him. "I AM YOUR ALPHA BETA. YOU WILL SHOW ME RESPECT" 

He just looked at me his face a mirror of my own. Anger and grief mixed together. I started to shake, I could fell I was close to shifting. If he doesn't lower his gaze Alec is going to take it as a challenge and things could get ugly. I was bracing my self for the fight when he looked at his wife's pleading eyes and turned away form me. "You first have to earn our respect and not demand it like a child. So far Hunter you have done a pretty shitty job if you ask me. Now leave pup, leave me and my wife alone.  You are not welcome in this house anymore. Make no mistake I'm seconds away from beating the shit out of you, I just have respect for your father so I will refrain from doing so. Make no mistake though, If you come here again looking for trouble I'll make sure to give you exactly what you deserve, even if it gets me hurt in the process. NOW LEAVE" he roared leaving me speechless.  

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