Chapter 20

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Xander's Pov 

I had a very angry Alpha standing in front of me. No, not just an Alpha, but, a father seeking justice for his wounded daughter. How could he manage the blow that the one who rejected his precious daughter was none other that his own son? I had to choose my words carefully and be careful of the damage I was about to cause. I know that I was about to betray her trust but as an Alpha I understood that it was important for her safety. He had to know so he would take measures. He was waiting for my answer getting frustrated by the second. Time for the revelations then. 

"The morning of her birthday she smelled your son as her mate. As you know it is required to shift for the first time before one is able to sniff his mate, but Alex is a very strong Alpha wolf and her nature gave her the ability to find your son. From my understanding, he knew she was his mate for two years before she was made aware. He rejected her on the spot without giving her a chance. 

She made the decision to come and join my pack earlier than I was expecting her and then without informing anyone she cut her ties to your pack requesting to join mine permanently. I was skeptical at first given your reaction at the time but I accepted her request. She went through the trials and passed with flying colors. The first day she arrived I asked her the reason behind what seemed to be a rushed decision and she told me parts of the truth. 

My interactions with her were a little to none for these past two years as she refused to take part in any pack activities. She would only join some of the training sessions and only when it was in human form. Although she tries to keep to herself she is quite popular, she has this air of mystery surrounding her as my beta says. "  he was looking at me without saying a word. Who knew what was going on in his mind. His expression would change from pain to anger. Was he really interested in her wellbeing or was he livid that his son cost him the last living descendant of Alisha?  

If what was written in the books was true, then her mate and his pack would inherit some of her gifts creating a powerful pack like the Full Moon used to be. It was the Goddess's gift to her blessed wolf. Endure the hardship only to be rewarded afterwards. "Are you really interested in her wellbeing or are you mad you lost such power because of your son?" I knew I was out of line, but If she was to me what I wished she was I had to know.  The sight in front of me would scare me if I was a lesser wolf. Fangs elongated, claws coming out of his hands and fur coming out of his body still standing in two feet. A half shift, a rare gift only for strong Alpha wolves was standing in front of me. He snarled at me. 

"How dare you question me little pup about my intentions toward my daughter? She means more to me than a little boy like you is able to understand. I owe my life and my pack to her father. I wouldn't stand in front of you if she was just a means to an end for me. I would made her presence in my pack known, she would be mated by now if her power was all I wanted. " I barely registered his move before he was in my face his hand on my neck breathing down at me.

"How do I know I can trust you after all Alpha Xander?"  he said mockingly. "For all I know, now that you found out who she really is you covet that power for yourself. You lost your mate a few years back am I right?" Never in my life had I been accused of something so extreme. Goddess knows I'm a blessed wolf myself, I hold more power than any of the Alpha's alive. Or I did before I learned of Alex's heritage. She is on par with me, on the same level, for all I know she could be my second chance at happiness if the Goddess grands me that gift. I slowly peel him of me and move opposite to him. I guess I got my answer but do I tell him of my guess? 

"My intentions for Alex are non of your concern at the moment Alpha Smith. Know one thing though, I will personally make sure that no harm comes her way while she is a member of my pack and If it is her wish to remain here I will accept her with open arms. If she decides to come back to your pack I will accept her wish and let her leave. No matter what we say or do ultimately it is her choice, and I'm ready to respect her wishes. Are you?" 

He was about to say something when alarms rang through the packhouse. Someone breached the border. One of my warriors came running to my office breathless. "Alpha, something strange happened, a silver wolf appeared in the middle of  the territory and we tried to stop it, but the wolf just stared at us before we felt a command in our minds telling us to let it pass. We tried to fight the command but it was too strong. Then the wolf left the territory so fast that we barely noticed. A few of the patrol wolves tried to follow the silver wolf but we lost it after a few minutes." Alex what have you done? Where are you going? 

Alpha Smith left my office and as soon as he exited the packhouse shifted into a huge brown wolf and darted to the direction she left. My wolf was as restless as his was and followed behind him. Soon I was taking the lead in our quest to find her and since this was my territory I had the advantage. The further we moved from the territory the more agitated I felt. We had to stop and come up with a plan. Soon we reached a crossroad were things got complicated. Her smell was in all four directions making it impossible to know for sure with way she went. 

Bravo Alex, you really managed to outrun us for now. But know this, I will find you soon. And when I do, I will know for sure.  

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