Chapter 35

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Alexandra's POV

I felt his arms keeping me close as if I would disappear from his side with a lesser hold on me. The sun was shinning and as I focused on my surroundings I realized I was in his room. Xander was still sleeping giving me the chance to study his beautiful face without interruptions. His face was so calm while he was sleeping, serene even. I smiled and thanked the Goddess for not forgeting about me, for giving me a chance at happiness next to him. Sappy I know, true nonetheless. 

A sigh left me as I gathered my self in order to start my day. I had to make a phonecall today to someone and grovel for forgiveness. It went against every instinct I had as an Alpha but I had to correct an injustice. Xander stirred beside me and held me tighter slowly bringing me closer to him. 

"Good morning sweetheart. How are you feeling today?" I moved closer to his embrace to enjoy these calm moments with my mate. Wow my mate. It sounds surreal even in my head. I finally found him and he accepted me. I felt somehow... whole by his side, like the piece of my soul that was missing came back to me. I wanted to loose myself in him for a few more moments and I traced a finger across his lips. His lips... full, soft and... mine. 

"Xander, I was thinking. Now that we both accepted the bond, can you... can you mark me? I want you to be fully mine. I want to shout to the world that you are my mate" A second later I was lying under him and he had the most amazing smile on his face. I guess my request made him happy. I felt his lips caresing mine with soft touches, fleeting, barely there and all I could think was how I could get lost in this feeling. 

Seconds later he was kissing me with such passion I was barely breathing. His hands were traveling all over my body, igniting a fire in me I have never felt before. Mating and marking, a consept I read many books about,  a dream I hoped to come true all of these lonely nights I prayed to our Goddess begging for a mate was happening and with none other than him. My Alpha, the most unexpected man in my life and if I'm being honest with myself the man that stole my dreams for the last year. 

His short breaths brought me back to the moment when his forehead touched mine. He was trying to compose himself and he looked me in the eye. "You can't believe how happy you make me. You gave me back my life Alexandra. Being your mate is a wish come true. I can't wait to start our lives as mates bonded forever" Alexia was getting inpatient and gave me the push I needed to, as I felt my fangs growing. 

He showed me his fangs as he lowered his head towards my neck giving me access to his at the same time. I licked his neck marking the spot my mark would be and closed my lips slowly piercing his skin. Memories of his childhood flooded my thoughts as I felt my soul being bonded with his. But... something was wrong. Even though his fangs pierced my skin the bond was one sided.  I licked my mark to start the healing proccess and looked at him. 

He was troubled and kept looking and touching my neck.  "Xander what happened? I felt that our bond formed only from one side" His hold on me grew tighter. "Alexia what went wrong? Why his mark didn't hold?" "I don't know Alex why, we have to ask someone for help" I tried to move form under him but he growled, or more his wolf growed. 

"Alexandra sweetheart don't move please. My wolf is going crazy, this was unexpected and I have no idea what to do. Just give me a few seconds to calm him down. To be honest this was a big hit, being unable to mark my mate." I tried to soothe  him with light touches to his back. "It's ok Xander we will figure this out together.  I'm sure that we will figure this out" 

I kissed him again and we were once more lost to the bliss of finally being with each other, together. I was unaware what to do about the marking but I will find the answer for sure.  Xander, started to remove my clothes as I did with his. Soon we were both breathing hard as this was the first time we were so intimate with each other. His eyes were looking at me full with wonder as if I would tell him to stop. A smile formed on my lips and he had all the confiramtion he needed. 

They say that mating is one of the best experiences and I can proudly state that I agree with that statement. I lost track of time being in his arms until I heard a knock at the door. Someone was looking for us, breaking the spell that we were under. Alexia was so happy that she was howling in my mind proud to finally have her mate, even if they could only communicate half way. I was getting dressed for the hospital when an old memory hit me with force. 

"If the wrong name is used during the rejection, then it is incomplete" 

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