Chapter 40

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Alexandra's POV

"... why would that be?" Livid. With one word you could describe what I was feeling. How dare he say that to my mate? I opened the door and released my full aura at him making him submit to me. He was fighting I can tell you that, but Alexia had control of my body and she took no prisoners when she was mad. Not that I could blame her, he had it coming.

"How, how are you doing that?" he tried to raise his head again but with no luck. Xander came closer and raised his hand to calm me down but one look from Alexia and he got the message, this was our fight. A few nurses and patients felt my aura and fell to their knees submiting to my power without knowing why. I have never displayed my power like this before, it was a first and Xander was looking at me with troubled eyes. Is this what being blessed means?

After a few more moments I let my power go and after a deep growl Alexia gave me back control of my body. This was the guy that I was crazy in love with? This man? This petty, entitled wolf who thought the world was at his fingers? Raising my head toward the sky a question came. Why? Why?

While he tried to stand on his feet again I turned towards Xander and with a smile I asked him to go to my parents house first. I could see that he was not so happy with the idea and after some persuation from me he finally agreed. "Fine I will go, but five guards stay with you." He picked our luggage and moved closer to me. With a featherlight kiss he said goodbye and I was left alone with Hunter.

He was still looking at me with wonder, I guess he still thought of me as a weak wolf. I was never weak though and it was time for him to learn his place.

"I need to examine your father and begin his treatment. After I'm done we can talk. For now leave the room and someone will let you know when it is time to come back."

He began to protest but I was done with him for the time being. I turned my back on him and moved next to the bed with the chart on my hand.

I heard the door close with a loud bang and released the breath I was holding. Back to work then, Alpha Smith was my priority. I had to find a way to heal him but time was running out.

Would a bite work? Alexia was not very hopefull she was already mourning the loss of his wolf. To be honest I could feel it too. When I released my aura I felt all the wolves that were present, but not his...

I took a deep breath to calm my mind and called Alexia forth so we could become one. When we opened our eyes everything felt more vivid, more vibrand. Once again I tried to call forth his wolf but nothing came out of it. So it was time to use my last resort. I bared my fangs and moved my head to his neck. I poured everything I felt for him, my favorite memories of us growing up, all the times he stood by my side.

After a few heartbeats I released my bite and took a step back. I was tired, physically and mentally. I waited to see if there was a change but deep inside me I knew. We lost a great wolf today to an unfair attack.
I had to get to the bottom of this. I sat next to him and just stared. I looked at the man who gave me a chance to live a happy and protected life. I was drowning in regret for the way I treated him the last time I saw him back at Xander's pack, when the door opened and I was faced once again with the man I never wished to see again.

Hunter was looking at me with mixed feelings I could tell. Alexia was growling in my mind urging me to go to our mate. The time to talk would come soon enough but not now. Now we had to give ourselves time to grieve, to mourn our lost Alpha because even with all my blessings I wasn't able to save him.

"Hunter I'm sorry but there is nothing more I can do"
His feral growl made me take a step back. He was holding a piece of paper as he moved towards me. I was so focused on his hand that I missed his crazed look. One moment he was away from me and the next he was pushing me to the wall with his hand wrapped arround my neck.

He took me by surprise, a mistake that I could have avoided had I been more aware. He took the opportunity to press me more and I felt tears running from my eyes as I struggled for my next breath. I raised my hands to grab his but he grabbed me tighter.

"NO" I screamed and raised my knee to his groin. He immediately let go of my neck and I took a deep breath.
"What the hell is wrong with you? I came here to help and this is what I get? You, trying to do what? Intimidate me? Or after all these years finally finish the job and kill me? " His cold laugh made me think about my next words. Was I afraid of him at this moment? Yes I was. Should I be afraid of him though? Hard to tell, a desperate wolf is a dangerous wolf and I was at his pack.

"You sure came running to grab my pack Alexandra. I'm sure daddy dearest told you of his plan to take my birthright and give it to you. Oh the irony, Goddess. I reject you to finally get rid of you and you take my pack from me. And the best thing of all? I am to help you for a year before I leave this pack forever. Just, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? Get the hell out of here. I will never let you get my pack"

"Hunter what are you talking about? What pack? I came here because you asked me to. Ok, let us be real even if you hadn't I would still come back running to help Alpha Smith. Other than that I have no idea what your deal is. Now, you will let me go back to my house to my parents because tomorrow we have a very hard and long day ahead of us. And just one more thing. If you dare to touch me again, you will live to regret it. "

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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