Chapter 38

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Hunter's POV

The hardest thing for a child is to lose a parent before his time. Looking at my father lying on a hospital bed I went back in time though it was not my father I was looking at but my mother.

Both times at the hands of rouges I was losing my parents before their time. My father was strong and during our last fight he managed to overpower me. So how could this strong Alpha wolf got injured so much?

He was happier this last month, whole somehow not like he was for the last year. He left to go to an engagement, Steven even came out of retirement to handle the pack after he took my birthright from me.

And then early in the morning I got the news of his attack and severe injuries. So now I face the death of my father as Dr. Matthews said that there is nothing more he could do to help him. Only this Dr. Masters could give him a fighting chance. I always assumed it was a man so imagine my surprise when a woman answered the phone. 

As the hours went by and I waited patiently for her arrival, my father's condition only changed for the worse. I was like a caged animal trapped inside his room with the only sounds the beeping of the heart monitor and my heavy breathing.  I needed to go outside and rethink my next steps. Things were messy to say the least. I was not in charge of my own pack for Goddess sake. 

Steven was fidgeting outside his room talking to himself trying to understand the mess we found ourselves in. My main question was why now? What had made the rouges attack him today of all days? We had our fair share of attacks but not like this. I noticed Steven leaving the hospital and noticed the time. The good doctor would be here soon, I better make myself presenatable. I had to keep a strong front as she was coming with her mate, another Alpha. 

As I left the hospital a weird feeling came over me. A strong urge to return to his side, no, a need. Like something very important was going to happen. I moved as quickly as possible and managed to be back on record time. Near his room, her scent hit me with full force. Five years have passed, almost six and still her scent was strong enough to bring me to my knees. Angry with my self for feeling this way I opened the door with so much force I almost tore it from it's place. 

There she was by his side holding his chart in her hands with a strange male standing very close to my liking. She raised her eyes to look at my direction and her dismisal hit me straight to the heart. Without thinking I shouted something about permission until the male next to her took a protective stance infornt of her. Who was he to protect her from me? 

She left the chart to its place and with a graceful move placed her hand on the male's shoulder, a sign that it was ok. No, nothing was ok in my mind. 

"You called my pack and asked me to come and see your father". Her voice was as melodic as ever, a shoothing sound to my ears. 

"No, I called Dr. Alex Masters, what game are you playing here Alexandra?" She just shook her head like she was expecting my question and had already come up with an answer. She walked to the couch and the small suitcase placed on its side. Grabbing a bag she took some documents in her hand and moved closer to me. She then handed them to me and without further explanation she waited for me to read them. 

Between her papers was an ID with her name and picture. It was her picture alright but the name was all wrong. Alexandra Masters was the name on the ID and not Alexandra Carter. What was going on. I gave her back the papers and moved closer to my father. 

"This doesn't explain anything Alexandra. You changed your name?" She was now the impatient one like she was being held from doing whatever she wanted to do. She pressed a button and a few seconds later a nurse rushed inside the room. She gave her a shy smile and asked for Dr. Mattheus. 

Alexandra's Pov

 It was my worse fear and it came true. Alpha Smith was gone. He was barely holding on with the help of the machines but his wolf was no longer with him. When Alexia tried to force him to talk to her it was silence she got back. This was the worst case senario as it was impossible for a shifter to survive without his wolf. Lost, one moment I was expecting him and the second... I was barely keeping myself together when Hunter stormed the room. 

He looked exactly the same arrogant asshole he was. Nothing has changed. Alexia was growling on my mind planning his murder and sharing her thoughts. I didn't have time for him and his bullshit to be honest. Feeling relieved that I wasn't harboring any lingering feelings for my ex-mate I moved closer to Xander to calm him down. He could feel some of my emotions as a result of our half bond and I was glad for that. But at the same time I was missing his. 

I called a nurse and asked for Dr. Mattheus so I can inform him of my findings and talk about our next course of action. I had one ace up my sleeve but I needed no witnesses for what I was about to try. Alexia was not very optimistic about my idea but I was nonetheless going to give it my all. This man was the reason I was alive and I had to try. For me, for this pack even for this asshole glaring at me for dismising him. 

Dr. Mattheus rushed to the room and stopped on his tracks when he saw me. He was scanning me head to toe and when he was pleased with what he saw he raised his hand to shake mine. "Dr. Masters it's good to see you again. I don't know if you remember me but I was your doctor a few years back". Of course I remember him, clearly as a memory came to mind. Me, laying on a hospital bed trying to understand what has happended to me. 

 Now I knew better. He was the one to blame of every tragedy in my life and trust me he was going to pay but not now. Alpha Smith was all that mattered now and he was getting my full attention. I gave the good doctor my full smile and sook his hand. 

"Dr. Mattheus I wish I could meet you again under different circumstances, but it's good to see you again. " He gave me a smile and asked for us to speak in private in his office. Xander tried to follow me but I gave him a nod to stay here with Alpha Smith. Not very happy with my action he moved to sit on the sofa and gave Hunter one of his glares. 

I followed Dr. Mattheus to his office and as soon as the door closed he was kneeling on the floor with his right hand above his heart. His action took me by surprise but before I could say anything he continued

"I pledge my loyalty to you Alpha Masters and swear to serve under you as the gamma to your pack and your protector."

Author's Note 

I know that my updates come late and the wait is long but please be patient with me. Any correction about my chapters and suggestion about my story are always welcome. My life is a little crazy at the moment and my time limited but inspiration hit once again and I will try to update more before it leaves me again. 

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