Chapter 3

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Alexandra's Pov

Don't get me wrong, it is quite common for a male werewolf to have relationships before he finds his mate. Finding your true mate is something truly magical or so they say. But in order to find your mate you have to be eighteen and shift into your wolf so you can follow their scent and identify them. My parents said that the day they found they were mates was one of their best days in their lives.

Usually when mates are in the same pack they form a connection from a young age. They start as friends and stay close to each other until they find out. When you are near your mate before you are of age you feel the urge to make them happy and be close to them. But there are also cases that mates reject each other because they find them unworthy.

It is sad that nowadays more and more werewolves reject their mates for silly reasons. I hope that will not be my case because a rejection is a very painful process. Your heart brakes and you feel like a piece of you is missing for the rest of your life.

But back to reality. I stare at Hunter as he looks at me with disgust in his eyes. "Watch where are you going rouge" he spat at me. "What are you talking about?" I asked feeling my anger rise. "Don't tell me that you still don't know how your parents found you at the forest after your real parents abandoned you like the trash you are" he told me with a smug face. "You don't belong here you mutt!"

"What is going on over here Hunter?" Alpha Smith shouted from the front door. I was frozen to the ground tears running from my eyes. I could not believe him. How could he say that? I know I don't look anything like my parents with my black hair and blue eyes but I never doubted that they are my birth parents.

I slowly stood and without a word left the room. I went running to Jack's room for some comfort. We haven't changed a thing inside his room. As I laid in his bed I tried really hard to remember his smell. I tried to calm myself after Hunter's words. This was by far the cruelest thing he's ever told me. How could he stoop so low?

I don't know how much time passed when I heard a knock on the door. Alpha Smith opened the door and peaked inside when he saw me on the bed. He slowly came in and sat beside me. "How are you feeling Alexandra?" he asked. "Is it true?" I was still hoping that this was one Hunter's bulling tactics and not the truth. The Alpha slowly stood and looked me in the eye.

"Tomorrow is your eighteenth birthday princess. After you finish with your classes I expect to see you in my office so we can talk about it. Until then try to relax and don't mention anything to your parents. I will tell you everything you need to know but I need sometime to put my thoughts in order. Don't forget first school and then come straight to my office I will wait for you."

He left the room and left me a worse mess than when he found me. It must be true if he said that he wanted to talk to me in his office. So what does that mean? Who are my parents? Why they left me? Was I such a burden for them that they left me? That would definitely explain many things but why? With these thoughts a restless sleep came where flashes of a baby abandoned haunted me.

The next morning came and I was still fighting with myself. I had to face my parents today and act like nothing id wrong. How can I manage that? How can someone manage their life when everything they ever known was a lie? I guess we will see how. I slowly left Jack's rooms and like a thief entered mine.

I did not expect my mother and father waiting for me with a birthday cake this early in the morning. The moment they saw me they started singing Happy Birthday to me. Tears filled my eyes once again and I run into my mother's open arms. My father oblivious to my actions just laughed. "Happy birthday princess! Eighteen at last! I can't wait to see you shift for the first time!" He gave me a bear hug and I cried like a little baby. "Come on take a shower and come downstairs for your special breakfast" said my mother smiling.

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