Chapter 11

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Alexandra's Pov

I returned home after a short visit to the hospital. My mother came to my room and gave me a bear hug. She could sense that I was upset about something so I told her about the attack in the woods. She tried to change the subject to something more joyful and I let her. After all I'm not going to be here for long. I've made up my mind. Originally my plan was to spend the summer here and move to the Blood Water Pack at the start of the new semester.

But due to recent events, I needed space. So I am going to change the itinerary. As soon as I clear everything with Alpha Xander I'm going to pack my things and turn a new page to my story. I'm going to tell them tonight at dinner. But first things first, I need to make a phone call. "Alpha Xander my name is Alexandra Carter, we spoke a few months back regarding my visit to your pack" "yes, Alexandra I remember, what can I do for you?" a deep voice said. "I would like to move to your pack sooner that the date we originally discussed is that going to be a problem? If that is ok with you of course" I asked hoping that he would agree.

"No, not a problem at all. You can go ahead and schedule your arrival. Will you fly here? I need to know so I can arrange for one of my pack members to pick you up." "Thank you very much Alpha. As soon as I make my reservations I'll send the details" "See you soon Alexandra" the deep voice said.

In a hurry I checked the available flights and booked one for the day after tomorrow. I was excited after years of feeling numb. This was my chance to change my life. For better or for worse I don't know, I guess only time will tell. As I get ready for our family dinner a
I look myself in the mirror. My eyes are still red from crying but I was determined to be happy one day. I have to invite the Alpha to dinner. It's better to inform them all at once.

We arrive to a fancy restaurant in the city close to our territory. It was full of people chatting with their company in a chill mood. After our cheerful dinner, came the birthday cake. My parents and the Alpha sang happy birthday making fools out of themselves. It was time to tell them the news.

"Hmm, can I have your attention please? I would like to share some news with you. As you know I got accepted to med school. I made plans to stay with the Blood Water Pack for the duration of my studies. I will leave the day after tomorrow" "Why so soon?" my mother questioned. "Is this because of what Hunter said today?" my father looked at the Alpha and he gave him the answer "He told Alexandra and a few warriors that he won't accept a rouge as his beta" "what?" my mother shouted, "Alexandra is not a rouge" then she turned to my father "Steven you have to calm down. We're making a scene". My father nodded and stood up.

"We need to leave. And I need to have a word with Hunter, Smith. This is unacceptable". As we exited the restaurant I stopped walking. " One last thing. I would appreciate it if my future location remained a secret. Mum, dad you can visit me anytime you want." Alpha Smith looked me in the eye and told me he understood my decision. Before I had a chance to say anything else a sharp pain in my abdomen made me loose my balance. Not again.

Hunter's Pov

My anger was out of this world. How could my father take her side again? It was like Alexandra could do nothing wrong. He never looked at me with pride in his eyes. He was looking at her as if she was his biggest accomplishment. I was midway through a scotch bottle when a thought hit me. She killed four rouges alone during her first shift, hell I was proud of her but something wasn't right.

When that rouge called her a rouge princess I started digging into her past. I searched the pack's records and I couldn't find a single piece of paper to prove that Jack's mother was pregnant for a second time. What I was able to find was proof that a baby girl was found at the border around the same time Alexandra appeared in the pack.

My second fact was that she looked nothing like her parents. Where Steven and Jack were blonds with green eyes, she had dark hair with blue eyes. She was taller than the average shewolf and stronger than a beta. She had a powerful alpha aura my wolf said proud of his mate. Who was she?

I was going through the second bottle of scotch when a young shewolf approached me at the bar. She was a brunette with hazel eyes and curves in all the right places. When her flirting became more obvious, I started to think about my options. I could either have fun for a night with the beautiful shewolf or I could go home to be alone. My wolf was screaming in my head to go home. "You're going to hurt our mate if you do this" he said as an argument. "Good" I told him and followed the shewolf to a hotel for the night.

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