Chapter 19

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Xander's Pov

... Alexandra Amalia Masters"  rooted in my seat I looked at Alex, the girl that made me a mess every time I was in her presence. The lost girl who came in my pack two years ago running from her mate and his rejection. Now everything made sense, her keeping mostly to herself, refusing to shift with the rest of the pack but most of all, the majestic silver wolf I saw some nights calling to my wolf. She was the mysterious wolf. Alpha Jason and my father grew closely together. I had more knowledge about his life that I was letting on. But first for some reason I had to make sure that she was who Alpha Smith was claiming. 

"That is a very interesting story Alpha, but how do I know what you say is true? You have to prove your words and there is a simple way to do that. Alex shift and show me your wolf, for all I know you have a light grey wolf easily mistaken for silver."  I said waiting for her reaction. She slowly stood and walked towards the window. With slow movements she started to remove her clothes until she was only in her underwear. My wolf purred at the sight like a little kitten. 

"Know one thing Alpha, I'm not obligated to prove to you or anyone else for that matter, the truth of my heritage. If it wasn't for Alpha Smith deeming you worthy I wouldn't take part in this parody, but since he made it a point that you should learn the truth, I will"  she said with an arrogant manor I heard from her for the first time. The next second a powerful aura unleased and a majestic silver wolf stood in front of the window. She held her head high as if to say see I told you so. Like a man under a spell I moved towards her but Alpha Smith stopped me and then I heard her. She was growling at me not to move closer. But I had to make sure, I had to find out if what I felt during her initiation ceremony was real. 

But I had time for that, we had more pressing matters at hand. As I returned back to my seat I caught a glimpse at her body. Flawless would be the word to describe her . She returned to her seat and  looked at Alpha Smith. He was still dazed after being in her wolf's presence. She was powerful I could admit that, with the right amount of training she could be unstoppable. Alpha Smith opened his briefcase and took some notes and pictures. He handed them to Alex before he looked at me. 

"For years after the attack that killed your parents Alexandra, the rouges kept searching for you. In one of these attacks they almost grabbed you but my son took you to safety while my Luna gave her life distracting them. After that the trespassing's and attacks increased in numbers but with little to none casualties. We were getting better at detecting them and you were well protected until that fateful night we lost Jack. It is my understanding that after Jack crashed the car in order to avoid the wolf that appeared in the middle of the road you lost your consciousness and missed the events of that night. 

It pains me to have to say this and given the choice I would still have you believe that Jack's death was due to an accident but the truth is that rouges attacked you that night. When I arrived at the scene Jack was already dead, Hunter was fighting with one of the rouges while two of them were trying to kill you inside the car. My fears had came true, they had found you. When I got my hands at the last rouge with pride in his eyes, announced that you were at last dead. If they couldn't have you neither could we. 

Thank Goddess you were only unconscious and not dead. I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you princess. Your father trusted me to keep you safe and I will try to do just that for the rest of my life." A broken man, I was looking at a broken man. Alex got up from her seat tears running from her eyes. She was pale as a ghost after learning the truth about her brother's death. "so it was my fault after all, Hunter was right all this time. I'm the reason he died" she said her voice broken, barely a whisper. Alpha Smith moved to embrace her but she moved away form him. The older wolf pondered his next words "It was never your fault Alexandra, Hunter was wrong. It was the rouges fault, all of it was the rouges fault". 

Without another word she left my office running Goddess knows where. I stood from my chair and got in the way of Alpha Smith. "Leave her be, she needs time it's not an easy truth to swallow"  he sat back down defeated. "Time is not a luxury that we have at the moment, they know she is alive. They thought she died in the accident but then they found traces of her again. Changing her name helped a little but now they are actively looking for her again. " He gave me the notes and pictures he was still holding. Pictures of grey wolves taken from afar and notes saying how close they were to locate the heir. 

Among them was a picture of a silver wolf, her wolf, taken a few years back. It must have been from her first shifts. Wolves were laying in her feet and blood was covering her fur, but she was standing tall above them like a true queen. "When was this one taken?" he looked at the picture and pride shone through his eyes. "After she shifted for the first time she heard a small child calling for help. She knew that she was not supposed to be seen but she through caution to the wind and run towards the rouges trying to capture the kid. She killed three of them but the fourth managed to land an bite on her neck wounding her. She managed to kill him too before she passed out from blood loss. 

Again I was late to arrive at the scene, but thankfully she recovered very quickly. By the time I got close to her she was gaining her senses. Without thinking about herself she asked about the child who was crying in his mother's embrace. I worry about her all the time, if only she had found her mate, I would be "  I spoke without thinking about the consequences of my words. 

"You mean to tell me that after being rejected, she shifted for the first time and killed four rouges all in the same day?" I was amazed with this woman now more than I have been before. She was a force not to be underestimated.  Alpha Smith looked at me and with his Alpha tone tried to command me "Who dared to reject her? Who had the nerve to hurt my little girl?" I saw him on the verge of shifting and quickly stood in front of him. "Calm down Alpha. Calm down and I will tell you everything I know"

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