Chapter 6

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Hunter’s Pov

Don’t get me wrong, I still wanted to protect her, at least I used to until I was fifteen. During training I used to observe her. I watched her become a good fighter, a capable warrior. She used to beat everyone in her age, when our trainer decided to pair her with her brother. I thought he was a mad man but she proved me wrong, in a matter of minutes Jack was on the ground.

My father chose this day to come see our progress and he suggested that her next opponent to be me. I wanted to laugh at his suggestion but then I saw her face light up and determination radiating from her. As if she was in a trance she started to evade all of my attacks. And where I couldn’t place a hit on her, all of her hits found their mark. She was beating me. When my father called her to stop the fight she looked at me with stars in her eyes for her accomplishment.

All I could think about was the fact that she beat me. Me, the future alpha of the pack. How could I protect her when I couldn’t beat her in practice? I could see my father’s disappointment in his eyes. He never said a word but I knew. That was the day that I started to resend her. She was strong and talented I admit that, but could you see a beta’s daughter beat me? Something wasn’t right.

Three more years passed and Alexandra was constantly in my thoughts. She was strong, and at the age of sixteen she was transitioning from a girl to a young woman. She wore braces and some of the girls her age made fun of her, but even their teasing  couldn’t hold her down. Boys started to notice her and Jack and I had our hands full fending of her suitors.

With my birthday around the corner I couldn’t help it but dream about my mate. Every time my mind draw Alexandra’s picture. She haunted my dreams and I hated her for it. But, how could anyone compare to her? Bright blue eyes that could hold you captive in their depths, legs that run for days and dark hair so soft that gave silk a run for it’s money. In my head she was perfect and no one else could have her but me.
Except, I didn’t want her.

What’s funny is that I never saw any fault in my way of thinking. I hated the idea of her with another man, while I was having girlfriends from a young age. I never had a serious relationship though. I had fun, yes, but I wanted to have sex for the first time with my mate. I wanted to share this experience with her and her only.

I was wandering in the woods next to the packhouse when I felt like I was burning up. Next thing I know I’m on my knees screaming while I hear my bones break. I’m sure the change lasted a few minutes but to me it felt like it was hours. When I finally regained my senses I tried to stand but when I looked at my feet I saw paws. Four brown paws.

After i returned from the woods, my wolf Alec started to poke my mind. He was restless and he urged me to enter the pack house from the back. As I approached the intoxicating smell of caramel and vanilla filled me. Alec was screaming mate in my mind, and then i saw her.

She was talking and laughing with one of the new pack members. Her laugh was a sound that filled my heart. For a moment my mind drifted away and flowaded with thoughts about her in my arms laughing. But wait a minute, I'm the only one who is supposed to make her smile, happy, not him! Before she even got the chance to answer his question i growled loudly and stood behind my rival.

What they hell do you think you're doing?
I just ignored her and told the unlucky guy.
Leave. I may have added a little of my alpha tone when I addressed him but I was not sorry for it.
Do you think that you are really ready to start dating? Oh, Jack is going to love this when I tell him. I sneered at her. She looks at me shocked and I just continue my words. What about the unlucky fellow who is your mate? Aren't you going to stay pure for him?

Alexandra opened her mouth to retaliate, but then she turned her back on me. How dared she turn her back on me? I was her mate. Without thinking i grabbed her arm. My whole body tensed from the sparks in my hand. I waited to see her reaction to my touch. Will she feel it too?

She faced me with eyes full of anger. For years you ignore my existence, you barely sparred me a glance and now what? What do you want from me? Why do you care if i date? She was looking at me waiting for an answer. She was asking me silently why i care. Easy because she is my mate, but i couldn't reveal that yet. She can't feel our bond and I was crushed.

I'm not even worthy of an answer. I see. Whatever Hunter, just stay away from me, you managed to stay out of my life the previous years, I'm sure you can keep doing that. With these words she left me alone frozen in the back yard.

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