Chapter 15

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Alexandra's Pov 

The drive was longer than I thought. It took us almost two hours to leave the human part behind us and enter the werewolf territory. The change in scenery was vast. The huge forest was hiding small communities with colorful houses spread all over the place. We soon reached the werewolf city the center of the werewolf population on this part of the continent. It was a sight for sore eyes, the way the forest was part of the city. Green was the main theme everywhere you looked. Big enough to accommodate every need and at the same time small enough to avoid suspicion from the human population. 

Humans and wolves lived together in harmony with humans oblivious to our existence. Alpha Xander has done an amazing job with his pack. To my surprise I felt Alexia relax a little bit and lower her guard down in order to  enjoy the view as the car moved towards our destination, our new home. 

I caught Carl stealing glances at me while he was driving and I smirked. Maybe I should say something to break the ice. "So beta Carl, what can you tell me about the pack? " he openly looked at me now and smirked. "Well Alexandra, what would you like to know?" I only had about a million questions that needed answers but I decided to ask the basics. 

"How big is the pack? What ranking system do you use? Are ranks hereditary or can anyone strong enough claim a seat at the table? Is training mandatory or optional?" A loud laugh left him as he turned to look at me again. I barely noticed that the car had stopped moving. As I looked at him once again I noticed he got serious all of a sudden. He opened his door and jumped out of the car in a matter of seconds. I turned my head to the direction he went and froze. 

A man was standing in the entrance of a huge mansion looking like a god, an angry, very angry god. I exited the car and moved towards beta Carl, trying to understand what was happening. Beta Carl came to stand next to me when I heard the deep voice. The familiar deep voice that talked to me for months. So this is Alpha Xander, one of the stronger Alpha's of his generation. He moved to stand in front of me unleashing an amazing amount of Alpha aura. This was the moment I realized that beta Carl was trembling from the force in his effort to withstand it, while it was barely making me uncomfortable. 

I looked into his eyes and saw all the questions he had for me. With a nod of his head I followed him inside the mansion, through the corridor to an office. As he took his place in his chair he motioned for me to have a seat. I started to worry, what was happening? He was never warm when we talked but he was never this rude either. After seizing me up for a few more seconds he finally opened his mouth. "You must be Alexandra Carter." "Yes Alpha I am" "Well in that case, care to explain why first thing in the morning I got an angry phonecall  from Alpha Smith stating that I stole one of his most valuable members without him having any knowledge? You told me that he was in agreement with you moving here for your studies, what changed?" 

Oops. I think I was in deep trouble and this was entirely my fault. I never turned my phone back on after the flight so I guess Alpha Smith wasn't able to reach me. I cleared my throat to gain some second to think about my answer. My gut told me that I should come clean, that it was my only option if I wanted to stay in this pack, and time was of the essence since I cut all ties with my old pack. In a few weeks I would become a rouge if I wasn't careful. Decision made then, the truth it is.  

"Alpha Xander, I'm willing to tell you the truth but what you learn today must not reach Alpha Smith's ears. " "I'm listening"  he said his tone firm. "My name is Alexandra Carter and I'm the adoptive daughter of the beta family. To the pack's knowledge I'm their birth daughter, only the Alpha knows the true circumstances of my adoption and at this moment I'm pretty sure so does the future Alpha, his son. Hunter and I used to be on good terms growing up until our early teens when he made the decision that I did not belong with my brother and him. 

Life was tolerable until the night my brother and I had a car accident and I lost my beloved brother as a result. After that night Hunter became ruthless toward me. Things kept escalading until a few days ago, the morning of my birthday when I found out that he was my mate. He rejected me on the spot, before I even got the chance to shift for the first time. I almost lost my life because I was in a weak state during my shift and then he had the nerve to take away my position from me. He claimed that he would never accept a rouge as his beta. 

Alpha Xander, I give you my word I bear no ill intentions towards your pack and I will handle any misunderstanding regarding my old pack. I hope you understand where I come from and how hard was my decision to leave my old life behind, but I have to move on and live my life. I made a promise to my brother and I intent to keep it. What worries me is that if Alpha Smith finds out that Hunter is my mate and he rejected me, he will take the Alpha right from him. I never want this to happen, but if this is to happen I would like to be for a reason that hasn't got to do with me".  

I barely finished my train of thoughts when a voice interrupted me. "You put me in a very difficult position Alexandra. But I gave you my word that you'll be welcome to my pack for the duration of your studies.  As for a more permanent membership we will have to talk again after you take your entrance exams. Being accepted in the university is one thing, being part of this pack is another. "

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