Chapter 24

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Alexandra's Pov

He knew he was about to die and he took measures to keep me safe. As I lower the letter to his desk, another pack of papers caught my eyes. Bloodwork for him and my mother. As I read through the results my blood boils, they were poisoned. And not with any common poison but with wolfsbane. A herb that can be deadly to us if ingested. So that was how they did it. They poisoned the water. But if I can find it reading these results, how could the pack doctor miss it? Someone from the pack betrayed them. I was sure of it. Reading the rest of the results a name caught my attention. Maria Fernandez, the doctor in charge of the pack. She couldn't have missed it. She even signed the results as unconclusive. This gave me new direction in my search for answers, but first I needed to find that room and the truth about me. 

I found a safe room in the ground floor and left my staff inside. He really was prepared for any situation as it was not the only safe room I found as I was searching the house. When I found their room I couldn't keep myself from crying once again. A crib was put beside their bed, I guess to my mother's side so she can be close to me even in her sleep. A picture was hanging on the wall above their bed from their mating ceremony. They looked happy, I smiled at the thought and then a bitter laugh left me as I thought of my father's letter. He gave his life to save mine, so my mate could reject me. It was funny if you think about it. This turn of events. 

I left their room and walked into the next. It was a nursery, my name written with big pink letters on the wall. More pictures of the three of us on every surface telling a story of a happy family, robbed of their happiness. In the corner was a TV with a VCR underneath. Could it still be functional? It wouldn't hurt to try I thought to myself as I pressed the switch button. At first all I could see was a grey picture and then voices filled the void. A young man came into the picture smiling proudly as he pointed at a woman with a baby in her arms. "Jason, be quiet you are going to wake her up and if you do there's hell to pay" she said firmly ever though she was smiling at him and you could see the love shining in her eyes. 

The picture changed again and a baby I realized was me came into view. My father was singing a lullaby trying to put me to sleep but I guess had other ideas. With a sigh, he took me out of my crib, shifted into his wolf and sat next to me. My little hands grabbed his fur and my cries stopped as sleep claimed me. Our time together was not enough. After a few moments a voice was heard from the tape. "Jason she has you wrapped around her little finger you spoil her too much" my mother said in mock anger. A few more scenes played on the tape and soon sleep claimed me on the floor like when I was an infant. 

Loud voices woke me up and at first it took me some time to realize that they were from the tape. "Amalia you have to let her go, she is not safe here. Smith is going to take care of her" "How can you trust him with her? You send the distress call and hour ago and still no answer, what if... what if he betrayed us as well?" No, I must have heard wrong. There is no way that Alpha Smith betrayed my father. I refuse to believe that. I run back to my father's office and search all of his papers. Now I knew what I was looking for. The call log. Every distress call is cataloged for future use and finally I found what I was looking for. 

With wide eyes I read his last message to the man he thought a friend. Help, rouges are attacking us. We were poisoned. Can't make it without your help. Jason Masters. The message was received and signed by a Juan Fernandez. This name again it troubled me, but one fact remained. That the man who saved me and helped raise me had betrayed them.  I lost my strength and fell to the ground. No, this was not the truth, but all the facts pointed towards something I refused to believe. And then I saw it, a piece of paper hidden under the desk. With trembling hands I picked it up and read it. 

I can spare no warrior. You are on your own. Smith Black. No this was not real. I took my father's journal in my hands and put the call log inside, the answer as well. One day he will have to answer for his refusal to help my parents. But today was not that day. He had twenty years with his family while I had a few days. I was going to make everyone pay for their crimes. But first I had to find out the truth about what really happened twenty years ago. Alexia was begging me to go for a run. She felt suffocated after all these revelations and I couldn't blame her one bit. Behind my father's chair was a map with all the packs under his protection. 

He helped a lot of people while he was alive and I really hope that I'm worthy to follow in his footsteps. I found my old pack in the map and it was a three hour walk by my calculations. If I run in human form I could be there a lot sooner. Time to investigate the truth. I can be in and out of the pack without anyone noticing. But until the middle of the night I had to stay here. I had to find the room my father was talking about. Late in the afternoon I had a breakthrough, as I was studying the blueprints of the house I found some anomalies in one of the cellars. Bingo, this must be the place. 

I followed the directions  I had marked and what do you know? I was right, I found the room. At first sight it gave the vibe of a library with all the bookshelves hanging from the walls. But upon further inspection I understood what it was used for . A war room that held all of our history. Journals dated hundreds of years were ready to share all of their secrets with me. One though was kept in a  glass case so I came into the conclusion that it must be important. I tried to open the case but after a few tries I gave up. On the side of the case was a number, the number 1, could it be that there was a copy of it in the library? No harm in looking anyway. 

As I searched for the book with the number one I found many other interesting books but my mind was stuck in this one until I finally found it. Hidden behind some war tactic books, full of dust was the one I was looking for. Alisha's journal from the looks of it. Someone had made a copy of the original and kept it hidden. Smart I thought to myself. As I read her journal many of my questions were answered. What was the pain that I was feeling at odd times, why I was able to smell Hunter before my first shift, why I still felt bonded to him, how I had a second chance mate out there. 

My hate for Hunter only grew after reading the journal. I almost died, I lost my brother because he cheated on me after he found out I was his mate. I couldn't feel the bond before my birthday and he could, it was the way the Goddess chose to test him and he failed, miserably if I say so. He was not worthy to be my mate and not the other way around. Alexia had a few things to say about her poor excuse of a mate. It took all of my strength to reign her in and continue reading. Unless I was open to feel another bond for all I know I could have met my second chance mate already and not felt him. Interesting. 

I looked at my clock and it was time to start my walk. I searched the closet in my parents room for clothes and found a pair of black jeans and a black shirt. Perfect, my mothers clothes fit me like a glove and even though they didn't held her scent after all these years they gave a sense of home. Tying my hair as best as I could, I wore my father's cap and I was ready to go. Once again in his office I found another item on my list. A silver dagger. If I was going to jump into danger head first I couldn't jump unprepared. I had to be able to protect myself without shifting. 

I left the mansion behind me and looked at the moon high in the sky. Silently I asked the Goddess for protection and started the run towards my old pack. Old mate, here I come. 

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