Chapter 12

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I woke up the next day in the hospital. An IV was hooked in my arm and a heart monitor counted my heart beats. My mother entered the room with my father by her side. When she saw that I had opened my eyes, she immediately told my father to call the doctor.
"Honey, you had us all worried" "Mum what is wrong with me?" Before she cold give me an answer a doctor walked inside my room and asked them to give us some privacy.
He looked at me and for a moment I think I saw pity in his eyes. "Hello Alexandra, I'm doctor Mattheus. Can you please answer some questions for me?" "Yes, of course doctor, ask away".
"Have you experienced pain like this before and can you describe what you felt?"
"It was a sudden but very sharp pain in my abdomen. I felt like I was burning. The first time I experienced it was two years ago, maybe two and a half? I had symptoms like this many times in the previous years but this time... It was stronger than the others but not as painful as the first time."
"Ok. That is very interesting. You said that the first time you felt that kind of pain you were by my culculations sixteen?"
"Yes, that is correct. It was a few months before I turned sixteen." I was curius about his questions. Where was this going? What alarmed me though was the fact that I could see the pitiful looks that he gave me while I was answering his questions.
"Tell me Alexandra, have you found your mate? He can help with your recovery if you have." He looked hopeful enough to make me think about telling him the truth about Hunter. But what could I tell him, yeah I found him and he rejected me on the spot? My wolf was still a no show after yesterdays events. So I decided to keep my secret for me and him. There isn't a chance to change his mind so why bare the hummiliation? "No, I haven't" I said with a certainty in my voice that I even believed me myself. Dr. Mattheus looked me in the eye and after some time he gave up. I don't think that he believed my words but I would never admit it out loud.
"These are some painkillers. If you feel that kind of pain again take one. They won't take the pain away, but I hope that they'll help a little."
"When can I be discharged? Also I have a long flight tomorrow, is it safe to travel?"
"Your father is taking care of the paperwork now. Since you're an adult all you have to do is sign your discharge. There isn't really much that I can do for you at this point. I think it is safe to travel but you have to hydrate yourself and have a good rest before you leave".

The door opened and Alpha Smith with my parents entered the room followed by a nurse. While the nurse took care of the IV and the heart monitor I was watching Alpha Smith. He was worried about me and his sleepless night was showing.
"Dr. Mattheus, I hope you took good care of Alexandra. She's like a daughter to me. I want to make sure that she is healthy enough to travel and if she has a condition we should know about so we can treat it." The good doctor looked at me again.
"Yes Alpha, Alexandra is fine. I think this was a single incident. Due to her quick healing she was able to beat her pain. I gave her some painkillers with instructions. There isn't a reason for you to worry. Alexandra, I hope the next time we see each other,won't be at the hospital" he smiled and left the room with the nurse. I slowly got dressed and followed my parents to the packhouse. Alpha Smith stayed at the hospital to take care of something and instructed me to meet him at his office in an hour.

I haven't seen Hunter since yesterday and as much as it pained me, I didn't want to see him before I leave. What would I say goodbye?
What if he changed his mind, are we still leaving? Alexia asked. She was in pain and I felt sorry for the loss of her mate. But I was sure about my decition. It was time.
Yes we are Alexia. You heard him, he doesn't want us. There is nothing we can do to undo his rejection.
Alexandra, we will be ok someday. Not today, not tomorrow, but after sometime he will be a memory.
I hope you're right. I really do. You know there was a time that I was sure that I was his mate and he would change the way he was towards me. Maybe if Jack was still alive things would be different. But he is not with us anymore.

Alpha Smith wanted to give me access to my father's bank accounts, the deed to his packhouse and a picture of him and my mother. "What about my mother's family? Are they still alive?"
"Your grandmother tried to persuade her Alpha to attack the rouges when she learned about your parents. When he refused, she was devastated. Not long after she lost your grandfather due to a heart attack. She was a wreck, but tried to honour the daughter she lost and her family as best as she could. She died in a rouge attack fifteen years ago. Alexandra, all these years I had to make some difficult decisions for your safety. You may think that I never gave you the chance to meet your family but you have to understand. If the world knew that you are still alive you would never be safe."
"Don't worry Alpha Smith, I know you did what was best for me. I wish things were different but I have to face the cruel reality.

I packed a small suitcase with some essentials to take with me. Everything else I will buy when I reach my new house. A plan for a new life was forming in my mind. Everything will work out.

A few hours later, in the middle of the night, my parents drove me to the airport. As we passed the Pack's invisible border I told them to stop the car. It was time for me to break the bond, I needed a clean break. I asked them for a moment alone and they granded me my wish.

I walked further towards the woods and took a long breath. With a calming voice and a heavy heart said the words that I believed would set me free:

I, Alexandra Amalia Masters, cut all ties with the Black Water Pack.

Silence filled my mind as the link between me and the pack permanently broke.

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