Chapter 4

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Teacher: Okay class today we have a fun project to do.

Class: Yay what are we doing teacher!

One student: Is it arts and crafts?!

Yukihime: Come on guys calm down so she can tell us.

Teacher: Thank you miss Ikoma. What we'll be doing today is a group project. We're going to put all your names in this box and the name you pick will be your partner.

Another student: Me pick me!

Bakugo: Quiet you extras! If anyone gets to go first It's me!

A different student: No way! A meany like you should go last!

Class: Yeah!

Bakugo: What you say to me! I'll blast you to bits!

Izuku: Set down and hush Bakugo now!

Bakugo: Tch! You're all just lucky Deku's here!

Izuku: teacher you should pick who goes first or do it by seat order.

Teacher: That's a wonderful idea Midoriya! We'll go by seat order so there's no complaining! That means you go first miss Ikoma.

Yukihime: Yes teacher!

Teacher: wonderful everyone has a partner!

Tweedledee: Teacher I got Ikoma her dad's scary can I please trade with someone.

Izuku: I'd be happy to trade with him teacher. Anyone would be better than Bakugo.

Bakugo: Hey! What do you mean by that?!

Teacher: O dear you got Bakugo Midoriya? Well normally you'd be stuck with who you drew, but for Bakugo's sake I'll allow it.

Bakugo: What do you mean my sake?!

Tweedledee and Izuku: Thank you teacher!

Bakugo: Don't ignore me dang it!

Teacher: okay now on to the project. You're to write a small essay about your partner about what kind of hero they could be!

Class: Yay!

Teacher: I suggest you spend some time together with your partner if you're not already friends. You may even need to see if you can go home with them to see the real them.

Class: Yes teacher!

Yukihime: hey wait up Midoriya!

Izuku: O hey Ikoma what's up?

Yukihime: silly we're partners. We're supposed to learn about each other for the project.

Izuku: O yeah that right. I'd love to stay and chat but Bakugo will start something if I don't keep an eye on him.

Yukihime: Then I'll be keeping an eye on him to. That way Bakugo want cause any trouble and we can do our project!

Izuku: Do whatever you like.
Replied Izuku with little energy or care.

Yukihime: So way do you keep Bullies in check Midoriya? Especially Bakugo?

Izuku: I can't stand to see anyone getting bullied. Especially when the cocky idiot wants to be a hero, but instead is acting like a villain.
As for Bakugo I'd honestly rather not have to baby sit him all the time, but aunty Mitsuki worries about him. She asked me to look after him.

Yukihime: Aunty? Are you and Bakugo related?

Izuku: What no no no thankfully I'm not related to him. His mom and my mom are best friends. They act like sisters so I call her Aunty.

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