Chapter 30

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Author here Sorry it's been so long since I posted a chapter. I don't like burdening others with my problems, but you deserve an explanation on why it's been so long. I'm bipolar and I like to write when I'm in a good mood or at least that rare neutral mood. When I'm in a depressed mood I don't feel like doing anything. My depression has gotten worse since winters come, so I think I also have seasonal affective disorder. My grandpa had it so it wouldn't surprise me if I had it too. That's a double dose of depression and it's making me miserable. I am really sorry though. As a way of apologizing I've added a one-shot of a story I might do later, and as a late Christmas present how things are going, there'll be a different one-shot on my other story. Please be patient with me til I get over this. Thanks and I hope you had a great Christmas. And New Year. There's something else going on I'll explain that at the end that way you don't have to read it. Again sorry for how long it's been and for probably a short chapter.

Toshi: Chiyo please I know you don't want to heal me, but please! There's no way I could stay buff til my surgery was over. I need to be in the best shape I can be if I'm going to give Izuku a fight.

Chiyo: Fine but I'm only doing it for Izuku. You better give him everything you've got Toshi.

Toshi: I promise Chiyo.

Chiyo: Come on let's get this over with before you bleed to death.

One surgery later.

Nezu: How's Toshi doing Chiyo?

Chiyo: He'll be fine it looked much worse than it was. The torn muscles were cut cleanly. Once I reattached the nerves and sewed him up I'll I had to do was use my quirk and give him some more blood of course. He'll probably sleep the rest of the day. How's the public taking there unstoppable hero running from a school child?

Nezu: It's pretty chaotic and mixed. Some are in disbelief others afraid because All Might said retirement, and some can't wait for our first years to graduate. The press are dying for a response from Toshi. All and all though I think this is a good thing. People are seeing Toshi as a human being not a god. He can still do hero work for now. There would have been far more shock if he retired with everyone believing he was invincible. Villains would no doubt become far bolder if that was the case.

Chiyo: Now though they'll be wary of the next generation of heroes.

Nezu: Exactly.

Chiyo: What are we going to do about Enji?

Nezu: First we'll see what he does next. If he try's anything against Izuku or puts his own family in any danger we'll step in and open a public case against him. We'll get his hero license revoked and get his children away from from him.


Enji: S-Shoto can I please talk with you?

Shoto: You look like hell, are you even supposed to be moving around?

Enji: That doesn't matter right now. Please can we talk?

Shoto: Why should I after the crap you tried with Izuku and Fuyumi!

Enji: T-that's just part of my sins. Please I just want to talk to you.

Shoto: Fine but make it quick.
Shoto was confused by this whole interaction. None of it made any sense. His father asking for permission, letting anyone see him in this sorry state. None of it made any sense.

Enji: Thank you Shoto! My life's been in danger twice now, and both times it was someone else doing what's supposed to be my job. Shoto I'm sorry for the literal hell I've put our family through. I don't deserve to be forgiven. I was blinded with my obsession of being number one. I'm a fool for needing the truth beat into me. I'm going to focus on atoning for my sins. I need to apologize to Fuyumi and Natsue and your mother. Shoto you're free to live wherever you want, but I'm sure Fuyumi and Natsue would love for you to stay with them.
Shoto couldn't believe what he was hearing.

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