Chapter 36

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Nezu: You've finally reached your limit Toshi. Your fights with Midoriya accelerated the matter. You had no choice but to retire. Crime rates have gone up and we're still under heavy scrutiny by the public. Thankfully finding out Aoyama was a mole reduced the criticism some. In response to the threat to our students I've decided to make dorms and have it mandatory for all students to stay in them. We'll be able to keep them safe on school grounds. As far as the crime rate goes I believe getting our first years their provisional licenses and getting them on the streets will lower crime rates a fair bit. We'll need to personally go and ask the parents to let their children continue to come to U.A.. Aizawa and Toshi will go to 1-A's families while Vlad and myself will see to 1-B.

Toshi: It may be difficult for them to get their provisional licenses. The training camp was meant to help them get their licenses, but it was cut short.

Aizawa: I may have a replacement for the training camp.

Nezu: Oh? What would that be?

Aizawa: I don't know if they'd get any quirk training because of the rules, but I was thinking we take them to the QMMAF. They all could get valuable combat experience. And not only us teachers would be there to protect them all the QMMAF fighters would be there too. It's where Izuku got so strong at. I'm certain it would help all of our students.

Vlad: That does sound promising.

Nezu: It does hmm we'll let it be optional for the students to attend. That way their parents won't think we haven't learned our lesson. But will the QMMAF even agree to let our students come?

Aizawa: I ran this idea by Izuku and had him check if we could, and he got in contact with Volgin. Volgin agreed to let us come so we've got a green light there.

Toshi: Great! That just leaves seeing if the students parents are willing to let their children stay with us. I'm not looking forward to that.

Nezu: Indeed, but it has to be done. Let's start and get this over with.

Time skip til the students head to the QMMAF.

Mina: Wow! This place is huge! I can't believe we're getting secret ogre training!

Toru: I'm excited, but kinda scared too.

Kyoka: I know what you mean. This is the first time I've been here.

Izuku: They're all great people so don't worry about anything.

Kyoka: Okay Izuku.

Kirishima: I can't wait to see all the manliness inside these doors!

Aizawa: Calm down everyone. We're here as guests so I expect you all to be on your best behavior. Let's head in.

Everyone walks inside and sees a large group of people running track. On closer inspection there were actually two groups the smaller group was chasing the larger group. When two people from the groups met a battle took place.

Mina: Oh my gosh! There's not just ogres here! There's a goblin, Minotaur and a centaur here!

Toru: Mina look over there! It's a snake man!

Mina: There are so many people with quirks here! Izuku I thought? Izuku? Where did he go?

Kyoka: He jumped down onto the track and tackled some guy. And there he goes chasing more people.

Volgin: Hahaha little Zebra never change! Welcome to QMMAF student heroes!

Mina: Little Zebra?

Volgin: Known little Zebra since he was knee high to grasshopper. Though he has grown considerably still little Zebra to me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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