Chapter 28

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Mic: What an exciting start! We got to see so much talent, and it's only the first part! I can't wait to see what thrills await us!

Momo: Izuku help me please!

Izuku: Grapist I'm only going to give you one warning. GET THE HELL OFF MOMO NOW!

Mineta: Eep! I'm off I'm off!
Mineta than runs away crying.

Kyoka: You okay Yaomomo?

Momo: I am now. Thank you Izuku.

Izuku: You really need to work on your awareness if you let Mineta get the drop on you like that.

Momo: You're right. Would you two be willing to help me with something?

Izuku: Sure.

Kyoka: What do you need Yaomomo?

Momo: W-well Mineta's balls are still on my gym uniform. Would you two be willing to hold up a curtain so I could change? I don't believe Midnight sensai would wait for me.

Kyoka: Sure Yaomomo we'll help.

Momo: Thanks.

Midnight: Everyone has finished the obstacle race, but only the first forty two get to advance! But don't be sad we've prepared some recreational games for everyone! Now let's find out what the next event is! I already know it, but what will it be! A cavalry battle!

Kaminari: Oh no I'm not good at those.

Midnight: The rules are simple! You'll make teams of two to four members! One rider the others are horses!

Uraraka: So it's just like a regular cavalry battle.

Midnight: Each player will be assigned points based on what place you make! The teams total points will be placed on a headband the rider wears!

Sato: Points like the entrance exam, that's nice and simple.

Midnight: 42nd place is worth five points, and 41st place is worth ten! This continues until first place! First place is worth a whopping ten million! This is a game where those in last can take first!

Everyone: Ten million?!
Many predatory gazes looked at Izuku, only to see a wicked grin and a more terrifying gaze.

Izuku: Hahaha that means all the fun will come to me great!

Midnight: That's not how most people react, but true enough.

Tokoyami: those ten million points made me forget that the overlords a battle maniac.

Mina: Ditto.

Midnight: Don't stop til the game is over! Even if you lose your headband or fall down your still in the game! Use of quirks is allowed, but intentionally knocking down the other teams will get you a red card, disqualifying your whole them!

Bakugo: Tch!

Midnight: You'll have fifteen minutes to make teams, than a fifteen minute free for all! Start getting those teams together!

Kyoka: Wanna team up Izuku?

Izuku: Of course Kyoka! I'd love to team up with you, but it might just be the two of us. It's easier to take point than defend them here.

Kyoka: I need the challenge if I'm going to catch up to you Izuku, so let's do it!

Izuku: You're really amazing Kyoka. That spirit is one of the many reasons I love you.
Kyoka couldn't help but blush.

Kyoka: Thanks Izuku I love you too.

Yukihime: Izuku! There you are! Nobody wants to team up with me! Can I please be on your team?

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