Chapter 3

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At Aldera Elementary school there are three students that stand out the most. One the ever hot headed and loud Katsuki Bakugo. An aggressive child that will pick fights with older children to prove he's the strongest. Smart for his age with what many would consider a powerful quirk explosion. The drawbacks being mild the impact of the explosions and possible hearing damage make it a quirk that could be used excessively. Add the fact that the longer the battle the stronger it gets. It was a dream quirk that many considered top ranked hero quality. Because of this he's prideful and arrogant to a fault. Doesn't hesitate to bully anyone else, as a result he doesn't have any real friends. Only lackeys who only want to be on his good side so they don't get bullied themselves. ( like tweedledee and tweedledum you pick with one is fingers or wings).

Number two the beautiful and kind Yukihime Ikoma. A lovely young lass who is always willing to help her fellow students or teachers. She has long silver white hair and a somewhat pale skin tone making her look like a beautiful doll. Popular with both her fellow students and teachers, she has many female friends but no male friends. The reason? Any boy that tries to get near her has to get through the Yuki-oni ( rough or literal translation snow demon) Aka her father. His name is Yukiotoko Ikoma ( you can really tell  naming is not my strong suit huh) as a father he's very protective of his daughter. His wife passed away giving birth to Yukihime so he decided to give all his love and care for his wife to his daughter. He spoils her but makes sure she doesn't turn into a brat in other words a wonderful father trying to fill both parental roles. Yukihime shares the same quirk as her father a snow creation and manipulation emitter type quirk. You can imagine how popular it would make a child to be able play in the snow anytime of the year. Recreational activities aside it's a powerful quirk with relatively mild drawbacks were over use can cause dehydration and lowered body temperature. Like most elemental quirks it provides a resistance to the correlating element in this case Ice or the cold, as such the dehydration drawback is the more serious one. ( there are of course exceptions take Dabi for instance he has a stronger flame than Endeavor but his resistance is probably from his moms ice quirk since his flames will burn him far to soon. Honestly speaking in my opinion Endeavor should have found someone with a fire or heat immunity quirk instead of the polar opposite of his, if the child got both of there quirks it wouldn't have any drawbacks and could go well beyond the heat Endeavor or Dabi can produce and be perfectly fine. Sure Shoto cancel out his drawbacks from both quirks but he still has them there's a limit of what he can do with either one. That's all from the author for now.) Yukihime's quirk would be great for hero work. It would be able to perform well in both fighting and capturing villains, as well as rescue work. There's just one problem Yukihime can't stand to see any kind of injury. Like some people get light headed and faint if they see blood Yukihime gets nauseous even too the point of throwing up. Even something as minor as a paper cut makes her feel queasy. She's well aware that she isn't cut out for hero work or healthcare and is fine with that. She just wishes that the other kids would leave her alone about being a hero.

Now last but not least the anti-bully Izuku Midoriya. Both teachers and students enjoy Izuku's presence. The teachers have no trouble with him. A straight A student who's always willing to help, and is quick to keep the peace. Despite his small size for a second grader he doesn't tolerate any bullying even the higher grade bullies behave when Izuku's around. He never takes a fight to far so the teachers let him protect the other students. Except for that one time when Bakugo knocked Izuku's lunch in the floor was it on purpose? An honest accident? Nobody knows even Bakugo doesn't know why. People thought that Izuku was mad and angry whenever he saw someone getting bullied, but no he was just annoyed slightly upset. When Bakugo knocked Izuku's food in the floor they saw the horror of a truly mad and furious Izuku. The one sided beating only ended  when Bakugo was thrown out a window. The damage to school property was one table a bench the window Bakugo flew through and one poor lunch monitor that tried to get Izuku off Bakugo. He came at Izuku from behind to pick him up but got elbowed in the nose when Izuku was rearing to pound Bakugo and knocked out. Once Bakugo was out of sight the lunch lady was able to calm Izuku down giving him a triple serving of lunch. When she asked Izuku why he threw Bakugo out the window he replied somewhat coldly I wouldn't have stopped until he was gone, this reply terrified staff and students. Both Izuku and Bakugo's parents were of course called in. Mitsuki was quick to put all the blame on Bakugo hoping that Bakugo would learn to behave and treat other's better. Bakugo was not at the meeting. He had to be rushed to the hospital. His injuries were a broken nose, five fractured ribs, one broken forearm, a dislocated hip, a broken femur and six baby teeth knocked out. The event was so traumatic that Bakugo lost the memory of that day. After that no one ever bothered Izuku during lunch. Many students even went so far as to give Izuku part of their lunch to keep him busy and calm. Izuku never asked for any of there food, but always accepted.

Author notes

I apologize for the short chapter. It wasn't originally short it had over three thousand words, but I didn't want to overwhelm anyone with a wall of text so I split it in two. It wouldn't have bothered me personally for the long chapter and I might have to make a long one later. Talking about Aldera Elementary schools big three took way more words than I thought it would. So again sorry about that when I start going and get into writing it's hard to stop. As always thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it and thanks for understanding about the chapter.

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