Chapter 19

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Aizawa: Alright everyone you all have an important decision to make. You have to choose your class president and vice president.

Bakugo: Pick me! I'm the only real choice!
All the other students stayed quiet surprising Aizawa.

Aizawa: I'm impressed you're all staying calm. Usually I have to yell and make everyone be quiet.
Aizawa was completely ignoring Bakugo. So was the rest of the class.

Mina: Hehe well no one wants to make the ogre mad being cocky!

Momo: What are the requirements sensai?

Aizawa: You'll have to figure that out yourselves. In a normal school almost anyone could fill the roll if they're willing to do some extra work. But this is a hero school. In addition to the regular work that goes with the role, your also the leader of the class. When we have joint exercises with the other hero classes this decision will ultimately decide whether you win or lose. The class president will get experience similar to running your own agencies. They'll be pulling ahead of the rest of you in terms of starting their own agency.

Iida: So we need to choose someone with excellent leadership skills. They also need to be willing to teach the rest of us what they learned. After all a leader that only cares for themselves or just a few of us won't do.

Momo: They also need to be able to make good use of each one of us. That requires a good understanding of strategy.

Kaminari: Your really good with advice Izuku. Who do you think should be class president?

Izuku: Hmm well any of you could do it with some work. Of course some would need more than others. Your right hand is just as important though. They need to complement the leader. Take yourself for instance Sparky. You Ashido and Toru are social butterflies. As far as getting the class to work together you shouldn't have any trouble. A good right hand for you three would be Momo or Specs and pipes. They would be invaluable for the academic and strategic side. Whispers would benefit from someone as... vocal as Bakugo. Bakugo couldn't try to usurp control for that to work though. You have to have a mutual respect for any kind of relationship to work. You also need to take how teach runs his classroom into consideration. He's going to let you handle any problems that come up so you get as much real life experience as possible.

Momo: What about yourself Izuku?

Izuku: Me? The extra workload doesn't bother me. I'm confident I could get everyone to behave one way or another. As far as a right hand went I'd need someone who's not afraid to tell me I'm wrong. I make mistakes like everyone else. I'm not sure I'd be the best fit for the P.R. part though.

Iida: Public relations? When would you have to deal with that?

Izuku: Like I said teach is going to hand things over to whoever the president is. Grapist sexual assaults someone you got to deal with it.

Mineta: Hey!!!

Izuku: Bakugo yells and hurts someone's feelings you got to deal with it.

Bakugo: Say that to my face!

Izuku: Someone with my looks and charming personality probably not the best choice for P.R..

Kyoka: Well you already proved your a great leader during our first heroics class. Plus how you went out of your way just to give everyone a chance to learn makes you a perfect class president to me.

Izuku: I appreciate that Kyoka, but you are kinda biased.

Uraraka: Well I agree!

Izuku: We teamed up for that class and won, your also biased. And I helped your brother Momo you are too.

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