Chapter 17

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Yagi: Alright everyone for today's class we'll be having live combat. Now I know it might seem a bit soon for that, but real life experience is one of your best teachers. You'll learn a lot more actually doing some hero work, then if we stand around with me trying to explain or show you anything. You'll be in teams of two. One team will be heroes and the other villains. The plot for today's lesson is this. A group of villains have stolen a nuclear weapon and plan on detonating it in the city! The heroes are to infiltrate the villains hideout and defuse the bomb. It's very American comic book I know. But even though you'll probably never have to deal with a nuclear weapon there's a lot you can learn from this. Most villains fights you see are outdoors, but the clever and dangerous villains stay out of sight indoors. You don't see or hear about these fights because there mostly raids. Fighting indoors is a completely different animal from fighting outside. For one you have so little room to dodge incoming attacks. Especially if you're in a hallway. You also have to be careful not to make the building collapse. Well I do more than most, but some of you will as well. And if the building is a villain hideout. You have to watch out for traps. Indoor heroics are much more difficult than outdoor heroics. But by getting you comfortable with indoor heroics. You'll all have an easier time with outdoor heroics. To emulate real life teams will be chosen at random using this box!

Iida: Why are we choosing teams at random sensai?

Yagi: In real life you never know who you may end up working with. Because of that it's imperative that you can work together with anyone. Even heroes with many sidekicks rarely have the best one for the given circumstance. Good or bad combinations you have to make the most of it to get the job done. Many heroes work solo but teamwork is vital to being a hero. Let's go ahead and see who your partners are!

Kyoka: Aww I was hoping we could have been on the same team Izuku.

Izuku: Yeah me too. I'm glad you're not with that grapist though.

Kyoka: Yeah I guess I am lucky there.

Izuku: You got a good partner with Edgelord. I'm sure you'll do fine.

Kyoka: Yeah we're going to win for sure! So you and Uraraka better win too!

Izuku: Of course!

Yagi: Alright now that you're with your partners. We'll hand out these earpieces. They'll let you communicate with your partner at long range. Originally only I was going to be able to listen to everything the active teams said. I thought it would be best for you to come up with your own strategies. But I've changed my mind. After thinking about it your opponents would also hear the same things. You still would have to be creative with your own strategies. And hearing your classmates thoughts could be invaluable. So everyone here in the control room will be hearing everything the active teams say. Now then we need to go over the rules don't we? Each match will have a fifteen minute time limit. If the time runs out the villain team wins. This might seem like a short time limit, but heroes are expected to save the day as soon as possible. Villains will get ten minutes to decide where they'll place the bomb. If there able too they can also set traps. After the ten minutes are up the hero team will enter the building. Villains can also win by knocking out or capturing the heroes. Heroes win when one of them touches the bomb, or they knockout or capture the villains. Both teams will be given this capture tape! Wrap it around your opponent and there captured. Even if you only get it around an arm or leg your still captured. Some of you probably noticed the villain team has the advantage. Once again in real life that's usually the case. Heroes have to beat the odds all the time. It's what's expected of us. Alright I think that covers just about everything so let's find out what role you get to play, and who your opponents are! Okay so our first match is Izuku and Uraraka as the heroes vs Bakugo and Iida as the villains! Go get in position and make your strategies! Remember everyone here will hear everything you say.

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