Chapter 23

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Aizawa: Alright everyone quiet down, we need to go over yesterday. I'm proud of several of you going out of your way to help each other. Putting yourself in danger to help others is what being a hero is all about. I'm sure some of you are curious how many villains there were.

Toru: Yeah they were everywhere!

Aizawa: They were mostly small time thugs, but the sheer number of them is concerning. This league of villains somehow got two hundred criminals together.

Izuku: Does that number include those exposed brain things?

Aizawa: No. there were forty outside, and the one you fought inside.

Momo: No wonder our back up never made it if they had to deal with forty of those things.

Aizawa: They did deal with more of them, but they were all inferior to the one made for All Might. This is a dangerous group that wanted to end heroes. You all need to be careful from here on out, though All Might was there main target several of you got in there way. It's common for heroes to end up on someone's hit list, I'm worried that you all may be future targets for this group.

Mineta: What?! That's horrifying!

Aizawa: Deal with it or get out of heroics!

Mineta: Eek!

Aizawa: Anyways your fights not over yet. The U.A. sports festival is two weeks away.

Kaminari: Not to sound like Mineta but is that really such a good idea with the villain attack yesterday?

Aizawa: Yes we can't show any weakness especially after such a bold attack. Besides the sports festival is the biggest event of the year, the whole world will be watching. That includes heroes you'll have a chance to intern with, if you do well. It's no exaggeration to say this can make or break your chance as a hero. Those of you who excel will be scouted by high ranking heroes, this will of course push you leaps and bounds ahead of those who don't. You only get three chances, one time a year make it count.

Everyone: Yes sensai!

Aizawa: Now in fairness to the general, business and support courses you will not be receiving any heroic classes, that includes our extra classes. You can however take advantage of U.A.'s gyms, fields and training grounds. You're all on your own as far as preparing for the sports festival. Be sure to make it count!

Everyone: Yes sensai!

Aizawa: Alright you can head to lunch now.

Uraraka: Wow! what's with all the people?

Bakugo: They're here to check out the competition round face! Hurry up and get out gyak!
Izuku slammed his fist on Bakugo's shoulder making him hit the ground.

Izuku: Sorry about him, but it's lunch time and you're all blocking the way. Could you please move?

Monoma: No! We're here to declare war on 1-A! I bet you're all so certain you've got the sports festival in the bag, just because you fought some villains!

Izuku: Those punks weren't anything special, I'm sure all of you could have taken them out if you've been training properly. I don't really see the point in declaring a war though, the sports festival is a free for all where those who've trained and prepared the most win. So you all ganging up on us doesn't mean anything.

Shinso: Oh looks like the hero course isn't full of jerks after all. That doesn't change the fact that this is an excellent opportunity for the general course. Did you know if someone in the other courses does well, they can replace someone in the hero course? Most people in the general course tried for the hero course, this is a second chance for us.

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