Chapter 12

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Kaminari: Um Midoriya can we finish our talk about dating?

Izuku: Sparky we never had a talk about dating. I just told you that if you try to impress someone by spending a bunch of money on anything, when your money runs out they'll leave you.

Kaminari: Look I know I'm not the smartest. I really am an idiot at times. But that was really good advice. I need all the help I can get please.

Izuku: Sparky I don't waste my time thinking about things that will never happen. Look at this ugly face, and listen to my monstrous voice. There's no way anyone would want to date me, so no Sparky I don't have any dating advice!

Kaminari: Whoa calm down man! Look I know you have a nasty scar, but you're not ugly! And your voice is only scary when you're mad or when someone first meets you. After I got to know you just a little I knew you were the kindest guy I've ever met. I consider us friends even though we've only known each other for a day. So please believe when I say you honestly have a better shot at getting a girlfriend than me. That's why I want your advice. I know you can help me.

Izuku: I think you need to have granny check your head since you're not lying. *deep exhale* Fine I'll think of something, but only on a few conditions.

Kaminari: Yes! Anything as long as I can do it!

Izuku: First I want you to buy me another order of katsudon, no take backs regardless if I help you or not.

Kaminari: Deal! I'll be back in a flash!
Kaminari quickly ran to Lunch Rush and bought a order of katsudon then quickly made his way back to Izuku.

Kaminari: Here you go! What now?

Izuku: I need to know if you're looking for a real relationship where you'll get married, or if you just want to screw around and probably ruin both your careers. I won't help you if you're not serious about this, and don't even try lying it won't help you.

Kaminari: I-I don't really know. I was just thinking it would be cool to have a girlfriend you know. You make it sound like a huge responsibility.

Izuku: It is Sparky. My worthless father left my mom when he found out I was coming along. It was hard on both of us just to live since he was the one with the good paying job. You have to take the long view with a relationship. It can be either the best or worse thing that can happen. It just depends on how serious you both are.

Kaminari: I-I see. This is why I wanted your help though. I knew you'd be honest with me. I think I would like a real relationship. It would be nice to have someone you can depend on you know. A-and I would be fine getting married and having kids.

Izuku: Then I'll try my best to help you, but it would help if I knew about the girl. So Sparky got anyone in mind that you're interested in?

Kaminari: W-what? Um y-yeah. I don't really know her, but see was in the same city I was in during the practical exam. She had thorns for hair and she was so calm and cool taking out those robots! She didn't hesitate to help others to! I-I guess it's silly to be interested in someone I don't even know.

Izuku: Nonsense everybody's a stranger til you get to know-em. That description sounds like a fellow hero course student. She's in class 1-B, her name is Ibara Shiozaki. That controllable thorn hair is her quirk. Hummm if you two were to get married and have a kid, the child should have a safe quirk. Inheriting either your quirk or hers. If your quirks were to combine two possibilities are hair made out of electricity or plants that can generate electricity.

Kaminari: Uh what does our quirks have to do with anything?

Izuku: You don't hear much about it, but there have been cases were one's quirk is harmful to the owner. It's one of the reasons quirk marriages are illegal now.

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