Chapter 5

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It's been two years since last chapter. While practicing a new attack that could be A super move for Izuku the attack misfired taking with it Izuku's cheek. Like the picture.

Worse the attack took far more energy than Izuku had

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Worse the attack took far more energy than Izuku had. Making his body begin autophagia the process when your body begins to eat itself (usually only happens during starvation first the body eats any fat then muscles finally organs once the organs take so much damage they fell causing death.) A new drawback from his quirk were over use could cause death. Fortunately he brought plenty of food with him. The loud blast reached all the way to Inko who after hearing the blast got a sick feeling that Izuku was in trouble rushed to his usually training spot and found him. Izuku refused to go to a hospital because of the cost begged Inko to treat his wound herself. Inko has been able to start her nursing school again thanks to Izuku patched him up professionally but would have preferred to take Izuku to a hospital. Izuku's cheek was gone so stopping the bleeding was mainly all that needed to be done. A horrible scar was inevitable his teeth visible with his mouth closed made for a terrible look. Izuku knowing how Yukihime was with wounds wouldn't be able to look at him without getting sick. He decided to transfer to Masegaki Elementary. Aldera Elementary was hit hard by Izuku's transfer student and teacher alike. Bullies had free Rein causing trouble for everyone. Yukihime felt responsible for Izuku leaving. She knew Izuku did it for her. Masegaki wasn't any better for Izuku with his scars and frequent fights with bullies the students avoided him. The teachers liked him as a student who always did as he was told, but didn't care for the fights he was always in. Masegaki had a much more laidback approach to the care of there students then Aldera. All most to the point of neglect. Izuku's protection of there students forced them to take action. When the school board found out it was an injured student smaller than the other children that stopped bullies and helped the children who were struggling in their lessons heads rolled, figuratively of course. The principal and several teachers were fired and replaced. This greatly improved the quality of Masegaki Elementaries schooling, but put a fear of Izuku as the child that caused several people to lose their jobs. They were never rude or mean to Izuku but like the student's kept there distance from him.

Today Izuku is heading to the one place that would be perfect for him to make money for his mom, and taking his hero training to the next level the QMMAF.

The Quirkless Mixed Martial Arts Federation is the premier fighting fan's one stop find it all place. From boxing to judo and everything in between even sumo. All forms of hand to hand combat can be found here. From professional and timeless styles taught at a dojo with years of history to self taught street smart styles no matter how brutal zany or absolutely wacky a fighting style is as long as they follow the QMMAF's strict rules you can find it here. The QMMAF was started by a Russian immigrant named Jack Volgin. Volgin was a professional boxer with the ring name iron jaw Volgin. Him and his family moved to Japan for a fresh start at life. He opened a gym that had quality equipment and a fair membership fee. The gym was unique in that it had a boxing ring and taught boxing and basic hand to hand combat skills for self defense. Volgin who was quirkless loved the sport of fighting often held quirkless mixed martial arts fights at his gym, this was the beginning of the QMMAF. Volgin was a firm believer in taking care of one's family. As such he had a bitter hatred for gambling. In his own words anything that took food from one's table and Takes a man's vodka was a grievous sin. A lover of the drink of his homeland always had a hard time finding a good import from Russia started his own vodka distillery. It should be said that Volgin never over indulged with his vodka because the bottle can destroy one's family the same as gambling. With the funds from his gym and distillery Volgin made the QMMAF a place where anyone who loved to fight could call home.

Jack Volgin the 2nd was the next head of the QMMAF. Volgin Jr was not quirkless. He had an electric kinesis quirk. He loved quirkless fighting like his father and wanted everyone to be able to experience it. He developed the rules for people with quirks. First one has to inform the QMMAF what you're quirk is. Lying about what one's quirk is would be grounds for immediate expulsion from the QMMAF. Second people with mutation type quirks would start out in an extra low rank. With the wide variety of martial arts including sumo ranking fighters by weight like boxing would never work. So the QMMAF ranks fighters based on skill. The higher one's rank the more money they get paid. So mutation types start out with a lower pay not because of discrimination but for the fairness of the fight. Like all the other fighters they can still raise their rank it just takes longer. Matches also have extra rules for mutation fights. First in the honor of quirkless fighting if the person with a mutation type quirk has extra limbs or appendages that a quirkless person would not have cannot use them. As an example if they had a tail they couldn't use it to hit there opponent or for balance or more mobility. On the flip side there opponent is not allowed to target there tail. People with claws cannot cut or stab there opponent making hand techniques limited to not injure the opponent or themselves with their claws. If there opponent targets there hands to get them to injure themselves they will be disqualified. An example of why mutation type quirks need to start in a lower rank would be someone with an elephant mutation type quirk. They wouldn't be allowed to use there trunk or tusks to fight but would naturally be stronger than the average person. This means they would have a chance to beat someone much more skilled than themselves. The Volgin's wanted the QMMAF to be a place anyone quirk or quirkless could come for a good fight without any discrimination. The QMMAF does not tolerate any sort of discrimination whether it be against quirkless people or mutation types or quirked people in general any offenders will be banned and forcibly removed.

Though Volgin the second never used his quirk at the QMMAF he developed his own quirk fighting style. It was a mix of boxing and his electric quirk. Coming from a family of boxers Volgin didn't care for guns if you have a problem with someone that's what you're fists are for. Because of this his own fighting style was an anti gun style. Moving the electricity to the opponent's gun he would detonate the gun powder in the bullets destroying the gun once unarmed he would beat them boxer style. A useful style for hero work to be sure but Volgin had no desire to be a hero. Though he never wore a costume Volgin the 2nd died a true heroes death. While at Esuha City a gang of villains attacked while Fat Gum was away on a mission. The majority of the villains were using guns to back up their weak quirks. The gang were Stain fanatics attacking the city when the main hero was away to show that the fake heroes would not protect them. The attack should have been a massacre with a huge death rate that would have severely damaged the heroes reputation. The gang numbered thirty members stealing wasn't there goal it was making a statement with murder. The police that were in the area were out numbered and couldn't do anything. The gangs morale was high but they never could have known that a professional fighter who put family above all else was shopping with his wife and son at the time. Volgin refused to let his family be put in danger charged the villains by himself. At every opportunity he destroyed there guns while making sure he was there only target to keep his family safe. Volgin only stopped when the last villain was down. Volgin died immediately after he knew his family was safe. The wounds he received were numerous over sixty gunshot wounds stabbed by a villains quill quirk repeatedly and a myriad of other wounds it was a miracle he lived till the end he didn't even try to dodge anything using his own body as a shield. He used his quirk to force his body to keep moving til the end. The event did damage heroes reputation but the hero Association was able to mitigate damage by making Jack Volgin the 2nd a hero and erecting a monument in his honor in Esuha.

Jack Volgin the 3rd is the current head of the QMMAF. Like his father he also has a quirk. He quirk is an extra sensory type quirk that allows him to tell a person's intentions. Not quite a lie detector quirk or a mind reading quirk but close on both accounts. Volgin has been able to use his quirk for business deals and to find honest fighters for the QMMAF. He continues the QMMAF following the beliefs of his grandpa and father.

Author notes

Hello again and thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and are in good health and spirit.
P.S. more poor name's coming up so have mercy please. Bye for now.

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