Chapter 7

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Izuku: Bye mom I'm heading out for the U.A. entrance exams.

Inko: Alright dear do your best. I have complete faith your going to pass with flying colors, but don't you think you're leaving a little early? The suns not even up yet.

Izuku: I don't want my looks to cause me to miss the exam. So I need to talk to a teacher as soon as possible, and explain everything to them. Officer Yoigado said he'd go with me so don't worry. Thanks for everything mom. I want let you down see ya.

Officer Yoigado: I know you needed to talk to a teacher before the exam but this is overkill don't you think Izuku? We've been waiting for hours.

Izuku: We don't know when someone will show up, and I can't afford to miss them. Besides if you'd listen to me and grow some muscles this would be a cakewalk for you.

Officer Yoigado: I don't see how buffing up would help with boredom Izuku, plus I could work out my whole life and never get muscles like yours.

Izuku: I keep telling you just ten to twenty pounds of muscle would make a world of difference. You guys on the force wouldn't need me to help you get the crooks in your car, if you worked out instead of going for donuts.

Officer Yoigado: Hey! You're the one who told us where to get the best donuts among other great food! You eat average food for years and find something heavenly you can't stop yourself!

Izuku: I'm not telling you to stop. I'm telling you to work it off.

Aizawa: Can we help you Officer Yoigado?

Officer Yoigado: Eraser, Mic! How's it going. Why would I need help?

Aizawa: It looks like you're arguing with a man at least twice your size in front of UA. Do I really have to explain why you need help.

Officer Yoigado: Man? Oh you mean Izuku here. No no Eraser this kid's going to be the next number one hero! He's here for the exam.

Izuku: Yoigado you know I don't give a rats tail about the ranking system. Why bring it up?

Officer Yoigado: Because you might not care about it, but everyone else does. And if you take heroing as serious as you do everything else it's just going to happen.

Aizawa: Kid?

Izuku: Ah where are my manners. Names Izuku Midoriya age fifteen, I went to Masegaki Middle School, I'm a professional QMMAF fighter, and my quirk is voice control. I'm not making my voice sound this way by the way. I wrecked my larynx pushing my quirk to the limit, and my voice naturally sounds like this. Here's my paper's and all that.

Aizawa: Well everything looks in order, but if you crippled your own quirk you'll find UA hell if you can even make it in the hero course.

Izuku: I'm well aware I'm damaged goods. I did this to myself after all. Even if I'm only able to save one person that's more than enough reason to give my all at UA. Besides I've trained my body more than enough to give me an edge.

Aizawa: well said we'll see how you do.
Now why are you here Yoigado?

Yoigado: Well Izuku's a great kid, but with his injuries and size it makes him well look like a stereotypical villain. I didn't want that to keep him from being a hero. Also as much as it shames me to admit it the police have wrongfully arrested Izuku. It was the Jaku city branch. I'm sure you've heard the rumors about them, unfortunately most are true. Izuku was just shopping minding his own business and they arrested him for his looks nothing else. I couldn't live with myself if he couldn't follow his dream. Especially with all the help he's given the police. He's always looking out for us.

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