Chapter 20

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USJ part 1

Izuku: Alright make your way onto the bus.

Iida: President shouldn't we have organized seating placement?

Izuku: Specs and pipes we already had this conversation, listen to your brother and unwind. We're all one class and all one team, everyone needs to get along as much as possible. Where your seated at doesn't matter.

Iida: O-okay, but I do have a seating arrangement if you change your mind.

Izuku: Get in the bus now.

Iida: Yes sir! It's a different type of bus.

Izuku: That's life, if you don't learn to bend it'll snap you clean in half.

Iida: You're right. I was so caught up on the arrangements I never considered the bus style. I really do need to learn to unwind.

Kyoka: You really do.

Aizawa: Listen up let's go over some ground rules. You have permission to use your quirks, to protect yourself and each other. That doesn't mean you can jump head first into a group of villains, I'm talking to you Bakugo! You're to let the pro heroes handle everything if possible. Their warp quirk makes things unpredictable. As long as they haven't heard what our plan is none of you should have to fight. We can't have you looking ready for a fight either. Look natural like we're actually here for a class. We don't want to give them any reason to think there's trouble understand?

Everyone: Yes sensai!

Aizawa: Good take it easy and talk til we get there.

Momo: Sensai I have a question.

Aizawa: What is it?

Momo: Neither All Might or Thirteen are here with us, where are they?

Aizawa: Thirteen is waiting for us at the USJ, All Might's going to be late. Villain activity was high around U.A., it would have been too suspicious for All Might to ignore them like he was saving his strength for a big fight. And yes it very well could be part of the villains plan. That's why it's important you don't take any unnecessary risks.

Uraraka: Is Thirteen going to be alright alone?

Aizawa: Thirteen should be fine. There plan is a ambush if Thirteen goes missing that ruins the element of surprise. Our back up is watching Thirteen as well so don't worry Thirteen is fine.

Uraraka: That's good. Thirteen is my favorite hero, I don't know what I'd do if something happened to them.

Izuku: Thirteen may specialize in rescue work but their still a pro, they can take care of themselves in a fight. So don't worry about them.

Uraraka: You're right. Thanks for making me feel better Izuku.

Izuku: No problem. You need to stop shaking grapist. You're going to give us away!

Mineta: But I'm scared!

Mina: Why did you even agree to be here then?

Mineta: I was forced to! My dad told me to quit U.A. if I didn't go, and Aizawa was going to expel me!

Toru: Why are you even trying to be a hero?

Mineta: Heroes are popular with the ladies duh!

Tsu: Grapist even if you somehow became the number one hero girls would still hate you.

Kyoka: You tell him Tsu.

Mineta: That's so mean!

Mina: That's so true! How you holding up Kiri?

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