Chapter 26

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Izuku: Okay everyone that's enough quirk training for the day! We'll move on to the strength and stamina part. We've got plenty of weights to go around so don't be shy, now this will also be a bit of quirk training for some of you. We've got some specialty weights just for Kyoka's jacks, as well as Tsu's tongue, Leo's tail and so forth. Exercises will be straight forward, you all keep the weights on while moving through this little obstacle course, after you make it across you've got some dumbbells and other weights to hone in on increasing your muscle mass. After doing twenty reps on a weight you can handle it's back to the obstacle course. While your all working those muscles, I'll prepare for your next break! We're going to have a big meal during this break. I'll go raid the kitchen and cook everyone's meal, after that we'll have some live combat, and we'll call it a day. Any questions?

Kaminari: Why's that tightrope so low to the ground? Aren't they usually up high?

Izuku: Normally yes they are but if you fell at their usual heights strapped with weights, you're asking for broke bones that will take more than two weeks to heal. Not only would you miss out on training, but you could miss the whole sports festival. Tightropes are great for improving your balance, something you need in combat and hero work. Take your time with it at first, and gradually try to go across it quicker. Oh and don't go for the biggest weight, you'll pull or tear a muscle trying to look big and bad. If your muscles start aching bad take a short break and drink some water. Your all at different levels of muscle mass after all, when you need to rest rest. Now I'm going to go start cooking get a good workout while I'm gone but don't kill yourselves.
After about half an hour Izuku returned with a feast for everyone.

Kinoko: *panting*W-wow! those plates are so huge! Are we supposed to eat all of that?!

Izuku: Yep every bite, your bodies are going to need it after all the hard work you've put in!

Toru: *panting* A-and we still have more work right? P-please tell me we can take these weights off now right?

Izuku: Sorry but your keeping that extra weight on til we're done for the day.

Mina: *panting* E-even just to eat?!

Izuku: You heard me keep-em on, even during our upcoming live combat.

Momo: *panting* W-we have to fight with these on?! It was hard enough just moving across the obstacle course.

Izuku: You'll all need some rest time to recover from our training, but we only have Two weeks and school is taking a big part of the day. That's why it's important to make the most of every second. I'm not forcing you to do anything, if you want to quit than quit.

Toru: *panting* N-no one wants to quit!

Momo: *panting* T-that's right! I-I'm sorry for complaining.

Izuku: Hahaha you're all exhausted and been giving it your all, it's okay to get cranky, sorry it's just if I didn't cut your whining short your food would get cold!

Kyoka: *panting* H-hahaha! T-that's true let's eat already!

Tokoyami: I'm stuffed.

Kinoko: Me too. I don't think I've ever ate so much before.

Kendo: Our bodies must have really needed all that good food.

Pony: Yeah it was delicious! Thank you for the great food Izuku!

Everyone: Yeah! Thanks for the good food!

Izuku: I'm glad you liked it! We'll rest for about half a hour to let it settle then we'll do some simple fights. I wanted to feed you early today since it's going to be the worst. So we'll mainly be getting used to fighting with the weights on today, I don't want anyone getting sick and throwing up, so it'll be light taps understand?

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