Chapter 6

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Izuku: Finally I'm here at the QMMAF! If I can get Volgin to let me be a professional QMMAF fighter I'll be able to help mom finish her nursing school! I'm doing this for her and the Volgin's are well known for putting family first. I like my odds for once. Even if this doesn't work out I'll adapt and find another way.
After entering the large building Izuku asked one of the staff where Jack Volgin was. It didn't surprise Izuku he was with the fighters. Izuku was used to the stares he was getting. The scares on his arm's alone were severe. His missing cheek replaced with horrible scar tissue and ever visible teeth gave him a terrifying look. The fear quickly replaced by pity that such a small child would be so horribly injured. Izuku hated those looks of pity. He was used to fearful or hateful stares but he couldn't stand those pitiful looks. He got these scars making money for his mom, and training to be a hero. These scars were like badges of honor proof that Izuku had been giving his all. For that to be looked at with pity and disgust rubbed Izuku the wrong way.

Izuku: Tch cocky dastards. O that's Jack Volgin! Ok Izuku you have one shot at this. I have to do this right professional even. I can't make any mistakes. Let's go!

Izuku ran up to Volgin stars in his eyes seeing a member of the Volgin family in person.

Hello just wanted to let you know I'm going to try to give Volgin a strong Russian accent so if it doesn't sound quite right that's probably why.

Izuku: hello Mr. Jack Volgin the third! My names Izuku Midoriya and I'm a big fan of your family! Your grandpa leaving home to find a better place for his family, and starting the QMMAF! Your father was such a real hero! Unlike all the fakes we have nowadays! I really wish I could have meet him! Not that I'm not grateful to meet you! Keeping the QMMAF going better than ever while keeping what your family holds dear is incredible!

Volgin: breathe little one breathe.

Volgin didn't know what to make of the child that ran up to him out of nowhere. He didn't need his quirk to tell the kid was being completely honest with those stars in his eyes, and that million watt smile. But his quirk and years of being head of the QMMAF told him that the boy had a reason to be here. Izuku on the other hand was embarrassed by his fanboying and cursed his lack of social skills.

Izuku: S-sorry I only have my mom to talk to, and this is the first time I've ever meet someone I admire, and look up to.
Izuku said meekly worried that he blew his chance to join QMMAF.

Volgin: calm down little one you've done nothing wrong. I can tell you've come here for important business. Do not fear I like the Japanese custom to get to know the one you're doing business have a seat.
Izuku takes the seat In front of Volgin.

Volgin: Now first let talk about your appearance. Why does little child look like he's been through war, and all he was issued was stick, and rock he had to share with squad?

Izuku: W-well my arms got scared up cleaning Dagobah Beach. I recycled the metal, and sold anything else that was in good shape to help my mom continue her nursing school. My cheek I was trying out a new super move and it kinda misfired and took my cheek with it.

Volgin: Why is small child doing mans work for money. Where is father?

Izuku: The maggot left my mom when he find out I was coming along!
Volgin seeing the drastic change in Izuku's mood knew that must be a touchy subject for Izuku decided to change the subject.

Volgin: I hate to hear that man that doesn't take care of family not worth salt in bread. You said super move wish to be hero?

Izuku: Yes being a real hero is my dream, but I've took so much from my mom I have to help her achieve her dream of being a nurse first.

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