Chapter 22

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Nezu: I'm glad all of you are safe. You'll be pleased to know we'll be letting you recover from this event. After you've had your fill of food, and Recovery Girl has given you a treatment your free to head home and rest, alternatively you could also stay and take advantage of the different fields and recreational activities U.A. has to offer.

Whole class: Thank you principal!

Kaminari: Wow! Look at all this food!

Uraraka: We get to eat for free! Yay!

Kyoka: Let me help you okay Izuku. I don't want you pushing yourself.
Izuku gives Kyoka a warm smile and a thumbs up letting her know he appreciates and accepts her offer.

Kyoka: How's your hand doing Izuku? It isn't broke is it?
Izuku's hand was swelled and turning a shade of purple. It was the hand he used his beat punch with, that collided with the Nomu's fist at full force. Izuku made a tight fist opened it and moved all his fingers, he then gave Kyoka another thumbs up saying he was fine.

Chiyo: Let me be the one to see if you broke anything Izuku.
Chiyo checked Izuku's hand as well as his ribs for any obvious breaks.

Chiyo: If you did break anything it's only a hairline fracture. We'd have to get some X-rays to know for sure, but since nothing needs to be moved back in place we can just use my quirk to fully heal you. Now you lost your voice from quirk overuse, how potent of a treatment can you take? Hold up one finger for a light treatment and add more fingers for a stronger treatment. I don't know how many calories you have in stock left, I don't want to put you in a worse shape than your already in.
Izuku held up all ten of his fingers.

Chiyo: Alright then I'll give you a real thorough treatment.
Chiyo's lips extended giving Izuku a kiss on his hand. Once Chiyo's quirk finished all of Izuku's bruising and swelling was gone. Izuku grabbed his throat and checked if his voice was back.

Izuku: Thanks granny.

Chiyo: Don't mention it dear that's why I'm here. Let's give you a treatment next Jiro.

Kyoka: Okay, but I wasn't really hurt.

Chiyo: I'm giving everyone a treatment whether they need it or not.

Kyoka: Okay.
Chiyo healed Kyoka and went on to the next student.

Izuku: My voice is back but it's too soon to be talking a lot Kyoka, so I'm going to keep quiet if I can.

Kyoka: I understand. Just let me know if you need anything okay Izuku? Oh I know! Yaomomo could you make me a notebook and a pen?

Momo: Of course Kyoka. here you go.

Kyoka: Thanks Yaomomo! Here Izuku you can write in this if you need anything!
Izuku gave Kyoka another warm smile and nodded.

Kaminari: I have a great idea! Why don't we relax at the school pool!

Mina: That sounds great!

Toru: Yeah! We can have a ton of fun!

Tsu: I would love to relax and swim kero. Is that okay sensai?

Aizawa: Nezu already told you you can take advantage of all U.A. has to offer. You'll have to use the U.A. swimwear though. And Mineta I better not hear any complaints about you. Understand?

Mineta: Y-yes!

Kyoka: That sounds fun! What do you think Izuku?
Izuku began writing in the notebook.

Izuku: It does, but I'm going to finish this food up. You go ahead and has fun, but see if you can get 1-B permission to join. It easily could have been them who fought the villains, and we'll be working together with them. This would be a good chance for everyone to get to know each other.

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