Chapter 29

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At lunch

Kaminari: Are you sure about risking your spot in the finals Izuku?

Kyoka: Izuku's not gonna lose sparky.

Izuku: Thanks for believing in me Kyoka. I wouldn't have offered a shot at my place if I was worried sparky. Anybody cocky enough to believe they should advance after a fair loss needs to be taught a lesson.

Kaminari: Than I'll see you in the finals then!

Momo: Does anyone know any card tricks?

Kyoka: What brought that question on Yaomomo?

Momo: Hayato showed me a card trick, and I couldn't figure out how he did it. I was hoping someone knew the same trick.

Izuku: Most card tricks are sleight of hand tricks. They require some fine motor skills. If I had to guess Hayato's probably training his quirk, and messing with you at the same time.

Momo: That would make sense.

Kaminari: Do you know any card tricks Izuku?

Izuku: Well it's not really a trick, but I know a couple of things that seem to impress people.

Kirishima: I bet it's real manly!

Mina: I want to see them!

Toru: Yeah!

Izuku: Do you have two decks of cards?

Momo: Here!

Kyoka: You just wanted to see more tricks didn't you Yaomomo?

Momo: *nervous giggle*

Izuku: Here's the less impressive one.
Izuku takes one of the decks of cards, and rips it clean in half. It tore like there was no resistance.

Tokoyami: I'd expect no less from our overlord.

Kaminari: Wow! You have a better trick than that?

Izuku: Yeah see.
Izuku takes the second deck, and this time rips off a thumb shaped chunk. The deck looked like it had been shot by a bullet. And like before no sign of resistance.

Kirishima: How in the world did you do that?! That's so cool!

Momo: Did you use your quirk?

Izuku: Nope just pure grip strength, it's kinda a talent of mine.

Kyoka: That's incredible Izuku! Do you have any other grip strength tricks?

Izuku: I can twist-up a five hundred yen coin. We need to get back to the stadium now though.

Kirishima: Aw man I wanted to see that.

Izuku: we'll have plenty of time later if you really want to see that.

Kirishima: Sweet! Thanks Izuku!

Back at the stadium

Midnight: Welcome back everyone! We've decided in fairness to the preliminary match winner we will have the preliminary matches before the recreational games! Since I'm confident who'll make it in the finals I'm going to go ahead and explain the final event! It's a one on one tournament! The rules are simple knock out, throw your opponent out of the ring or make them admit defeat are how you win! Let's find out what the bracket will be! Alright first round will be Izuku vs Shinso, second will be Momo vs Tokoyami, third Shiozaki vs Setsuna, forth Yukihime vs Shoto, fifth Kirishima vs Pony, sixth Uraraka vs Shoda, seventh Kyoka vs Toru, and eighth Kaminari vs Kendo! And this is also how the preliminary matches we'll go as well! Also me and Cementoss as referees can stop a match at any time! No holding back kiddies, because besides groin shots and murder anything goes! Izuku Bakugo get in the ring! (I hope Nezu knows what he's doing. Ordering us to not interfere with any of Izuku's matches seems dangerous to me, but I'm sure he's thinking three steps ahead and has a good reason for this.)
As Izuku and Bakugo enter the ring the audience explodes in cheer chanting Zebra.

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