Chapter 11

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Izuku: Love you mom I'm heading to school.

Inko: Okay sweetie love you, too and don't forget to give your teacher that disc.

Izuku: Ok bye.

At school

Izuku: There you are teach.

Aizawa: Oh Midoriya you're here early... I'm not in trouble am I?

Izuku: No no you're fine teach. I forgot to give this to you. So are you satisfied with what you heard?

Aizawa: ?! You knew it was bugged?

Izuku: I didn't know for sure. I just could hear that it was sending a signal towards U.A.. But after I got here I was hearing double. I brought it with me but I forgot to give it to you. So got anything to say?

Aizawa: Plenty first you can hear outside the normal human hearing range?

Izuku: Yeah it's more of a pain than anything. I mean some of the sounds are nice to hear, but there's always so much flooding me, I can't really enjoy the good sounds.

Aizawa: That must be rough. You can't turn off your hearing.

Izuku: You learn to adapt, it's all you can do really.

Aizawa: Do you want to know why we bugged your home?

Izuku: It doesn't really matter to me. What's done is done. I don't want you getting in trouble over it.

Aizawa: You have a right to know. The Hero Association made us do it. Jaku Police found out you enrolled here, and they told the Hero Association that you were a criminal. We told them that the Jaku Police were corrupt. Placing a bug in your home was the compromise we had to settle with. That satisfied them and they haven't made any more ridiculous requests.

Izuku: Well you didn't want to do so don't let it bother you teach, but next time you want to know how things are at home let me know, I'll invite you over for dinner. My mom would like that.

Aizawa: You have a wonderful mother Midoriya. She really cares about you.

Izuku: Yeah she's great. I don't deserve her so I do as much as I can for her. Well I'll wait for you in class teach see you then.

Aizawa: Right I'll see you at 8:00. Wait Midoriya.

Izuku: Yeah teach?

Aizawa: Thank you for helping with my debt. I can't pay you back, but I'll find a way to make it up to you. I'm going to start by doing my best as your teacher. So please let me know if there's anything I can do to help you.

Izuku: You don't have to do anything special for me teach. I helped you because I wanted to. I'll let you know if you get cocky again though.

Aizawa: Ha good I'll need that help to do my best. See you at class Midoriya.

Izuku: sure thing teach.

Iida: Ah Midoriya early as always.

Izuku: Morning specs and pipes. You seem to be in a good mood.

Iida: Yes I suppose I am. My brother came to visit me. He's my hero you see, so it always means a lot to me when he takes time from his busy schedule to see me.

Izuku: Family's important and always comes first. I bet he gets on to you for being so stiff.

Iida: Erm yes actually.

Izuku: Ha I knew it. But don't let it get to you. He just wants you to make friends and be happy.

Iida: Yes I know. I just wish he wouldn't bring it up every time we see each other.

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