Chapter 24

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Izuku: Alright first day we're going to be mainly be seeing where everyone's at. After I get a an idea of your physical limits I'll adjust your workout, so today's going to be the roughest there. After that we'll have some quirk training. I can't promise this for everyone, but I might be able to help some of you with a super move. We'll also have a lot of live combat, the experience you get from that is invaluable. If you want we can go over some basic fighting styles too.

Momo: I understand that experience is important, but what about strategies? A well thought out plan is difficult to beat.

Izuku: I can't really help you with strategy. Do you think you could beat me in a fight Momo, if I could only attack you with my body, not my quirk?

Momo: Hmm maybe if I could keep you away from me. What would be the starting distance?

Izuku: twenty feet, and remember I can still use my quirk, I just can't attack you with it. You can also decide when we start, that'll give you all the time you need to come up with a plan.

Momo: I don't know if I could win, but with all those advantages in my favor, I would like to try!

Izuku: That's the spirit! Golem robot you two stick close to Momo. If I'm about to take her out, you two jump in and protect her. Of course if they do you lose Momo, don't take this the wrong way. If you get injured real bad you may have to set our training out.

Momo: I understand, that would put me in a huge disadvantage. Let's get in position.
Momo and Izuku got twenty feet away from each other, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu got in position to protect Momo. Momo made herself a shield and staff her go to combo. After coming up with a plan she started the fight. Izuku ran quickly covering the distance at a frightening pace, this was what Momo was counting on. She made three cannons that fired immediately. The shells were heading straight at Izuku. Izuku made a ramp with his sound wall, the shells were deflected into the ground. Izuku ran up the ramp jumped and was going to hit Momo with a dropkick, both Kirishima and Tetsutetsu hardened and got between the two. Izuku's dropkick sent the two flying into Momo causing the three to skid along the ground.

Kyoka: Yaomomo! Are you okay?!

Momo: *coughing* I think I'm okay. I-if that hit me directly I'm sure I'd be hospitalized or worse. How are you two?

Kirishima: Ooowww I felt that even though I was hardened!

Tetsutetsu: Me too!

Momo: How did you know what I was going to use a cannon on you Izuku?

Izuku: I didn't, I've been in so many fights I don't really think, I just move you know. That's what experience gives you. I don't waste any movements, that's probably the worst opponent a thinker can fight. I immediately react to the situation with the best course of action, a thinker has to waste valuable seconds reworking a plan if it fails.

Momo: Could I learn to do that?

Izuku: Of course you can, but I doubt we'll have enough fights to get you there before the sports festival.

Kaminari: You mentioned fighting styles, what are some good and bad ones?

Izuku: For a QMMAF fighter that's a taboo question, all fighting styles have pros and cons and most people don't understand that certain styles require a particular body build. Take sumo for instance it has one of the most extreme body build requirements. Most people think sumo moves are inefficient. They don't realize sumo wrestlers are muscle men with armor of fat. The average sumo wrestler weighs around 325 pounds. That also means the average sumo wrestler can throw around that much. Do you know what a sumo wrestlers lifeline is? It's there pinkies. They're used to grab an opponent's loincloth, and with a Yokozuna just one pinky can topple a quarter-ton sumo wrestler. The strongest throws out there might actually belong to grand sumo. Sumo is steeped in formal beauty, so it has very strict rules, this is one reason people don't consider it effective, but they don't understand the blows need a sumos weight behind them so of course if your average joe try's sumo it'll be ineffective. Boxing also gets dirt thrown it's way. There are some people who don't consider it a martial art because it's so restrictive as far as moves go, it is limited to punches, but every move is battle tested. They just work, and the jab is in several other martial arts under different names. Show wrestling is a odd one. Several of the moves are dangerous, but could you actually pull them off against an opponent in a real fight is debatable. Taekwondo is one that I personally wouldn't recommend to try and master. The reason being is you can't hardly find a school that actually teaches real taekwondo. It gets a lot of disrespect from other martial arts for becoming all about flash. Taekwondo practicers rarely fight other styles, they mainly fight each other. The problem with these fights is there point based, blows that wouldn't hurt even without pads are rewarded points. They also don't protect their heads, keeping their arms at their waist. It's turned into a poor form of self defense, when it's supposed to be a very aggressive martial arts. Though that can be said for a lot of martial arts if truth be told. If you could find someone who teaches the old true taekwondo it would be strong. A lot of taekwondo moves are powerful kicks, it actually has some science behind it. Your legs are longer so more reach, and more mass and power than your arms for bone breaking blows. That principle is invaluable to your quirk Leo, with that strong tail you could easily knock out most thugs. Which brings us to the interesting subject of how quirks effect martial arts. Quirks allow for improvements to varies martial arts, as well as bringing some to life that most people consider a myth. An example of one of those is himokiri karate. That's a style where you train your fingers to be like steel blades, the blows that are normally blunt strikes are supposed to cut. The move that's this style is supposed to specialize in is the cord cut strike. How it's supposed to work is the user throws out a unique nukite. Using the spin of the blow they burrow into the flesh, and cut an opponent's nerve. Whether that was possible in the past, golem and robot could do this thanks to their quirks. Of course they would have to forget about being a hero and become a martial arts master. It can take a lifetime to really master a martial art.

Kaminari: Um is it taboo to talk about fighting styles to a QMMAF fighter?

Izuku: Hahahaha only if you don't have all day to talk! Sorry about that, let's get started! We'll start by measuring your stamina by running track! Keep running til you can't run anymore! Then we'll find out how much weight you can lift!

Everyone: Yes sir!

Students from class 1-A

Kyoka Jiro
Momo Yaoyorozu
Mina Ashido
Ochaco Uraraka
Tsuyu Asui
Toru Hagakure
Mashirao Ojiro
Eijiro Kirishima
Koji Koda
Rikido Sato
Fumikage Tokoyami
Mezo Shoji

Students from class 1-B

Itsuka Kendo
Ibara Shiozaki
Kinoko Komori
Setsuna Tokage
Pony Tsunotori
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Nirengeki Shoda
Sen Kaibara

Author notes

Sorry for the short chapter this weeks been worse than the last. Hopefully you're all doing well, til next time bye.

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